HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-160-CC AR� �F �t�� �� � �SS�� ��� c����c�s�,���.��������e� i�.ESOLUTION NIIMI3Ff.t 98-160-CC A RESOLUTION authc�rizing an a�propriation and expenditurEl 01' ftznc3� far the fol�ow3ng department/fund: Fmer.�encv services Fund ��102, Department ��144 ,together with a bt�d�;et tlzere- fore, pursuant to RCW 36.40. I40. WHBREAS, it has been brou�ht �o the attenti�n of tllE' I�c>�Lr•d of County Commissioners of Grant County that emergency cc}nditions require that an appropriation and ex�enditure of fund�s ��c� �tit.h- orized for the above-mentioned department/�und, to�;ettic�z• wi#.h a �udget therefor; and WHER�AS, pursuant to RCVd 36.40. I40, Resaluti�n No. gg-147-CC was duly adopted on g/28/gg ,and published in the a;7� uerald on 10/8&15/98 declarin� an emergency and stating the- far,ts cor�s�it�ating the emergency �ii�d ., the estimated amount of funcis required to meet it , togetY��r with a n�tice of public hearing, a.nd said piiblic heaY•ing was helc3 th�rec�li where in�erested persons werc= allowed to appear and be ti�ard; NO�, THEREFURE, IIE IT R�SQLVEF3 BY THE BOA€tI? OF COUNTY ('C)hSMIS- SIONERS OF GRANT COt3NTY, STATB {?F �I�SHINGTON, that an da���rc���ri�ii.i<}r} and expenditure of f�unds is her�by authorized for the followin� degartment/fua�d:_FmAr�aP„��SQ,-�,-i ces Fund ��102,Department ��144 an th� totai �um af $ $6,100 according to th� attached i�ud�et . This reso2ution is in th� best interests of good governm�nt . and shall take effec°t immedia�ely npon i�ts passage. t�t�rtE TttiS 19th � pp�t�g�: October . , 14_�8 _. A7TE$j: � � Chairmen f 7 C! flhv Lncrd � /// �j � • i��'='_ifr��/.y'J °� �j�� ',� Ccmmisslonat R�3 -, �� ^f � Commisnionor Cons�iSufing t�s Boasd Qf Couney Con,missioners o��t'aranP Couri4y, UVash6ngton 4 � u�sozv�r�oN woxxs�E�r RZ E�RGENCY SERVICES�'TJND#102 DEPAR'I'MENT#144 R3 EMERGENCY SERVICES FLIIvT�#1{�2 I7EPARTMENT�144 ATTAC�31VIE1ti�T TO FtESOLUTI{?N 98-16d-CC APPROP�2IATIt3NS: PROPESSIONAI.SERVICES 525.b0.41.00 $ 6,I(?0 $ 6,100 FINANCING SC}URCES BBGIN�'I�i�G UNR.ESERVED FUND BALANCE z88 $6,I OU EXPLAI�ATION TO TNCREASE APPR(�PRIATIONS Ft3R THE COST OF AIlteRAFT RESC3URCES IN FIGHTING' LOWER Cl2AE3 CREEK FIRE OF JULY 1'TI�ROUGH 7UI.Y 3, I998 x � CsRANT �(�UNTY '�'�� �°��� � DEPAR"I"�E?+tT C�F � �`� C. ,�' � �� ^�. �l, �i'v1E�2C�EN�Y�ANAG�I�ENT �' ��t� _ ��.'�'� ;: .%° <�q �� !` 5(}9-762-1462�„�,������ Suite 9�I fi ��� `'- � _ .• �i ��,���_� � 6Sf�Cl 32nd 13�e:�IE �;4 �` � ;;. , � Mc�ses Lake,WA�8�37 �`� ��'"`""-,E.t� / �� � � i�F� ar� ��.'/ 9p� �or wssx�K!,�l ns;.,�Y,E'L,��'S�.ctiv�4`�?L�u�7 � � I£ � �i f { ~ ., 1��ii�:i�t:gY�i�.�`Y.�ii�:��3�,� ; _ ; .^ ? � ` ti,.j r �"%.-•:'. . .,,_ {, ,*o. - . �,. - ,.< `✓'- •-� �'�„J'„%' `.�*,F,,�, ` � �� Septeznber 9, �998. .�� _.�; ������ ������issi�.�r�:. . -�:�.r� �:;�u�ty, i�v��l�inaton Grant�ou�.ty Board of ��:�R vv� � _.__ ��s�pprave Cc�unty Cc�mmissioners b{��. � -.��� pi��.�1` __. _ �'.O. Bax 37 E��arata�NA 98837 �`��k. �����--d Di��.-�� ;WT:,,�. �� �ist.��. .�,��:.- r� , Subject Lc�w�x�ra� Creel�Fire,3uly 1 thraugh 3, RE. Billin�, �hela� Co. Dist. 1 ai.rcraft t�ear eommissioners; �n August 4, 1��8, I mailed a Ietter to Was�ington itate Fish and Wildlife's, E�hra�a Off c�, in request of�ayment�c�x�ire resaurce e�penditures for the Low�r Crab Creek Pire. £�orden La'�Iay, operation's Supervisar, acknowiedged recei�t c�f my Ie�ter. He advis�d we still needed t� d'zscuss pnrtions of t�Ze letter regardan�the contra�t held between Grarzt Couz�ty Fire Proteeti�n�istrict(FPD)I t�anci his af�ce. He was c�ear on�e fact a contract existetl,y�t he was not clear on t�e provisians of extra-ordinary casts. �e warzted an intezpretation of extra �rdinary cc�sts and billing far the other Fire Districts called to assist�n fire f ght�in� operatians at the Lo�rer�r�.