HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCtr� CCi1VI�ISSI�,i�IE�25` PRtJCEEi�INGS VYeek �f I3ece�be� 21,1998 Th� Crrant Cc�unty Commrssione�s session was called tfl flrder ai 9:04 a.m. by Chairman LeRQy �. Aiiisan. All of the �omm�issic�ners w�re in atiendance with ihe Clerk of the Bt�ard. T�Zz� Commzssiane�s read and approved t�►e minutes Qf ihe preced�g session as wri�ten. '���� `��" �'The Cc�mmissioners approved t�e r�c�uest by ihe Juveni�e Department to a1lc�vv Carr�1 Stockdale to go nn 1eav� withQui pay when her medicalleav� r�ns ��t. �����-� The Com�nisszoners approved ihe salary incr�ase af Leslie (Jverman of the Sheriff s C��fi.ce io $2,321 per month. i�z::,��`�� The Cc�mmisszc�ners approved th� rec�uesi far Transfer af Fur�ds i� the Superaor Court Departmeni #lE}3 in ihe amaun� of $�,000. t�;-��.#�`�=�Chai�an A.tliso� was auihorized to sign the Notice of Separaiion or �ork In�err�pt�on of �s�sel Alfons4 Ra�os af the Tuve�le Depart�e�t. ��'��'�-� The C�mm�ssianers app�ov�d the appointme�t of Thomas �'rriggs as G-rant-Adams Coun#y Regianal Exiensian Fc�rage �Educaior e�fe�tive January 1,1999. ��=C��`�-� The �ommissioners approved the request by Peggy Grigg ta carry c�ver an addii�onal 4 days, and 4 hours above the �5 days allowed annuai leave iaxne u��l � 99�. €c�,�,��;:� Chairman .A,lilison was auiharized to sign �he agreez�aent for siaie adminis%-ation a.nd collect�c�n c�f the Ioca.l saies tax that wi1l b� cc�Ilected effec#ive Tanuary i,19�9. ��=!���: � The Co�issioners apprc�ved the request far �ransfer c�f funds in tl�e Prosecutor's C)f�ce in the am.ount of $�,t�00. �^..�r�,� ;�i�e Com�n�ssic��ers signed Ferry County Resalution No. 98-47 wh�ch was a Five Cc�u�.ty Joint Res�lution in the mattez- of the appQintinent o�' t�usiee Lynn Beltz �o the North Centr�.l Regional Library Boazd of Trustees. ���;� A znotion vvas mad� by �ommissionex Fancher, seconded by �a�mrssianer Snead thai Resolution hTumber �8-2Q0-�CC se�ting a Public �earing for December 29,1998 at �:40 p.m. relating to the facts requ�ring an appra�ri�tion and expenditure Qf fi�nds for the Current Expense Fund #(301, Superior Cou� :Dega.rtment �103 in tlae az�ouni of $�,040 b� passed. The matic�n carried. ��..�-��� y`- As o�this date the �oard by a ma�ority vote does apprave ft�r payment those vouchers filed in the Auditars {Jf�ice 12121/9� in the toial amount Qf $464,760.OI . F��� �Chairman A1lisvn was authorized ta sign th� Applicai�on for Camr�r�nity Litter Clean�.p P�ogram Funds. �,�; �;�� Chairma� A�lisan uras autho�ized tt� sign the �ou�zty Co�zmiss�c�ners ,, C?rder a� t�e Application for re-sale c�f Tax Tit�e prc�periy request by G�rdon A. (3a11agher. The Co�nrnissioners spen� �he �emainder of the da.y warki�zg on the 19�� budget. As �laere was no f.i�rthe� busines� i� co�ne before ��ie Board the sess�on was c�ntinued un�ii Dec�mber 22,1�98, �3ec�mbe� 22,199$ The sessi�� was con�inued at 9:00 �..m. vvith a�l �f the �c�u�missioners in at�er�dan�e w�th ihe Cle�� af ihe ��axd. T�e �c�mrr��ssion�rs met �zth t�e P�b1ic Works D�rectc��- regarding Res�Iution-�.,oad Resirictians, Budgets-Additiona� Vebicles, Sheriff s Vehicle Requ�st, Land �3escrip�ons. ,���.