HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCt)IY�MISSIaI�]�RS' PROC�EI�INGS ��e�k of l��vember 2�,1�98 The Gra.nt Couniy Commiss�aners sessic�n wa.s cailed tc� orde� ai 9:(}0 a.m. by �hairman LeRoy �. Allisc��. All of th� Camm�ssioners were i� a�endance with ihe Clerk ca� the Bc�ard. The Cc���issianers read and appraved the minutes of ihe preceding sess�an as u�itten. ��� � f� The CommissiQne�s app�-oved out of Siate �r�ve1 �or S�arc�n Kiehn ta atte�d �e �aii�nal Council for Comm�.n�ty Behavioral :E-�ealtbcare in A.tlanta, C'reo�`�.a. ������ The �c�mmissic�ners� appainted June �ee to a fi�h�r 3 year terzn c�n the Gra�t Co�nnty Mental �-Iea�th and I7ev�lop�nenial I7�sabiiities Advi�ory Ba�rd. ���' ��� The CommissiQne�s received a fu11y szgned eonfract fa�- Grant County's �'Ianr�ing-C�nly Ct�mmu�it� Developmeni Block G�ani in ihe aznouz�� of �24,000�. .�s t�ere was no fiarthe� busi�ess to ct�me befo�e �h� Bc�ard the sessic�n was �o�.t�.�ed until Navember 24,1498. November 24,1998 The session was continued at 9:�Q a.m. with alI c�f tl�e Co�n�nissioners in a�tendance with the C1erk of the Board. €�� y�� T�e �ammissioners appointed Rich Flanigan to a position as tbe temporary �irectar of Info�natian Sys��ms Networking and �Iardware. Salary ta be 9� percer�t af ihe current DP I)a�a Anal�si salary �nii� fi�rther r�view by the CQmm�ssic�ners. ���9�� A Pub��c �Iea�ing was iaeid and a mc�iic�n was made by Comm��s�oner Fancher, secc�n�ed by Commissioner Snead that Resalut�an �1"umber 98-184- CC au�orizing a� approp�ation and expenditure of fi�.nds for the E�nployee Bene�i �und #544, Department #183 in the amou�nt af $17I,004 be pass�d. The mo��on car� ied. �`�� ���;.T1I�e Commzssion�rs signed the Fublic VVarks Payroll Jour�al far ihe month of No�e�nber in i1�e iata� amount of $2�8,229.11. ;.����'-� ,�4.s c�f th�..s daie the Bc�ard by a majc�rity vote do�s a.pprove fr�r payrne�t fi.�os� vouehers zncluded in the 1�st f-zled in the Audit�rs C��ce 11/23/98 in ih� total amount of $b5�,32t1.7fi. g�� `�°��,A moti€�n was made by Commzssioner Fa�cher, sec�nded by Corr��issian�r Snead ihat ��solution Number �8-181-�C in th� ma�ter of establishing the ef�ective date of saiaries an:d benefits for barga�ni��g e��Ic�ye�s b� passed, The �aoii�n ca.rried. ������ A mc�tian was made �Sy CQmmissioner Snead, seconded by Com�xsissic�ner Fancher ih�.� R.e�olution N�smber 98-182-CC set�ing a Public Hearing for i�e�ember 7,1998 at 1:30 p.m. regarding the preli�nary budget Q� Grant C�unty be passed. The mc�t�c�� carried. �:� �' �� � A motion was made �y Commissio�er Snead, s�conded by Camm�ssit�ner Fancl�er th�,� Resolu��on Nu�ber 98-� 83-C� setting a P�.l�lic �earing ft��- I`�Tovember 34,1998 at 1.:3U p.m. relaiing to ihe facts requiring a� apprapria%o� a�d e�pendzt�re of funds for the Law Library Fund �I10, l�e�aartznent #152 in the am�u�.t of $�,000 be passed. 'I%e mcation carried. t����'��e �or�missicrmers s�t a Public Meet�.g far December 8,1998 at 1:30 p.m. regarding the Fren�h�nan Estates Preliza�inary Plat request t� create �. 281at subdivis�o� c�n apprc�xirr�at�ly 80 acr�s i� the C?pen Space Re�reaiio�a� �ane requested by Paul Verhey, Iocated in a portion �f Sect�on 13, Tc�wnsbip 1'7 �Ior�h, R�nge 27 East, W.M. ���` t 7� As t�f this daie the Bc�ard by a majority �c�te does approve fc�r payment th�se vouchers inc��ded iaa the list filed ia� th� Audz�ars t��ce 11/�6/�8 in the total a��uz�t of $'704,55�.�7. As ihere �vas �o f�rther business to cflme before the Bc�ard �he s�ssio� w�s adjc�c�.rn�d uniil I�Tavember 23,19�8. BOAI�U �F C4UNT�' Ca��MISSI(�1�TERS .AT'I`EST: GR:AN�' CC}U�TY, V�ASHIl�TGTON t � r 'Clei'�C e �C}a.r' � all�a .�...._._._..._� , � �� �