HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-210-CCa � �N ,� *' t�` :i ;.� 'i i' � • .. R�S�LUTION N[IMI3Elt 98-2I0-CC A RESOLUTIQN authc�rizing an appropriaition and E?X�E?12(�1tUI�Ea c�i fuaic�:� for the foli�w3ng c�epartment jfund: Current Ex�ense Fund ��OOI. Superior Court Dept.��103 ,t�gether with a bitd�;et itiere- fore, pursuant to RCW 36.40.I40. � ! �4'HEREAS, it has be�n brou�;ht to the attention of LilE� I3c>.ts•ci of County Commissioners c�f Grant Coun�ty that emf�rgency cc�ndi t ic�n5 require that an appropriation and exp�nditure �f funds k�e a�it.h- '� o� ized ior the above-nientionE?d department/fund, toget��c�i• witFi a �, �uc�get therefor; and li WHEFtEAS, pursuant to RCW 3G.40.140, Resolution No.gg_200-��' was duiy adopted on 12/2�gg ,and puhlisi�ed in ttae Daily Herald Qn 1�23&28/98 deClaring an I emergency arad statin� the� �acts constituting th� emergency <i1�d ., �� the estimated annaunt of ftands requ5.red to meet it, tog�ther with ��. notice of public he�.ring, and said public hearang cvas helci tiierc�c�ti where 3nterested persons werE' allowed to appear anc� be lleard; ��, i NO�, TFiEREFORE, nE IT RESOLVED BY T�iE BC�A��i� OF CC3UNTY t'()hiMIS= � SIONERS OF GRAI�iT COUNTY, STATE �� WA��€INGTON, that an �t�pi-c���a•i�i4.ic�s� and expenditure of iunds is her�iay autharized for t�e fol3owi�g department j iund :_ Current Expense Fund ��001, Superior Court Dept. ��103 in the total sum of $ 50,000 accordin� io the aitached budget. This resolution is in the best iaaterests o�f gc�od governn�eni - and shali iake effect immec�iateZy upon its passage. DOtdE T�liS 29th � pAY pp December , t9 9$ hTTEST: Oark oP ths �ord �—� Cons4i4utdng 8hs �o�sd of Cour�ty Commissio�ers of �ironff Couniy, Wash6ngtors � .. RESOLUTION WORKSI�EET R2 CU1�R:E�TT EXPB�TSE FUNI? #OQl SUI'ERIClR COURT DEPT. #1Q3 R3 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND #001 SUl'ERIOR COURT DEPT. #103 ATTACHIYTENT TO RESOLUTION 98-210—CC APPROPRIATIONS: --PROGRAM # 143 G.A.L. IATTORN-ETY 51221.41.21 OTIiER MISC.PROF. SERVIGES 512.21.4199 PRO7ECT # 002 -7iJRY MILEAGE 522.21.43.03 JL?R�' FEES 512.21 _49.15 PR{JJECT # 008 -COURT INTERPRETORS EXTRA HELP 512.21.1?.Ql PROJECT #413-WI'T�ESSES TRAVEL 5122 ] .43.00 TC?TAL FINANCING SOURCES ENDING FLJIVD BALANGE Zss.oa $ 700 $ 32,500 $ 5,700 $ b,300 � 840 $ 4,000 � SQ,000 $ 50,000 EXPLA i'�TATION TO APPRQPRIATE FUNI7S �'OR LTN�'t3RESEEN EXPE�IUI'TtJRES IN TI�E SUPERIQR COURT D' OF T�-IE C'IT[2.RENT EXPENSE FUND