HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-211-CCGRANT COUNTY OFFiCE OF BOARD OF �COUNTY COMMISSIONERS i'OST OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA. WASHINGTON 98823 (5091 754-2011 BOARD OF COUNTY COMAiIISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHIlOTGTON IN THE MATTER OF DENYIlVG TFiE � Resolution # 98-211-cc REZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL ONE TO RESIDENTIAL TWO IN A PORTION OF SECTIONS 4& 5, TOWNSHIP 19 N., RANGE 28 E., W. M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESO]LUTION DENYIlVG A ZONE CHANGE FROM RESIDENTIAL ONE TO RESIDENTIAL TWO HOUSING AUTHORITY OF MOSES LAKE WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant Counry have been advised by the Grant Counry Planning Commission that a public hearing was conducted on December Z, 1998 on the matter of changing the zoning f�om "R 1(Residential One)" to "R-2 (Residential Two)" on property appro�mately 2.7 acres in size located in a portion of Secrions 4 and 5, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, VV.M., Gra�zt County, Washington, and; WHEREAS, the Board of Counry Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant Counry Planning Department that thP Grant Counry Planning Commission made a recommendation to deny said matter, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County having received a copy of the verbatim transcript of the Open Re�cord Planning Commission �.iblic Hearing and application materials, have given notice this �natter would be considered at a closed record public meeting on December 28 and 29, 1998, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commis�ioners of Grant Counry have made a decision to deny the rezone request from Residential One to Residential Two, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commis�ioners have found that the proposal is not consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive P�an and surrounding uses, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commis5ioners have found that the proponent has not presented sufficient evidence that there is sufficient need in the area for the types of uses allowed in the proposed zone classification, and; Page 2 of 3 IN THE MATTER UF CHANGING THE Z�IVING FROM RESTDENTiAL ONE T(� RESIDENTIAL T�Vt:� IN A PORTIC}N OF S�CTI4NS 4& 5, TQ�7VNSI-�' 19 N., RANGE 28 E.W.M., G�T COUNTY, WASHINGT4N WHEREAS, the Board of Cc�unty Commissiflners have faund that the p�c�ponent has not presented sufficient evidence that changed circumstances in the area af the subject property warrant a rezone of the property. NC}W, THEREF4RE, BE IT RESC}L�ET1, that the Baard of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington da by this resolution deny the zone change request from Residential4ne to Residentiai Two on the following described �roperty. Legal Descriptian: Lots l, 2, 3, 4, S, 417, 419, 420 and 421, Larson Subdiv�szon located in a portzo� of Sectioa�,s 4 and 5, Townsiup 19 North, Range 28 Ea�t, Willamette Merid'zan and a portzor� af Sectians 32 and 33, Townsh�p 20 North, Rang� 28 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant Coun�.y, Washington. Done this 29�h � day of D�cemt�er;1998 � LeR Allison, Chairman � � ATTEST: ` , � . r � � ���- Pegg;� gg, Clerk ,� the Baard Tiru Snead, Cc�mmissioner � ; � r,. �' ��.--' ' /��? � �= '�� Helen Fancher, Comrnissic�ner Constituting the Board c�f �aunty Commissioners of Grant County, �VaShington.