HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-189-CC (002)BCIARD C}F COUNTY C(3MMISSifJN�RS Grani County, Washington 1N THE �vIATTER 4F RELINQUISHiNG � COtTNTY" ROAD RIGHT-CJF-WAY Resolution N�. 98-189-CC WHEREAS, the Board has r�ceived a request to exc�iang� a p�rtion of right-of-way within the F'lat of Sand Castie Estates Nc�. l, Phase 1 for a portion of County Road Right-of-Way previously dedicated within the Plat of Peiican �'aint, Addition #5, described as foilows: THAT PORTIf7N OF THE EAST HALF t�F THE NOR�'HWEST QUARTER OF SECTIOI�i 3, TOWNSHIP 18 NC�RTH, RANGE 28 EAST, W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DESCRIBBD AS BEGINNINGAT THE SOUTHWESTC4RNER 4F LC?T #3, PEZICAN POINT, ADDITIQN #5, RECt7RDED IN BOC3K iS, OP PLATS, PAGE 25, RECORDS OF GRANT C�UNT4', t�,jASHINGTON; THENCE S4UTH 3I °02'I3"�EST, 97.98 FEBT; THENCENORTH 58 °57`47" WEST, 21.$D PEBT, TO A I'OINT ON A. CUR'�E Ti-iE CENTER QF WHICH BEARS NC)RTH 34 °40'09" WEST; THEI�TCE NORTHERLY FOLL()WING SAID CURVE HAVtAiG A CENTRAL ANGEL C7F 23 °3I`14" Ah1D A RADIUS OF 246.23 FEET, IOI.08 FEET, TO THE TRLTB POINT OF BEGINNING; CC7NTAlNING 72I.61 SQUARB FEET 4R O.Q17 ACRES 1VIOR.E OR LESS. WHEI2EAS, the abave described right-af-way will no longer be necessary when the Plat af Sand �astle Estates No. l, Phase i is recorded, �rhich pravides a 6Q' raad rzght-of-�ay accessing the adjacent properties, and 'V4�HEREAS, relinquishment of ihe above referenced right-of-way is in the best interesi af the public. lOT4�V THEREFCiRE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board �iereby relinquishes the Public's interest in tt�e above referencec� right-of-way upon recording o�the Plat of Sand Castie Estates Na. l, Phase 1. DC7NE THIS Sth DA� OP December , 1998 ' \�_� .t� �.�.1._.,!..:. . �, - i - :• LeRoy Allison, Chair�nan .-�G%'� �=�d'd�.cG��'�/ e'.��1 Helen Fancher � � � � �� � . � � � �' Ti� Snead Constituting the Board of County Cammissioners of Grant County, Washingtan