HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOlVIMISSIOliTE12S' PROCE�DIN Week of �Tovem�er 9,1998 The Grant County Commissioners session was called a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Commis attendance �vith the Clerk of the Board. ��� ��� The Corn�nissioners read and approved the minutes sessian as written. ��� e�,,,;t � The Commissioners approved out of state travel for attend a class for Uniform Fire Inspectors. � 3� �'� The Copnmissioners appoir�ted the following to Cou�iy PARC Advisory Board: Doroihy Baroc� Shawri Regan Haxla.n Beagley Wendy Hanover order at 9:00 were ln the preceding Nelson to on the Grant �;^��S%� The Comrr�issioners approved the Request for Transfer of funds iu the District Court Department #102, Current Expense Fund #001 in the amount of $900.00. ����� � Chairman Allison was authorized to sign the Notice of Separation of John Poe of the PARC Department. ������The Commissioners approved the starting salary of St�phanie (�ilbert of the Gramt County PARC at $1,415.90 per month effeetive October 27,1998. j��y� �The Commissioners approved out of state travel for Matney to travel to Nevada to interview a suspect. ����.��lThe Commissioners approved the salary increase of N� of the Grant County PARC to $1664 per month. ���'���-The Commissioners approved ihe request by the Ju Department for the purchase of co�nputer equipment in $2,6b0. Dave i Amezcua : Probation amount of t J����, A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Ordinance No. 98-175-CC, Resolution Number 98-175-CC imposing a County-wide sales and use tax fo� c�minal justice purposes, be passed. The motion carried. 1���� � 1�s ihere was no further business to con�e befare the Board the session was continued until Noveynber 10,1998. Navember 10,1998 `�h� sessiQn was coniinued at �0:{�Cl a.m. v+�ith �ha� �c�mmissioner Snead in attendance wzth �he Clerk �Q�nmissioner Fancher was aut of tlae af�ice. . • .t� ... � The Comn�issionez-s n�et with �e Public Works Di�ec�a�- regarding Resc�Iutic�r�-W�te-off I.T.Tn�Qilec�ibles, �ontract �xecutic�n-Fue� Sys�em, L�raft A�znual Road Program. j �.� ��� � A moti€�n vvas ma.�e by Con�missiQner Snead, r secanded by Co�zzmissio�er A�lisQn that Reso�utzc�n Nu�nber 98-1'76-�C i� th� ma.tter c�� �nco�rec�a.ble accc�unts r�ceivable be passed. The motian ca�ried, ���i �� �` The Commissioners signed a�an�ract with DQza's Pe�role�m �quzprr�€nt,Inc. for Public WQrks Fue� Statian Insta�atzons. � ;�`?�.��� A Pub�ic �e�.ring was held and a motion was made by �Cc��mzss�ioner Snead, seconded by �ommzssioner Al.lison that Resalunc�n Number 98-177- C� relaiin tc� a su Iem€ntal exfension in the 1998 bud �t ;c�f ihe Curreni � �P � , Expense �'und #001, 3uvenzle L3epartment #117 and Operating Transf�rs-€�ut T)epartment #� 42 in �he amount 4f $19,747 b� passed. The motic�n carried. i t�����% .A Public Hearing was held and a mQtion was znade 6y; Comrnissianer Snead, seconded by C�mmissioner Allison that R.esolution �umber 98-1'78- C�, t�rdinance l�iumber 98-178-C� amer�ding Chapt�x 14.04 of �he Grant C€�unty Code to confc�rm i� the 1997 editi�ns af the Unifc�rm Buxlding Code, Fir� Code, �echa�3ica.l Code, Abatement af Dangerous Buildings �ode, Plumbing Cc�de a�ad Mecha�zcal Ca�e, adding a penalty fflr viola�on o�' Director Urder of Building (�:�'ficial, Fire Marshal, and a�her �natters pr�perly �e�atin�g theret� be pass�d. '�lae mo�ifln carried. i ����� R The Com�nissioners met wzth represeniahves af the Quincy Val�ey 1Vie�ical Cenier and agreed tc� extend the tzme and increase the l�mzt �o $750,{l00 az� register�d warrants. � , �����, � The Cflmmisison�rs signed the Public Wc�rks Claim s�und Vc�uchers Apprt�val #10-1 ihrough #1�-189 zn t�e tatal am�unt of $1,123,738.57. ;' t ����% � As c�f thxs date the BQard by a tna,�onty vote daes apprave for payznent thos� vouchers filed in the Auditars (3ff�ee 11I9/98 in fhe total amount af $333,703.�'7. i Li�partn�ent �f Communzty, Trad� and Economic Develogme�t. The mQtian �arried, j , i �.s there was no fu.rther busi�ess t� come b�fore i�� Bo�rd the session �as adj�u�ned until l�ovember 9,I�98. j � �� / : � t 1 .i....1 � � i� 1.�.. . � � ��s �� ��. � f � � � � �� w y r� � � � i �4y,,,� �Cr ;G '�.�'i i i . �.^�'' ' r � i i �' � � � � � � )�j S j ,k'�../.�% r i r