HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-198-CCBaARD OF Gt7UN�`Y CC}MlV�ISSIQIUERS Grant Caunty, Washington ! ,✓ r . R�solution No. ����e coUN��- �µ 4H4 'Q.Q� OF i4$NiH�tQ� �s-���-cc A RESflLllTION relating to #he trarrsfer of fiunds wifhin �he 19 98 bud�et of the EQUIPMENT RENTAL & REV4LVfNG FUND WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention c�f the Board of Grant County Commissioners that it is necessary to transfer funds in the curren� budge# of the above named County departmenf in the amount and accounts enumerated below; and WNEREAS, there is no expenditure of funds nat previously b�adgeted but a transfer pursuant fio R.C.W. 36.40.1 DO and Coun�ly and S#ate auditing procedures; N01N, THEREFC}RE BE }T RESC}LVED BY THE BCJARD C}F GOUNTY COMMiSSIONERS C}F GRANT CUUNTY, STATE (7F WASNiNGTUN, that the foilowing transfers within the current budget are hereby made: 9998 BUDGET UF EG2UlPMENT RENTAL AND R�Vt�LVING FUND #510 �• _ . . �: .: �� Account No, 508 .20 , 0� AMOUNT �. ���r 52 �40 T�J Rccount No. 548.91 . 4Cl Accc�unt No. 594 .40. 00 This resalutian is in the best interest of goad g�vemment and shall take e€f�ct immediateiy upon its pass�ge. DC}NE THIS ���, DAY C?F December , 19,9s . /� � � f �oy Allrson, Ghairman �TTESi': `�..�.�''��� ��� ��n � ��` rk o�'the �' J`rd �f�,,;T-- Neien Fancher � � �v' ,�-- 8 Tim Snead Gonsfittuttsng the Bc�ard of Ct�unty Commissioners �f Grant Counfy, Washingtan