� Creek Pire c�u 3uly l, thrcaugh July 3, I998. Aircra�operati4ns for this fire was requested�ay FPD 14,witia Ccaunty Co�nmzssioner apprc�val for a helicc�pter. Fixed�ving aircraft we�e flo�vr�.at the�equest c�fthe fire dzstrict, and nat t��ugh coordir�atic�r w-itl�Emer�en�y Ma.na�ement. The azrcraft�esources are truly the extra-ordinar�% fzre opezations. 4ther costs involve fire fi�hters and equipment from autside FPD 10,which are part mutual aid and part of a fire resource rrzobzlizatic�n throu�n�mergency Ivlanagement. The c�ntract pravic�es compensatic�n in sc�me form prior tc�the fire by this contract anly for FPD 1�. C�thex tha� aircraft operatia�s, fire operations dzd not exce�d Co�.uaty Fire Resaurces throubh n�utual aid�ith EYnergency Nlanageznent. Far this r�aso� they did n4t autharize a State Fire ivlobilizatian of resaurces nor had these aperatians met;he:ninimum requirements. �'�r La Groy, �,vas certain that ther� was inte�t c�n his part that payment for extra-ardinary fire aperations was covered through the te:��zs of the contract. He detern�ined that a fizture contract r d , � t may�e amended to ciarify operatians by FPD 1�,��z�,zal Aid and e�ra-�rdinary eosts frorn neighborinb distr�ets. N�y cQncerzt�'p��vrit�ng tQ yau�c�day is nat the contract. My concern is billing and ev�ntuai cost recovezy fc�r Aircra#�aperatic�ns, I requested compensation thrQugh the Z3ept. Of Fish an� �Tildlife, �i�Iirzg therz3 far c4sts,ofthe Cbelan Cau��y, FPD I,I-�elicapter, �4_279.5�, and R.c�ya� Flyin� Seavice, 1 820.0�: T�ese costs are true ex�ra-orc�inary f�re operation�osts, other costs �--'" da involve fire fighgers and equip�tent, af whicl�some compe�zsa�ion has been made by cantract with Fire Dis�cict 10, and shc�uld be made for the other fire resat�rces utilized. In discussznb the sit�aa�o��orden La Voy, explained that nc�fiz�zding was presently available in his current dept, budge�and�egzslatzve action�vould have to be r�quested ta amend the budget ta pay these costs. �znce n€� Iegislative�ction cvill be made until�ebruary, 1999,I feel it is import�at that the�c�uniy c�nsider p�.yiz�g these ct�sts in hopes of them being recoverable cos�s u�ith actza�.s on the�at�t ofthe Ieg�slature. If, �or no other re�san,than to hav�assurance f�r the use of�e aircr�ft at the nea�t fare. Whi.le we acted on the request far resources fsam a fz�e c�istrzct d�arzng a��rnergency,we raade the request in��name of the County and we received the bill, ��rcien�,a Voy has advised me,a Ietter is fcrrthcaz�ing to dac�unent the d'zscussir�n we held and a request to the State Legisla�zre,w�.l�be made for er�ergency appropriatio� �f funds. Gc�rden is eertain ct�znper�satzon wzll be approved,this is not unlike other cases vahere state agen.cies faced fr�e operatir�n costs whic�were not budgete�. I would reques�at tl�is time the Baard Qf Couni� Comtnissioners consider procedures for an e�ner�ency a�prc,priatior�af furzds to pay the c�sts 4f the aircraft, I am willing to discuss tkis tiv-i� you at your earliest convenience, '��1`e also z�eed ta discuss a procec€ure c�f przori�y for approving aircraft�perari�ns. I feel we ma�T need to estab�ish a protocol for�re dastricts seeking aircraf�suppc�rt resoaz�ces and even�al approval t�xough our agency. I dv nc�t want to restrict f re service actions, hcrwever,I�rant tr�be certain fire serviees I�ave rationally d�termined the value of t1�ze operation. I do nat want to develop cont?-oversy, aircraf-t sup�ort is veiy ess�n�al at times. I fee?there are tianes w�en f�re si�atians may b�better evaluated. �`hank You �am Larenz, LlirectQr