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Week vf November 16,199�
Th� ��a�i County Comm�ssianers sessian wa.s called tc� c�rder a� 9:40
a,m. by Chairmman �.eRoy C. Allison. All of ihe Com.missioners were in
atte�dance vvi�h the Clerk of the Board.
�"he Comznissioners read and approved the �ninuies c�f the precedzng
sessi�� as w��tten.
,R �� ���. The Camrn.i ssiane�s �pproved o�.i of State travel fc�r Deputy F�anl�
DeTro�io tc� travel �c� Ncvada fo� an ex�radition.
I.�,�`��� Chairma.� Allisvn was authorized to sign the Notice of Separatic�� ar
�Vr�rk Intem�.ption oz Keisha R�ff of the Dis�ric� C�ur� Depa�-tment effec�ve
Nc�ver�ber 1 �,1998.
� 3��� � c� The Com�issioners app�roved �he salary of L��da J. �illiams of %he
Assessars t�ffzce at 8� perceni ofthe salary for a Floa�ing Daia E�fi.ryy Clerk.
������ i Th� Cc�mmissic�ners approved the r�quest by the Law Library for a
b�dg�t exiension in the appro�mate a�aQunt o� $'7,�00.
#���� � A mQt�an was made by C�mmzssioner Fancher, s�cc��ded by
Ccrmmiss�oner Snead that R.esaiu�ia� Number 98-1�'9-�C rela�ng ic� the
es�abi�sbment af a n�w fundldepa�-tment to be na�ed Public Safety Sales
'�'ax �'und3 #i �8, Departmeni �#1�0 be gasse�. The mQtion carried.
�s there was no fi��-ther business i�a cc�me bef�re ihe Board ihe sesszan
was co�tinued unt� 1�Iovember 17,1998.
�Tovember 17,1998
The ses�ion was co�i;inued at �:00 a.m. wi�z all of the Co�nmxssic�ners
were i� at�endanc� w��h th� C1erk crf the Board.
"The Com�issioners met �vzth �e Public Wor�s Direct�r rega�ding
Bid Auth�rr�zatic�n-�:E�rW Colleci�on Even�s, City/Ct�unty Agr���ment-Bridge
No. 3�5,'K' l��W, Equip�ent �"urchases.
; �j � � �� Th� �ommissxoners s�gned the Autht�r�zatio� �o �a1I �or bzds for 4
ane da� Hc�usehc�ld �azardaus Waste �Qllec�ion �venis. Bid opening to be
he�d Dece�nber 22,19g8 at 10:3(} a.�z.
�;� � j'� � Chair�an .Allisan �as author�zed to sign th� Shoreline M�nage�e�i
P�rmit for John Br�s�o1.
l,� �;��'I .A x���i4� v�as made by �c�mmissfaner Fancher, seconded by
�ommissianer Snead that Resc�lution Numbex 98-180-CC i� the maitex c�f
establishi�xg the eff�c�ive daie af salaries an�. be��fits for nt�n-bargazning
em�ployees be ��ssed. The moiion carr�ed.