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Week af J��uary �,1999
�'h� Grant County Commis�ioners sessian was caIled ta order by
Chairman 'I'�m Snead. All vf the Commissioners w�re in attendance
�th the C��rk a� �he Bo�rd.
The �vmmissianers read and approved the minutes of the
pre�eding �essio� as wriiten.
��-�c��� The Commissioners approved ihe purchas� af a poar�table mul�iple
�hannel recording system by the Department of �om�aunity
I}e�elopmeni in �ih� amoun� of �3,0�0.
i�=�� �� The Commissivners appr�ved the purchase vf a ph�ne s�sie� fvr
�urre�t Plannimg in the arr�ount af �4,540.
!�-b� �� The +��mmissic�ners �pproved tlae purchase of one I���vvlett
Facka�d Laser�et 4�Up pri�n#er in the amoumt c�f �1,3g1 out of the I�aw
aud Jc�snce Fund for the Sheriff s C�ff�ce.
;��� ��� C�m�caissioners �pproved the Speci�I t�ccas�on Lic�uv� License
a�pplicat�vn of Banks I,ake Gai� &�ou�n�t�y �lub.
������The Cvmmissic�ners appr�ved the salary �ncre�se of Lari J[�nze�
of the Auditors t}ffic+� ta �2,093 per �anih effective J�nu�ry 1,1999.
��r���� The C�mmissioners aprproved the requesi by the Assessor Qf�ce
for a budg�i extensic�n for aaztonaated mapp�nglGlS system.
����..The Commissio�ers reeeived a�laim fvr Damages fro� RvIanda
P�drvn,Jr, '�'he matter was referred to the Prosecut�ng t�ti�rney foz-
����.� The Commiss�c�n�rs approvec�l the reque�i by K�nnet� I�uz�es tv
have his sick and annual Ieave #rc�zen wh�Ie he is serving �s the CQunty
f����'I'he Ca�nnmissioners gave Grant County Mosq�jiio �onirai
Distr�ci #1 pe�missi�n ia aperate in the ai�rspace �ver G�a�t �+�uniy
during fhe 1999 year, wi�hin the bounda�ies of the Mcrsqui�o I�is�trric� fc��
ihe purp�se +�f rnosquito abate�neni.
�����e C�ffimissioners signed the payrall jou�rnal Warrants Iist
#IOQ122 thrt�ugh #1U07�1 far �he month +�f Decez�ber.
:,'�� a�The Co�missivners approved the 8uilding P�rmi� applica�on f€�r
�'F�., Constructivn.
As there was nv furiher business ta come before the Board the
sessio� was adj€►urned u�.iil January 5,i999.
January 5,1999
The s�ssia� wa� continued at 9:Ot} a.m. with ail af the
�ommission�rs in attendan�e wiih the Clerk of the Boarcl.
'Th� �om�issi�ners met �ith the Pubiic Works Director
regardimg �`r�periy D►escrip�ion, CRP Resolution, Road Infc�rmation.
y�,,�� �� ��hai��.a� Snead was authorized tc� sign ihe in�erg�ve�-nm�ntal
A.gr�ez�em� between the State of �V�shington, D+epariment of Sociai and
Hee�lth Services, Division of �h�Id Support,
��� ��� The Comanissioners appr�ved the salary increase of D�puiy Steve
Marti�e� crf the Sherzff s Office ta �2,992 per month effect�ve I9ec��►ber
���c�� � The Cv�nmissioners approved the request by the Treasurer for
�he sta�tang �alary �� �arrie Boyd io be 9D perceni of the s�lary for a
Depu% Tre�surer 1.
�� � s c�c�A mo�i�n was made by ��mmissioner Allisa�, se�onded by
Cc�mmiss�oner Moore ihat Resolutzon Number 99-1-C� in the matter c�f
init��ting county �oad prajects and assxgning CT�P` nu�nbers be passed.
Tbe moti�n car�ied.
��;;�� �� ; As of this date the �oa�d by a m�,�ority vote dves approve �o�
payment thase vvuchers included in th� list filed in th+e Audi��rs CJff�ce
l.2/31/98 i� �he ��tal amvunt of �82,733.26.
��� ; c� �..,As of this date the Boa�d by a maj�rity v�te d�+�s �pp�ave fvr
payar�en� those v+�uchers inciuded in the iast filed in the A�diiors (�f�ice
I14/99 �a� �be t�tal amou�t af �43,757.38,
t�s there was na iurther business to �ome befo�re the �oa�d th+�
session w�s adjourned untii January 11.,1.999.
�(�AR.I� (,1F �CIi:�N'�'Y COMMISISfJNE�2S
G�� t� , �'.A�SHINGTC�I'�
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'� � �..�°��r � .� ! Ch��rma�.,�,,�
Clerk���e �ic�a ', �
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