HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC � COl1VIMISSIONERS' PROCEEDIN�S Week of�Dc�ober 26,1998 'The Gra.�t County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.rn_ by Chairtnan LeRoy A1lison. All of the Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Com�nissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as written. r��'qG� The Com�issioners approved the salary change of Jane�l Kikuchi of the Juvenile Probation I.Jepartment to $2,806 effective October 5 as a Treatrr�ent Counselor. : ����,�.,The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds in the E �: Juvenile Department#117, Operating Fund#001 in the amount of$3,094. ������ The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Diaruu�e Atkinson of the Assessors Office to $2,093 per�no�th effective October 1,1998. �� ���,% Chairrr�an Allison was authorized to sign the Notice of Separation or Work Interruption of Sha.�on M. Stowe of the Juvenile Departmemt effective October 20,1998. ����,v�The Comrnissioners approved the starting salary of Sa.11y Hubbs of the Cooperative E�tension Department at $1,b25.60 per month effective November 2,1998. ; �����The �ommissioners approved the request by the District Court Off'ice for funds to cover the cost of destroying old court records. s J���� A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-162-CC changing the I�airy and Feedlot Ground Water Advisory Committee name to Dairy, Feedlot and Cattlemen Ground Water Advisory Committee. The motion carried. �z �����'' A motion was r�ade by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 98-163-CC nominating Don Fancher as a member of the Dairy, Feedlot and Cattlemen Ground Water Advisory Committee be passed. The �otion carried. ;.����� The Commissioners held a Public Hearing to determine the assessments for funding the 1999 budget of the Grant Co�anty No�ous Weed Control Board. After discussion a �otion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Cornmissioner Snead to increase the current rate on minimum Parcels to $b.00 per parcel, with all other rates to remain the sa�ne. The motion carried. ��-��i� Th� C�mmisszozzers held a Public �Iearing regarding the plan to adopt a 1/10� of 1 percent sales tax pravided fc�r pursuant to �hapter $2.14 RCW ta cover the citz�s cc�sts f�r incarceratian c�f p�son�rs as per int�r-lc�cal agreemen�. A motic�n was made by �ommissionex Fanch�r, seca�.ded by Camurr�issi�ner �nead to continue t�ae hea.ring until all signed Int�rlocal Agreeme�ts are received from the citi�s. The mation carri�d. ���� �� The Cflm�issioners signed a. :�otice of Pub11c Kearing for Nc�vember 10,1998 at 1:30 p.m. regarding th� request far supplemental budget for �urre�t Expense Fund #�{�1, Juvenile D�parbment #I17 and Qperating Transfers Out #142 from unanticipated state/federal fiznds in the amount c�f $19,74�. � ����� The +�c�mmissianers �,ppointed Rh4nda. Pacinich tc� a p�si�on on the 1Vlenta� :E�eal�h and Develc�pme�.tal Disabilines Advisory Bc�ard. As there �vas no fia.rtl�er business to cc�me before the Board the s�ssion was cantinued until�}ctc�ber 27,1�98. C}ctober 27,1998 The session was cc�ntinue� at 9:OU a.m. with a11 of the �om.missioners in attendance wzth the Clerk of the Baard. The Cammiss�aners met wi�h he Public `t�orks Directar regard.�ng Bid A.ward Recommendation-Fuel Tanks, 1993 Budget-Uperatzc�nal changes?, Personnel. �����x Th� Commisszoners app�rQved tb.e r�commenc�tifln of the Fublie Works Director and awarded the F'ublic �Torks Fuel Station Installations bid to �he lo�v bidder,Dan's Petroleum Equipment. ?����c�p The Comn�ssion�rs signed th� Publi� �orks +Claims Fun� Voucher Approval�10-1 through#14-2 in the tatal amount of�215092.18. x��'��� The Commissioners apprQved the sala,ry i�crease of K.at�y D. �Tei1s of the Pras�cuting Attorney`s ��f'ice tQ 10� percent flf the salary far an Adminisirat�ve Assistant. �v��t;� The Commissioners approved the request by the Sheriffs CJf�ice to purcha�� item� fc�r�he new jail�'acili�ty in the amQunt of$92,25b, ������The Commissioners signed the Public Works Payr�Il J�urnal for the montb of C}ctober in the amount�f$2'7S,'722.64. ����_�A motion was made by Cammissic�ner Fancher, second�� by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number �8-164-CC setking the ass�ssme�t rate for �`rate�vay Ligh�zng Distr�ct fc�r 1999 at $34.00 per parcel be passe�l, The motion carried, ���� l� A motion was made by Cammissianer Fancher, seconded by Commissio�er Snead �at Resolutzon Number 98-1�i5-CC setting t�be a.ssessment rate for �[xllcrest Lighting Dis#rict fvr I9�9 at $If.QO per parcel be passed. The mfltion carri�d. �`���I� � A� oft:his date the Board by a maj��ity vc�te does approve for payment thc�se vouchers inc�uded in the list filed �n the Auditors Q�ce in �he tt�tal amau�� c�f$�62,278.06. � ����..� A motion was made by Cn�cnissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fanch�r that Resoluti€�� 1`�Iumber �8-16b-CC designating Paul {�arrisc�n as a Mental I-3ealth Prafess�onal far Grant County be passed. The manan carried. :`�����, A motic�n �vas made by CQII�I�I1SSlO11�T �nead, seconded by Cam�sszoner Fancher that Resolufiion Num.ber �8-16'7-CC relating to the #�ansfer of furnds in the 1�98 budget of the Caunty Fair Fund #1�6, Department #158 in th� tota.l amount a� $9,5�-1 be pas�ed. The motian can-ied. ������ A motic�n was made by Co�mi�sioner Snead, seconded by Commissionex Fancher tlxat Resolution Number 98-�68-CC revising the bc�undaries �f the Critical Wate:r Supply Sezvice Area ta include the City o�' Warden be passed. The mot�on carried. As there was na furth��busi�ess to came before the Board the sessic�n. was adjourned untzl Nove�ber 2,1998, �o� aF coUz�r� cozvav�ssza��.s ATTE�T: GR:ANT �C3C:�N'I'�, WASI�INGT(�N Clerk of�h�Board Chairm � ���--� � � ,., � � ��