HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-013-CC� ����� �� ����� �� ��5������ ��Arar co�a�x�. v����o�tcro�a RESOLUTION Nt3Mf3I�}.t 99-13-CC A RESOLUTION authorizing an appropriation and E'.]ijJf'Il(�ZtIII•c� c�i' fuiid:; for the following department,fund: c-��r,� nr F��e�se �'und ��001, Assessors Dept.��107 ,together wiih a bud�;ct tl�ere- iore, pursuant to RCW 36.40.i4t1. WHEREAS, it has be�n �rnught ta the atten�,ion of tl�c� I3cr�iz•d of County Commissioners of G�ant County that emf�rgency condi.tions require that an appropriatia� and exgenditure of iu�d's t�c� a��t.h- orized for the above-mention�d department/iund, togethc�r with a buc�get therefor; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 3G.40.140, Resalution No.99-5-CC was duly adopied on 1118/99 '�11(� FJLIb�1SYlf?C� in the Daily Herald ori 1/26&2/2/99 deCl:lring an emergency and stating the• facts cc�rtstituting the t�mergcnc:y .t��d � the estimated amount of fuz�ds required to meet ii. togc�ther with �i. notice of �ublic hearing, and said publie hearing was hc�lci �PIE'reai� where interested persons wer� allowed to appear and t�� i�e,iz-d; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BC�ARI? 4F COUNTY t'C)hiMIS- SIONERS O� GRANT CdUNTY, STA�'E QF WASiiINGTOIV, that an a�r�3a•o��z•iatic�ti and expenditure of funds �s her�by autharized for the fvllowing department/fund:s„rrent Ex�pense Fund ��OOl,Assessors Dept.���107 in the �otal sum of $ i��� according to th� attached bud�ei. � This resolution is in the best imterests. of �ood governrnent �• and shail take'effect immectiately upon its passage. � �oNE 4t�i5 8th � OAY 4� FPhr,�arv , ig� � I /J - %1�7g5i: �' � �+�— �1f � ' �is oi ►h� B�oard / R-3 _ Cons�itutin iha Boorc� of in�unty Comaszissionera o�(arond CounEy, Washin�ton , : RESOLUTION WORKS�3[EET R2 ` CURRENT EXPENSE FUND #001 ASSESSOR DEPT. # 107 R3 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND #001 ASSESSOR DEPT. # 107 ATTACFIMENT TO RESOLUTION 99-13-CC APPROPRIATIONS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 514.24.41.00 $ 11,250 TOTAL $ 11,250 FINANCING SOURCES ENDING FLTND BALANCE 288.00 $ 11,250 EXPLANATION TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR IJNFORESEEN EXP�NDITLTRES IN THE ASSESSOR'S DEPT. FOR COMPUTERIZED MAPPING AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF. �� � t��Fl�� G�F T�i� �►���� �i���%T� ,������{�� D�'}N McDQWALt PA. SOX 37 i`-� �� � i'�tj ��-�� EPFiR�TA> WASNiNGTC7N 98823 F�S54� �v���v �s. x��z�orH Telephone: 5fl�-7542011 c"'� ���' �P� /� d. �,-g; F�:: 5ti9-75420t 1 Exi. 325 6A�RY RACOS �-" �� '# E�:=`.i L-`'+�t."`- �ia"En � ��ritt�Ty �, 1'��� �`f�: Grant Caunty Camrrzissaoners FRC7M: I�on ?�icUowail, Grar�t Coua�ty Assessor �%%% �: Ba�dget Extensi4n for automated ma�pingJGIS system. �6,250 Bring maps up t� date. �5,��� Ar�nual maintenance fee. Qui�cy Ge�irge Mattawa cEcy Na!ESma C4utee C�ty LNIISCn SoaP CTeek lake Marii Ephrata M1.1 oses Lake Warden Raysi � crr At the present time we have a bac�log of 21 �l�} to 2500 segr�gatzar�s �r new parcels that need to be put an tc� �he camputeri�ed rnap, t}ur plans were to try to use colIege students as part time help and ht�pefizll� be caught up by mid-year 20Q0. L��e estimates it will then take I 5 tc� I 9 hc�urs a v+reei� to keep the automated mapping system up to dat� once it is cau�ht up. L�ure an�i Pam would be doing the work. Canmap has of%red to assist Grant County wit� the backlag at a one time onl� cost af t �2_50 per parcel. This amounts ta $6,250 for 2500 pareeis. We wauld prepare and ship the necessary information to them and they will do t�Ze work in aboc�t a�t�ni� at the�r o�'fice. They l�ave ar� expexienced staff and the necessary equipment az�d space to devate �o the project. After comparing what we could da and wha� they will dta this one time we dec�ded we can not �ome ciose tc� Canmap in being able to bring t�ie mappi�g system up to date bath cosi wise and tim� wise. Canmap has a1sc� c�ffered to �zve Grant Cc�unty a�naintenance contract c�� ihe AMiFM S; stem Software. Tk�is wauld cover �-Iottine iechnical support, soft��are b�zg fixes, routine so�t�rare up�rades, and software verszan upgrades. Cost would be $S,flO� per year. After due cansideration, we ihin% the county wouid be best served by th� contract at least durzna the infancy of our progr�n a.�d until we get several peo�le on staff �vho can w€�rk the pro�ram and train athers. C�ne of c�ur biggest time cc�nsumers w�ith #he mapping pragrarn is when �=e have a prablem or have somethzng new we have ncr �ne #� turn tfl for �eIp. Grc�w�th mana�ement cc�nsultanis, P�JD, Pla�ning and my appraisers are ihe biggest users of the out dated data at present. I apflla�ize for �.ot having this in my budaet but the opportunity �ras�?'t ,vazlable untii �'J�ii��� �' ry';.'�'i1S5d�..� Iate ir Decerrrber. . ... ��� C�untY, V��shi�g�sjn ���rr��� i��s� Uis� ��, � - i��r��� £Jis�. � �� [�ist. �� � �Di��. #��-�.. Dist. �3 `=--�, �7i�t. �