HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCC(3N�11VYISSIUI��J�S' P��CEET�ING-S Week of January ��,1999 The CJrani �cruniy Cc�mm�ssioners session was called to arder at 9:00 a.m. by Chairma� Tim Snead. AIl c�f the �ommzssioners �vere in �itendance with the Clerl� of the Board. �;-� �c�-� The Corr�missianers approved the s�lary increa.se of Bruce �ribble of il�e Juvenile Proba�ion Departzne�t to $2,922 per inornth e�fective January 1,19�9. ����� Th� Commissioners approved the requesi by the Gran� Caunty Fairgr�unds far a salazy �ncz-ease �or I�im �V�man tt� $9.00 per haur ef�'ect�ve ���uary � ,1999. ��`�;:;`� The Commissioners app�oved the s�artiz�g sal�ry fc�r Mich�lle Jaderlund of the Auditors Q�ce at 9� pereent af base salary for th� �Toucher D�pu�y pas�tion. t�`�= {cz�,TI1� CO�IiIIll�S1011�ZS appiflV�C� ��'2� �?Li1'CII�S� O� �LVO "Air Lab" fil�e�s fc�r ihe Sherzff`s C}�ce from 1999 Law and Justice Funds. ��, ��-� A mc�tion was made by Cc�mmissioner AllisQn, sec�nded by Co�nmission�r Moore that Resolutic�n i'�tumb�r 99-2-CC m�moriai.ia�ing �'rrant Cc�un�y's concerns regarding the Drafi Envir4nmenta� Impact S�atemeni for (��ympic Pipeline C�napany's �ross Cascad� Pipeline p�aje�t be passed. The motion ca�ied. ��-�-� ���' The Cc�mmissiQ�ers signed the 1999 Law Enforcemeni Agreerr�..ent betwee� the Grant County She�iffs �ffice and �he Town of �artlzne. ������ �'he Commissis�ners apprc�ved i�e Request for Transfer of funds in the �o�pe�ative �xt�nsion Budget in tla� am�unt of $ lOfl.00, fram C)ther �ompensai�o� to M�.chx�ery & Eq�iprr��eni. ?{�I�� The C�mm�issic�ners we�e noiified by County Cle�k �enneth Kunes that e�fectzve 3anuary �,19�9 Darzael� Zundel wa.s appQinted Chief Deputy in �he Clerk's {��ce. ����;`I�ae Cc�mmissit�n��s w�re nati�ied by County Cl�rk Kez3neth Kur�.e� that e�f�ct�.ve Jan�.a�y 5,1. �99 Mindy Daley wa.s appoinied the new Deputy G�erk Supervisc�r in the CIer1�'s O,f�ice. � .;�"; � �-.The Cammisszoners appraved �he r�quest by ihe +��a;nt �ounty Assessor io shQw Linda Williams as full time Flaatzng Data Entry Clerk effecii�e Jauuary 1,] 999 at a sala�ryy of $1578 per mon�h. r�`�=� �'he Con��nissioners received signed copies af Contract 1�Tumber:EM99703E, �nendmeni D an� E with the State of Washingtan, Miliiary Depart�nent. ;� �€� The Co�missi�ners re�eived a signed Agreement vcTith Maxi�n , 'I"ec�nc�logies,Inc, fc�r prepara�an c�f a preplan fc�r ESHB 2514 �%Va�ershed Grant Funding- As there was no fi.�rther busin�ss to come be�'ore the Bc�ard tl�e session was continued utatil January 12, January 12,1999 The sess�an was contznued a� 9:00 a.m. �ith �ll of the Commisszoners in a�tendance with th� Clerk of the B�ard. The Cammissioners m�� with the Public Wc�rks Direcioz� regaz-ding the Award Recammendat�on-HausehQld Hazardous VVa�te Collection Events, Propc�sed Landfill Exiensio�, and Personnel. E�€_�' The Cc�m�nissian�rs signed the Public W�rks Claims Fund Vc�ucher Appraval #12-1 thraugh #12-1.85 in th� tQtat amou�t of $'7b7,530.86, ��{_� The �az�.missioners apprc�ved the r�cammendaiion s�f the Public �orks Dir�ctor and awarded the contract for th� Househald H�zardous Wast� Collection Evenis tQ MSE Environmental. £����The �ommissionez�s s�gned a�aproval Qf �e Employee S�a.tus Fc�rm c�f Bruce Gribbie of the Juvezvle Departme�.t fc�r a salary increase. ��!