HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� � � t�t i; ., � �. < � �.. � �t; The �rant Coun�y +Commisszoners sessi�n was called to c�rd�r at I 1:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy �. A[llisc�n. A11 of the Cc�mmission�rs were in attenda�ace wi.tb ihe Clerk di the Board. ihe Cc��vnissic��ers read and approved the minuies of the precedzng sessic��. as written. `�,�='�`' �� The Cc�nun�ssianers rec�ived the resignaiion c�f Doroihy Black as Chzef Depu�y of the �z-ant Couniy Clerks D�pariment effeciive D�ce�nber 31,1998. Chairman A11�son was authorized ic� sign her I'�c�tie� of Separa�ion. ;,��;��- The CQmmiss�oners �pproved the requ�si by Rich FI�r3igan for the purchase of a�irewall from Spakane C�mpuiex, �c. � t� �� The Co�issioners signed an Agreemea�t for preparatian o�` a preplan for ESI�B 2514 ��iershed Grant iunding wi�h 1Vlaxim Technalogies, Inc. _.<��-�� The �om�issioners h�ld a Public Meeting xegarding the ,�t�ne �hange ' fram Reside�tial One to Res�de�tial Two o� a p�rcel appraximately 2.7 acr�s in size requesied by the I-�ousi�g Autht�rity c�f Grani County. The mai�er was contznued until December 29,1998 at 1;30 p.m. Co�missioners sp�n% th� re�ai�.de� af the day wQrktng o� ihe 1999 budgei. As there was na furthe�- business tc� come before the Boar� the sessic�n was cont�z�ued u-�ii1 �ecember 2�. December 29,1998 The sess�on was continued at 9:�0 a.m. with a1I c�f the Com:t�iss�aners in aitendance u�iih the �lerk of ihe Board. ��-�'�� A mo�io�. was ma.d� by Cammissi�ner Fanch�r, seconded by ��m.�iss�oner Snead that Res�Iutaon I`Tumber 98-2�8-C� advpting ihe budget �ar 1999 be passed. The naotzon carrieri. ��� �� T�ie �a�nz�%ssioners met wiih the Public Wc�r1�s Directc�r regarding the Pub�l�� IIearing tc� amend the 6 y�ar road program. A moiion was made b� Co�missioner Fa.n.c�er, secvnded by Cc�mmissioner Snead that Resalution Number 98-20�-CC in ihe ma�ter of amendin�; the cvm�re�xensive sxx year transpc��tatia� ir�provem�ent program be passed. The motion carrzed. _��, �� T'he Cammissiomers ��prc�ved the request �y ihe Grani County Vete�ans Service �ent�r for the amount o£ $1,0{�� f�� the World War II Me�ao�ia� Fund. i�.���G i�' As of this c�ate the Board by a majc�rity vc�te dt�es approve �c�r payn�ent �tllaose vouch�rs included in the Iist �Ied in �he Auditt�rs C1ffic� 12I29/98 in t�e to�a.1 a�a�rt of $'10�,7�8.�1. ��'� 7�A motion was �nade by Commissi�oner A�Iison, seconded by Comznisszoner Fancher to appoint Commissior�er Snead as Chair�an for the 1999 year. The motiQn ca�ied. ��-'���'� A continuat�on o� tl�e Pi�blic Meeting on ihe I�ousing Aui�aority of Grani �ounty Zone Change Request vc�as he1d. A�aotion was made by Com�ni.ss�oner Fanc�er, seconded by Cor�nmissionex .Allison that the Pla�ning �om�ission denial o� the request should be upheld. The moti�n carried. F�ndi�g of fac� prt�posed by the Plar�n�ng Departme�t to be used. ;��,� �'�'he Commissioners ia�creased the mileage ra�e %0 31.5 which is the same raie the Staie Qf Washington uses. ��L�c���A de�isian was made regarding 1999 salar�r incre�.ses for a11 Elecied (�fficials, I�epartmeni Heads and oiher persons nc�t un�er barg�.i��ng �niis. The increase wi11 be 2 perce�i salary increase effective January 1,1999 and �he County wi11 cQntinue to pay fhe medical in�reases. �:� �z �� The Com�aissio��rs signed the Public rJVorks Claims F�nd Vo�zc�er Approv�.l #12-1 �hraug� #12-2 in the total amo�nt of $20,�62.35. r�����A �'ublic �-Ieari�g was held and a motion was made by Co�n�nissioner Snead, s.,cond.ed by Cammissio�er Fancher ih�.t Resoiution Nui�aber 98-210- C� authorizing aa� appropriation �.nd expendiltuure of funds for the �urrent Expense Fund #001, Superior Co�rt Depa�ent #103 �n the amount of $50,�00 be passed. The mc�iion carried. ;�.iL��`�,�A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Comrnissianer Allison that Resoluiion Number 98-211-CC denying the rezoning from Residential Cin� to Residen�ial Two in a portrion of 5ections 4 � 5, Township 19 N., Range 28 �., 'V4�.IVI. reguested by the �Iousing Auiharitg� of Mc�ses Lake be �assed. The mc�iion carried. As �here was no furth�r b�siness to come b�fore �he Board ihe session was adjourned until January 4,1999. ♦ : � I, � .�,.- �A L �J � t��' ` i!« r� Ct i'! ! i 1 :t ! :'� � x . . � � y . , F� � ( /�. ��r'' '" ' %� �f!����r is' 1. �` � � �...-���`w��A �