HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-177-CCBOARD 4F CC?U`NTY C0147MISSI£}NERS +GRA.�:�rT COi111'Y, WASHINGTt�N RESOLLITIC}N NUMBBR 98-177–CC A RESC7LUTI4N relaiing ta a supplemental extensian in the 1998 budget of the CURRENT EXPENSE FUND #� 04I, JUV7ENILE DEPT. 1 i7 & OPER.TRSFRS-OUT DEPT. 142 due ta unanticipated state andlar federal funds. ��EREAS, it kas been brought to the attention af the Bdard of Grani Commissioners that unanticipated state and ior federal funds have been made available for the 1998 budget of the CURTiENT EXPENSE FLIND # 001, JUVENII.,E DEPT. 117 & OPER.TRSFRS-4UT DEPT. 142 in the amount of $� 9,747 ; and WHEREAS, RCW 36.40.1OQ autharizes supplera�ental appxopriations from unanticdipated state and/or federal funds after publicatic�ns af na�iee of the iime and date of a public hearzng at which i�e supplemenia� apgropriations resolution wiIl be adopted, and the amount of the apprapriation, once each wee1�, for two c�nsecutive weeks prior to such public heariz�g in the offzcial newspaper af the county; and V�THEI�EAS, publication ofthe requisite legal natice was made in the �ai�y Herald newspaper af Grant �ounty an 10 / 30 & i 1/ 5/ 9 8 and said public hearing �ras held in fhe Grant County Comrnissioners' Office, Grant County Ct�urthause, Eplarata, Washington; N4W, THEREF4RE, BE iT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD 4� COUN'T1T CUMMISSIt7NERS of GI�ANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, that the _1998 (year}budget 4f the CURRENT EXPENSE FUND # 001, JUVENILE DEPT. 137 & OPER.TRSFRS-OUT DET.'T. 142 supplemented and exiended in the sum af $_19,747 from unanticipated state and/ar federal funds according to the foliowing schedule of caiegaries and items: APPRUPRIATI4NS JI.IVENILE DEPT,117 rxa.r�c�r 1ss� c..r.s. - r�v�rrr�a�v PR{7FESS14NAI, SERVICES CAPTTAL Ot3TLAY-MACH. & EQUIF or��rrnrc �rRazvs��Rs-ou�r n���r. �az `i'RANSFER TO LAW & JLJSTiCE FUNL} # I21 FINANCING Sf3URCE ST.GRAt�''f-D.S.H.S. .I�6.527.40.41 156.S2i.40.64. sg�.z r,00,oa T07'AL APPRQPRIATIC}N5 .I L7.33�.04.64 Dane ihis �p�� day of November , 19 98 � � '� .!�+.��. ::�.a.l .�.i � j!; • � � $ 6,3Q1 � 3,446 $ 9,747 � 10,0�4 $ 19,747 3 i9,747 / t;.✓' Chairman ���,,,,,,,.._..., . — n 8 p, � � � . � Board of Cpun mmissianers Gzant County; Washin� on , '�� t Ta: Board of Grant Caunty Carnznissioners LeRay A.Ilison, Claair Heien F�z�cher Tim S�ead �rom: Re: Greg A. Grammer, Administrator Gzazrt County Juvenile Caurt Bud�,et Extensinn ����t��� � r.. i. -�, '; `R. �Ul4�Y VI �...i���.�.�.. ...�i�J G�AN't GDUMY�WA�NING1Oh 10/7l98 J am rec�uesting appraval c�f a budget e�tezzsion for it�e Juvenile Department in the �znount of $23,b96.S0, Tl�ese funds are the i•esult of H839QO legisl�tiUn ap�rapriated as a result af the new juvanile sentencing guidelines. ���� � �• / Approved: ____ � � L,eRoy All' on, G'fiau �"� Attcsted; Peggy Grig , erk of tlle Bo r-- ���� ������.� Helen Fancher ......__.____-----°-.'"" =, �n � � �_ ^ µA �� =/ 7'lIll SI1Ct1C� J �� 'ka Zi �� 7 ��,: hk � `: { -�"��� ...�.,1�}; '� �• �'(): FI�OIVI: DATE: TgE: GIgAI�TT COU�Y JUVEI�]IL� PROBATIOIV D�Pt�RTIv1ENT PO BOX 818 EP7HRATA, WA 98823 �3ob Mosher Marilee Griffith October 21, 1998 N�w CTrant Funding As you are aware, the state has awarded our departrnent with funding for the implem�ntation af I3ouse �ill ��00-new sentencing guidelines. I'lease add $19,i47.10 to Project lli, new account #334 0 0�4.60,Q� HB3900. This amourit represents the iive equal payments which we wi11 r.eceive in 1998. The remaining seven payments will appea.r on our 1999 budget request. '.Che following list is the detailed budget for this additional revenue. If it is apprapriate to use an existin� CJS "project�' number, I would lilce to use the project accounts already used for CJ5-Prevention. i,et me�know what works brvst as far as state grant accounting is concerned. TO: CJ�-�B390U A. Frnfession Services �. CapitalOatlay I3AR5 �CCfDE 1:L7.156.527.40.41.00 Y�7.156.527.40.64.00 Al0i0UNT $6, 300.70 $13,44eS.40 TO'TAL TO 19 i47. ].0 � �� r �t is understood that $10,000 of the Capital l�utlay budgeted will be transg�rred out to Law �i Justice accou�t #QQ1.142.000.00O.S97.11 fo.r the reimbursement af funding used for the retainag� �ayr��rtt o� our Consttaruuction Proje��-I=�has� III, , Thazak you very muah!! ��.._ -��" �, ` ��.?_ � ->> . �k� � � ��; ---w--.,, �'� �<._ :'�'� �, �� r>., � �, � , :, ..� F� �' -�' .,,,p.--� � r,.: �; t.. i � ��✓,, �'U: