HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-178-CCGRANT GQLINTY BQARD O� CC?l�rIIVIISSIQN�RS Grant Caun9,y, Washin�tan ORDINANCE NCJ. 9�8-178-CC RESOLUTIt�JN I�3C3. 9�8-�-��-CC AN tJRDINANC;E AMEND�NG CHAPTER 1.4.0� GF T`I-�E GRANT CtJUNTY CQDE TO CC�I�FOIZM Tt.� �'� 199� EDITICINS Ok' TH�, I;�NIFORM: BUTI,DiI�TC'r C{)DE, FIRE CC�D�, MECNANiCAL CODE, ABAT�MENT OF DANGEROUS BC:TII.,DINGS CC3DE, PLUM[�ING CCJDE �R1D MECI-IANICAL COI�E; ADI�ING A PENI�LTY FG1R VI(�LATON QF I3IlZECT 4RDER taF BUII,DING (JF�'ICI�,L, FIl2E Mit�RSFIAI�, ANI� 4TI-�R MATTER.S PR(JPI ;RLY R�;L�iTING TH�,�`R�,TO. Section 1 Grant County Code 14.04.030 "AD(JPTICIN BY REFERENCE," adc�pted by Grant County QrdinancelResalution No. 9-b-�.59-CC, an or about November 25 , i99•6, is �mended to read as follows: � 14a04.030 ADCiPTION �Y ItETERENC� There is hereby adapted by the F3oard oF County Commissioners of Grant County, Was�in��-Con, in coilfornaance with the Sta,te Buildin� Code Act, the fallowing state codes includin�su�►piements and amendnser�ts: the Unifr,rm Building Code, Voluxnes 1, 2, 3, 19947 edition (UB�}, �c'"� ��ri���� µ µ;���,��',���� ���; an� the fallo�in�; i.1�� ��i��lidie�s lis�ed by chapter and title (Ap�endix �hapter 3, Divisian I, Detention and Corrcction �acilities; Division II, Agricultural Buildin�;s, and Division IV, Group R Division 4 Occupancics, Chapter 4, Division Il, Aviatinn Control Tawers, �� Chapter 29, Minimurn Plumbin�; Fixtures) and Cha�ter 33; the Uniform Fire Cod�, 19947 edition (LJFC); the Uniform Mechanical Cad� ar�d I�elated Stand�rds, 1�g47 edition; and Unifcrrm Code far Ab�temer�t of Dangerous Buildings, 19947 edition; the Uniform Plr,unbing Cod� at�d Related Standards, 199�7 editian, including supplements and amendments and incltiding all the Installation Standards and includin�; al� the Appendices, �xcept Appendices C., E., and I,, anc� Chapters 29G-150�C 296-15QF and 296-150M of the Washington Administrative Code, and adQption of certain appe�dices and amendm�nts and local amendments to the subject state codes as hereinaf'ter p�ovided in this chapter, � the code of th� Couttty oi` Grani for regulating th� erectian, construction, enlar�ement, alteratiQn, repair, mc�ving, removal, delnolition, conversian, occupancy, equipment, use, hei�ht, are�, and maintenance of a11 buildings ar structures in the County of Grant; praviding for ihe issuance of p�nnits and collectiQn of fees thercfor; and �ach and all c�f the regulaiions, �rovisions, conclitions and terrns of such codes which are on �le in the office of Czra�t County �]�i�Buildin Departrnent/Fire Marsh�.l Qf�ce are hereby referred ta, adopted and macle a part h�reof as if fully set out in this ordinance, -1- One copy of each of th� aforementianed state codes are on file and open for inspection by the public dLuring nonnal business hours in the of�ce of the Grant County Building Department/Fire Marshal, being marked and dasignated as: the Uni�or�n Building Code (19947 edition), including supplements, ainendments, and appendices, published by the International Association of Building Officials; the Fire Resistance Design Manual (1�4th edition, dated April 199�4), including amendments, supplements, and appendices, published by the Gypsum Association; the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 19947 edition, published by the International Conference of Building Of�icials; the Unifonn Fire Code, 19947 edition, published by the Western Fire Chiefs Associaiion and the International Gonference of Building Of�cials; the Unifonn Pluanbing Code, 199�7 edition, including amendments, supplements and appendices, published jointly by the International Conference of` Euilc�ing Officials and the International Association of Plumbing and Meehanical Officials; and the Uni%nn Mechanical Code, 1994'i edition, published jointly by the International Coiiference ofBuilding Oi�cials, including supplements, arnendments and appendices. Section 2. Grant Coullty Code 14.04.080 "iJNII+ORM I3iTII,DING CODE-SECTION 3404," adopted by Grant County Ordinance/Resolution Na 96-]59-CC, on or about November 25 , 199 6, is amended tu read as follows: 14.04.080 UNIFORM BUII,DING COD� - S�CTION 3404 AM�NDEn UBC Se�tien 34Ca, ia amended to provic�e as f;,llaws: All permit applications for pre-IIUD factory assembled structures, must pass and show proof of a Department of Labor and Industries inspection for fire and life safety.- Prior to their bein� inaved. Section 3. Grant County Code 14.04.090 "�JNII+'OI2M FIRE COD� - SECTION 1p3.2.1.1 AMENDED," adopted by Grant County Ordinance/Resolution No. 96-159 -CC, an or about November 25 , 1996, is amended to read as follows: UNIFORM FIRE CODE -�ECTION AMENllED iJFC Article �1, Section, is amended to provide as follows: to thc definition of "Administrator,°' add: "The Grant County Fire Marshal shall b� deemed to be the "chie�' for the purposes of enforcing and administering the Unifor�n Fire Code for all fire prevention activities set forth in UFC 103.2.1.,1, excluding subsectian 2(The suppressian or extinguislunent of dangerous or hazardous fires:) and subsection�Tk�e unauthorized releases of hazardous materia�s� _2_ Section 4. Grant County Code 14.04.110 "P�NALTIES," adopted by Grant County Ordinance/Resolution No. 96-u9 -CC, on or about November 25 , 1996, is amended to read as fallows: 14.04.110 PEl�TALT�S Every person who violates any of the pravisions of the codes adopted by this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay a civil penalty of not more than Three Hundred .And No/100 Dollars ($300.00) for each day of violation. Every business, including without limitation, a corporation, a parti�ership or a sole proprietorship, that violates any of the provisions of the codes adopted by this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay a civil penalty of not inore than One Thoiisand And No/10q Doll�rs ($1,000.00) for each day of violation. Violations oithe Direct Order of the �uildin� Of�cial or Fire Marshal shall be considered a felon� -3- NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT THE GRANT COUNTY CONIlVIISSIONERS adopt this ordinanae, efi'ective immediately. PASSED this .10 d�y of November 1998. ATTEST: � � C1erk e Board �-- APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY: Stephen J. Hallstrom Deputy Prosecuting Attorney PUBLISHED: __1_i/z /98; 11/9/98 BOARD OF COUNTY COMIVIISSIONERS GItANT COUNTY, WASHINGTQN '�/ � �/. ./ ,. .. .�,�..�.,- .�ri �. ....� � � .� , _ �-Ielen Fanchar, Member _._.�.�._.A.�..�..�� �,� .,�. �:; Tim Sne d, Me ber �