HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-012-CCBOARD (�F CC�UNTY COI��[vIISSICiNERS GR:ANT COL1N"I'�, WAS�IINGTaN RESOLUTIQN �f U�VLBER �9-12-CC VT�:�E�Z.�EAS, the Ca�umbia Basin CrWMA has need af an administrative assistant io work i� the (�thello {��ce, and Vi�:[EI�.EAS, a.6 FTE �25 hc�urs a week) person cvuld be shared with �he t}th�ll4 Conservation I3istrict, and �T]�EREAS, the Columb�a �asrn Ut�MA executive board apprt�ved ihe hiring of an adm��.zstraiive assis�ant7 ,� FTE, l'�flW THEREFORE BE IT �-�ERE�� R:ESOLVED, �at the Grani Coun�ly �c�mmissioners do approve the hirzng c�f an admi.n�istraiive assisiant, .6 FTE for the Golu�rabia Basin f��V�v�A, to be shared �ith the t�thell� Canservatio� L�istrict. Dane thi� ��'� day of Febr�za�y, 1999 ATTEST: , � 1_..tl.:;#i ,�� 1_� l.,�i d t' i- : �. � BCIARD QF CC3LTl�ITY COI��tIISSIC3NERS ��.��NT CflLT Y, WAS�TGT{�I� _ �^ � ..�� 1 Chairma� � �.� ��'`�� � Franklin -� �. Columbia B�sir� � �`� GWMA �./22/99 Just a few quick notes... YC1UR �1iV'MA V'VEE�(LY GWACmeetin,g►s this past week; Budget Subcommittee and Executive Board, bath dn 1/21/99. HIGHLIGHTS • BUDGET SUBCOMMI7TEE R�COMMENDATIONS TG THE Fl1LL EXEC .�1„TiVE BOARD • Hire adminis�rative assistant to work in O�hello office with Deanna Clarkson. A.6 FI`E (25 haurs � week) to be sMar�d with Othell� Conservation District. • Proceed wi�h development of public information position as requested in proposal from �he 6 Conservation Dis�ricts » Develop a job description for full-tim� project manager Budget Subcommittee = Roger Bailie, Mikki Kison, Bab Quys, Bruce Perkins, Bi{I Wagoner, Paul Stoker. 5taff = Mark Nielsnn, Deanna Clarkson. EXECUTiVE �OARD MOTZOIVS PASS'�NG (�rom dra�� minutes) �� • Approved Tnfo/Ed plan. • Staffing, job des�riptions: ✓ Approved hiring administrative assistant, .6 FT�, Othello Office. ✓ Approved development af �ob descriptions for: 1.Project manager; M�rk Nielson will lead 2.Public information position; Dave Koller will lead ✓ SC Communicatians contract: Approved limited scope of operations �s presented by �cott (develapment and production of materials, media relations, coordination with int�rested parties}; pay hourly rate, utilize services on an on-call, as needed basis; for ane year. • All �xecutive board member� will serve on subcommittees (one for e�ch af the 4 GWMA tasks--budget/admin, characterization and monitoring, public informa�ion, research and early implement�tion) in area o�F interest. • All voting subcommit�ee members will be �ppointed GWAC members, • Characterization and monitoring subcommittee will pr�pare �imeline and farmat for release of well sampling data. (This is an informa/, quick update FYI, on yesterday's meetings The approved mfnutes will be th� o�cia/ record.) N�"XT WE�'K Environment and Re�reation GWAC, 7 to 9 p.m., ECBTD Boardroom, 55 N. 8th, Othella Urban and Rural Residential GWAC10 to Noon, City Hall Council Chambers, 500 E. Main, Othella, Wednesday, January 27, 1999 Columbia Basin Ground Water Management Area Phone (509) 488-2802 extension 108, (509) 760-2316 Conservation qffices FAX (509) 488-6080 �449 E. Cedar Othello, WA 993�44