�;,� ; The Cc�mmissione�s held a bzd opening rega�ding househQid hazardous waste. The bids were referred tQ the P�b1ic Wc�r1�s I3eparim�nt fc�� their revi�w and recomm�ndation. ,��f� �� �� The �om:mzssioners approved the sa�ary i�crease af ��ry JQ Ffsk of the Sherif�"'s {��ce to $2,1 �� eff'ective �c�vember 1,� 998. ���� ��' The Commissioners a.pproved the starti�g salary of Kyle C�x c�� the 5heri�s {��ce as a Correctio� �3fficer. ��%�"� i�-� Th� Ca�nmi�sioners approved the salary �ncreas� af �eputy Caurtney }�flnkl�n of the Sher1�'s C}�ce io �3,175 per zno�th effeciive January 1,�9�9. _�..c��� � A m�iic�n was made by �OLilll2.ISS1012�;T S�ead, secanded by Commissioner Fancher ih�.t R�so��t�t�n l�un�b�r 98-2f1�.-�C in the ma�ter a� load resir�ciiflns on �rant �ou�t� �oads be passed. The moizon �arried. �,�� ��--The Co�ssioners signed �he 1999 iaw enfarcement ag�eement between ihe Grani Caunty Sheriff s C?�ce and ihe Tc�wwr� of Mar�in. ���.���� - A Pub��c H�aring was he�d and a mc�tion was �ade by �o�mzsszonez� Fanche�, seco�de� by ��mmissianer S�ead that Resolut�a� �Turn.ber 98-2{��- CC aaz�har�zz�ig a� a.pprc�priatian a�d e�aenditur� �f funds in the C�z-e�i Expense Fund #�}� �, Varzous D�par�ents in t�he amc�unt of $� 1�,�00 be passed. '�he �otic�n eaz-r7ied. °���.� ��=r A Public �Ie�,ring was held a�d a mv�c�n was made by �c�m�nissio�er Fancher, s�co�ded by Cc�mmissi�ner Snead that Rescal�iic�� Nu��ber 98-203- CC auihorizing an appro�rzaiion and expenditure flf �'un�s �n ihe Prasecutc�rs C�ime Vzc-�m �t�mpensation Fund #12U, Department #162 in the �mc�unt of $8�4 be passed. Tb..e motzc�n carried. ��-�-��� A Pubiic J_Kearing was he�d and a motian w�.s �nade by Ca�nmissiQner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resol�t�on Number �8-204- CC authorizzng an apprc�przatian and e�penditure of funds zn i�e Emergency Services F�nd #1�2, Depart�e�t #144 in the amc��nt o�' $2,6�(} be passed. Th� mt��ion c�rrrzed. ��.� �g� �, A motzQn was made by Com€�issioner Fa�r�..cher, secc�nded by �c�rr�amissianer Snead that Resolution Number 9�-205-�� re�a�ing tc� the transfer af funds withi� the 1998 budget of the Sh�rif� De�artmen� ##114 �nd th� Jail Department #1 � S in tl�e G�rrent Expense F�� �O�I i� i�e amaunt c�f �15,00� be p�.ss�d. The Tnc�iit�n c�rried. ����, � A mo�on w�s �ade by Commissianer Sneaci, seconded b� Comz�issioner �'anchez that R.esc�lution Number 98-206-CC se�iing th� curz-ent expense levy rate far 1.999 at 3.Q085 be pa�se�.. T'he mQ�it�n ca�ried. ?����' .� motzc�n was made by Cc�mmissianer Snead, s�c�nde� by �ammzssiQ�ex Fa.nch�r that Resolutio� RTumber �8-20'7-�� se�ting th� County Road levy �'Qr 1999 at 1.(3085 be passed. The moiz�� can�i�d. ��.���° The C��m3ssioners spe�i tb.e remainder �f the day working o� the 19�� budgets. As ihere w�.s �o �ur�her business to co�e bef�re the Baard the sessian u�as �oniinued unti� Dece�ber 23,1998. Dece�nber 23,1998 The sess�on was cnntinued at 1�:�4 a.m. wzth all c�f the Commiss�c��ers i� at�end��ee with the �Ierk c�f th� B�ard. $�,��� The Co�nrnzssic�ners spent the mc�rning worki�� on the 1999 budge�. As the�e was n� fizrther busi�ess to com� befo�e the Board th� sessio� uras a�jaur�ed u��il December 2�,1998. AT'T�ST. � �.,�"_ � �.s�'� �lerk a�' e Board ',�. `� i i f ; 1 - �� • - .. � , ,�. _-���...��. lG�.11�./'.�:..�► r • ' �^ `�<' / 1.'�/�.v.s � _����"ti.c ..i