��.���` The Commiss�oners signed approval flf the Emplqyee Status Form of Dam%en �aoper of the Communi.ty Development, Lc�ng Range Pla.mning Department fc�r a salary increase. ��.r� a r;� Th� Commis�ioners signed approval of the Emplc�yee Siaha.s F�rm c�f Becky M. Purcel� of the Commun�ty L�evelc�p�nent, Curreni F'�anning Depa�meni for a salary increase. ;'��,:,� A mc�ti�n was made by Commissic�n�r 1VIc�4re, s�econded by Commissioner Allison t.h�t Resolution Number �9-3-CC rela�g tt� the abali�ian of � e�zs�ing county fund named Public Safety Sales T� Fund #118-16� be passed. The m��ion carr�ed. `~-; ���o Th� CQmmissioners approved Qut of stat� #�avel fo� G�ani C�unty PARC Advisory Board Member {�scar Qchoa to attend tl�.e annual Clzitd Abuse/Chzld Molestatzc�n Confere�ce in A.rizona. °°�t� The �Qmmissioners noiifed the Budget Directa� af the vc�te by the employees to acc�pt the offe� of a 2 percent salary increase for the � 999 year v�ith the County ta pick up the incxease in medical costs. The Coneciions Offcers did noi aceept ihe c�f.fez-. r=,���� The �omxn�ssioners no�fzed the Public V�orks Directar af t�e Public Wc�rks Depart�ents i99} Super�isory vr Non-Unic�n Salaries. ;�.�.� ���.The �ommiss7oners received signed copies t�f i1�e I�terlocal Agreement for ihe prc�vision c�f Ser�ices for Misdeynea�rflr Offenses �o�nmitted by Adults frQm the Cities of 1Vlases Lake, Maita.wa, t��sQn Creek, Quir�cy, Coulee City, Royai City, Hartlirze, George, Grand Coulee, Electric �i�y, Warden, Ephrata, Sc�ap Lake� and Krupp. ��-� E�-� The Ca��miss�oners held a�'ubl�c Meeting reg�.rding ihe Craw�"ord Jones �one Chang� Rec�uest frain. Agriculture to �-Iea� Indusi�ial. The prop�n�nt seeks ta re-�one approximat�ly 48� acres im a portion of Farm Units 145 and 14{, :Ir�igaiic�n Block 41, located in a Portion of ihe East �-Ialf of Section 35, a.z�d a Pozztzan �f �he Southwest Quarter of Sec�on 36, �'awnship 19 1�Iorth, Range 28 East ZNzl�amette Meridian. Af�er revzew c�f the record a motzon was �nade by Cc�mmissioner Allisc�n, seconded by Commass�t�ner Mo�re �hai the Planni�g Cvmmissit�n recoznm�ndatic�n for appr�va� of the zone change be upheld wi� Fandings of �'act and CQnclitio�s as propc�sed by the Planning T)epamnent to be used. The mation camied. `z.�.��� As r�fthis d�.te the Board by a majority voie daes apprave for payrx�ent �hose vouc�ers i�a.cl�ded in the l�st fiied � the Auditt�rs Office 1I8/99 in tl�e tc�tal amount of $2(�2,0�5.3�. ��#�'i�As �f this date the Board by a majority vot� do�s approve for payrnent #,�ose vfluchers incl�ded in the last �Ied in ihe Auclitc�rs Qf.�ice I111199 in the tatal amaunt �f $353,6I7.�7. As there was no fi�her business to �ome before the Board the session was adjourned until January 19,1999. BQARD C)F C(�UNT�Y C+Q��SSSOI'�ET�S ATTEST: �R:ANT � - Y, WASHINGTC�:I'� .,,,,,,,rr, � �,.�._...---w—�`'"'"'"�.w'� ,• ' d � 4 � � E✓ §!I Y� 4...�����f � Clerk �. �e BC�a� C�la�nlla�'"= ��� 1� �..._