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Resolution 98-188-CC
µ;� 'i, %;.� .��.� ,iljr,"� �i x � ;. �. '. '.:'.r� „i!. ... _ �; �. �-"..' � � . . �' - �� � � r � � A i�ESOLUTI01� r�la�irag ��r �h� estab�.ishme�t o� a�ew fu�ad.%department �� �� ��E'•d ]Zomestic V�_�lence Services Fund ��128, Dept. ��170 �it���A.S ,�.t �.�.s been call�ed to �t%.� atten�ion oi �h� �oard of C�ran� Counfiy Ga�mi.s�i�n�rs �t�at a nec� fu�.d/�epar��a��,t s�s�uld b� es�ablish�d as set �ort&� her��.nabove; ar�d W�ER�AS ,�he es�ablislv��r�� nf said �und/depar�r�ent may be accomplished �i�t�ics�at a public ��a.ring pu�suant �o stat� and cc�u�ty budget Ia�s; �i4�,T, �H��.EFORE, BE IT RESt?L�D BY TI� BOA�D �F C�L3NiY �ON�IZS- SI(�NERS C1F �RA.:i�TT'� GOID��'Y, iTA'�E QF �ASH�I�GTC?N, �ha� �he fc�lic�win� �ur�djd�par�m�n� �s hereby �reated and �stabli.shed. Domestic Violence Services Fund ��128,Dep�.��170 , an. � e ra�t aur�ty u�tor an ra�t a�s�,ty Treasurer are ere y dir�cted tr� establish s�ici fundirdegar�en� in �heir resp�ctive aff �ces . Th�s r�solutie�n is in �he best �nterests o� gc�od ��ve��ent �nc� st�a�I. take effect ir�medi��ely. [3t3�dE TtitS �Oth DAY O� November , y9_ ATT�ST: C Clark oi fhe Soard .ti,�. , .._.._.�.._ .«...... ConsiEtu4ing t$re 6oc�rd af Caun#� ��mrsaissiQn�rs cef Gr�n# Caunty, Washie�gtc�n