HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC✓ �011v'Yll�ISSIOl\iE1tS° PROCEEI�INGS Week of February 8,1999 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order ai 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Tim Snead. A�lll of the Commissioners were im attendance wiih the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read �nd approved the minutes of the preceding session �.s written. ���� `� The Commissioners signed the Employee Status Form of John E. Wallace of the SherifPs Office, and approved his salary increase to 90 percent of control salary for a�orreciion Of�cer. ;�-b � i� The Commissioners approved a request by the Juvenile Probation Department to purchase a Printmaster fingerprinting apparatus in the amount of $695.31. �°��G� The Commissioners approved a request by the Law Library ta puxchase items listed in ihe Law Library capital outlay budget in the total amount of $5,506. ����b� The Commissioners approved a request by the Juvenile Probation Bepariment for the purchase of �. ne�v cou�t recorder in the total amount of $3,270. E�,� �� The Commissioners approved a request by the Sherif�s Office to p�chase �two Kustom Trooper Radars from 1999 Law and Justice Funds, with a cost not to exceed $2200. �����,ihe Commissioners appointed Nancy Kaech to a position on the Grant County Tourism Commission. j��� C1�airman Snead was authorized �o sign approval of the Liquor License assu9nption from Fowlers Patton Park Grocery to Patton Park Fuel and Grocery LLC. ;����The Commissioners approved the request by Grani Mental Healthcare to purchase property in Grand Coulee. ����'I'he Commissione�s approved the salary increase of Laura �erens of the Cooperative E�ension Office to $2,073 per month effective February 1,1999. _�k�-��-The Commissioners recei�ed a sigryed copy of Contract No. 9863- 15707 with the Department of Social and Health ServiceslDivision of Child Support. � �� �� � � T'he scheduled Public Hearing on the CDBG Grant for the Boys and Girls Club was cancelled. ;�.;i��t-%� The Coznmissioners held a Publi� He�rring and a mption w�.s made by Commi.ssioner IVloore, secc�nded by C�m�nissianer .�Ilisan ihai Resolution Number 99-13-CC authorizing a� apprt�priatian and expendit�e of fia.nds for the Current Expense Fund #�01, Assessors Departmeni #�1Q7 in the am�unt of $11,25� be passed. The matian carried. As there was no further business ia �c�me befc�xe xhe Board �he sesszan was coniinued u�iil February 9,19�9. Febnxary �71�99 The se�szon w�s continued at 9:0� a.m. wi.th all of the �c��am.�ssioners zn a�%ndance �vith the CI�r� of the Board. The Commissioners met �vith ihe Public Works Directc�r regarding Bid Author�atians-Sagebrush Fiais-Asphalt Tank- and Tilt Trailer, B�d Award Reco:�mendatians-Vehi�l� Purchases, Budget Transfer-ER�R, Spring Clean up, �WAC Members, and Vehicle Replacement Schedules. f'���� The Commissic�ners signed the Authozizatian tc� �all fc�r B�ds on th� Sagebrush F1ats Rvad, CRP �5-3. Bids to be opened Febnzary 23,I�9� at 10:30 a.m.. i�b� i c� The Cc�mmissit�ners sig�..ed the �.uthorizatzan ta CaII for Bids on C}ne- 4f},O�O lb. Ti1t Trail�r. Bids to be op�ned February 23,19�9 at 11:1t� a.m. x��� The Cc��c�nissione�s s�gned th� Authozri.zai�c�n tt� �all fc�r B�ds c�n c�ne- 10,000 gailon Asphalt Tank w/Trailer. Bids tc� be opened February 23,19�� at I1:�0 a.m. ;��/�..The �ommissio�ers s�gned the Payr�ll �Varrants Iist #1�0908 thraugh #1(}1424 for the mon�h �f ,�anuary. ���.t.�A m�tion was made by �ommissic�ner A1lisan, seco�ded by Cammissioner Moc�re thai Reso�utic�n Numb�r 9�-14-C� relat.�g �a the traa�sfer 4� fiinds withzn the 1999 budget af the Equipment �Zental and �i.evolving Fund in the amount of $30�,�OQ be passed. Th� �aotic�n carrzed, Q�; ���� The �ommissie�ners appraved the Public �Torks Directc�r`s �r-ecc�mmendaiion z-egardang the c�nt�aci a�v�.rd for .A.utomc�biles and pic�ups. ���,�� As c�f i�is date the Board b� a�najority vote dues appr�ve for payment ihflse vouc�ers includ�d in the list filled in the Auditars Ciffice 2/8f99 in the tntal amt�unt of $310,512.23. ��� �;� � A moiic�n was made by Commissioner Moore, secan�e�. by Cammissic►ner Snead thai Resolutzc�n Number 99-IS-CC in the matter of combx�ing �c�is 103,144, and. 105, Dzvision 2 of I3esert Aire intQ two lots request�d �ry �i11�am N[zllard a.�d �alter 3epson be passed. The mo�Qn c�rrried. ���� �`� Th� Commissiflne�s set a Public Meeting for �ebruary 22,1�9� at 3:�0 p.m. regard�ng the Larry and Diane Campb�ll Re-zone Req�es�, from Agric�Iture to Heavy �ndustri�l on appro�imately 1b3,25 acres of property in Farm Units 8S and 10�, Irrigation Black 41, Calumbia B�sin Project, in a pr�rt:io� o�' Sec�iQn 21, Tc�wnshi.p 19 Nor�h, Range 29 East �+Villameite �Ierid�an. �'�"�/�The Cammissic�ners signed t�Zze Public Works I7epartment, Claims Fund, �Toucher Approval #1-1 thr�ugh #1-18� in ihe total amount of �9�3,�97.48. As the�e was nc� �her busin�ss to come befar� t�� Board the session was adjaurn�d ur�til February 1�,1999. s� `' � � � � � % � � - ATTEST; GR�T C� Y, WAS�TG'i'Ol`�T 4 � 4 ......�...,-�+w-�-^""'"`�PH..„,.....�....� � _ ,C�,�.s' �'r ; ��.- '� ` '. �1erk ��BQa.rc�� Cha:irman�: t � ��� � a� i i