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�eek of Octolber 12,1998
The G�ant Cou�ty �ommiss�oners session was called to order at 9:00
a.m. on October 12,1998 by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the
Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preced.ing
session as written.
i 3`���� The Commissioners agreed to commit the amount of $1,000 to the
Lake Roosevelt Forum in 1998.
������ The Commissioners signed a Request for Transfer of Funds in the
Grant County Prosecutor's Office in the amo�nt of$2,000.
F���`�� The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Carolyn Jones-
Fair to a Deputy Prosecutor IV, e�fective November 1,1998.
������Chairman Allison was autharized to sign the Notice of Separation of
Vera Bunakova of the District Court Department, effective October 1,1998.
� ����� The Commissioners approved out of state travel for Sheriff Wiester
and Mike Shay ta a�tend the Western Sta.tes Sheriff s Conference.
,`�;��� A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-159-CC setting a Public
Hearing for October 26,1998 a� 1:30 p.m. regarding the request by the
Noxious Weed Board for an increase in assessments be passed. The r�otion
����,�� The Commissioners received the Final Decision and Order from the
State Growth Management Hearings Board regarding Orclinance 98-29-CC.
7��j����t Chairman Allison was �uthorized to sign the Exemption f�om
Shoreline Management Act Substantial Development Permit Requirements
for the Washington State Department of Transportation.
i ��3 �' '7�
The Com�issioners approved the salary increase of Anastasiya DeLeon of
the District Court Office to Deputy Clerk II.
e���j� The Commissioners signed an Inter-Governmental Agree�nent
betwee� Grant County and Benton �ounty regarding Correctional Facility
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session
was continued until October 13,1998.
Octc�ber 13,1998
The sessic�n was continue� at �:QO a.m. with all of the Cc�mmissione�s
Iz� attendance with the �lerk of the Board.
The Co�nma�sianer� met with the Public W�xks Direct�r regarcc�.%.ng
�0:�0 a.m. Bid ape�ing (Bridge Number 120, '18` T�E), 1Q:30 a.m, Bid
4pening (�'uel tank replacements}, Rd. 'S' imprQvement (Arla Lezshman�,
and Ra.nd�lph Road Access Easeme��(I3aystar Daycare),
�����"� ; The Com�nissione�s sig�ed an �asement to Da�star Cbristi�n
�cademy whi�h allotivs a perpetuai %��tgress a�d egress easement over and
across a s#rip �f land th�ty feet wide, bei�g 15' feet on either side c�f the
fc�Ilowing described centerline, Ic��ated in the Southeast Qf th� North�vest c�f
S�ct�c�n 32, Township 20 North, Range 28 East W.IVI.
�_,�����Th� Commzsszo�ers held �.bid opening regardiang�r�dge #Z24 '18' NE
Road. A moti�n was made by Commissioner Snead, s�cor�ded by
Commissioner Fancher that the b�ds be referred �o the Public Works
Dep�rnent for t�aear rev�ew and reco�n�nendatir�n. The mot�an car�-ied.
'���'�The �flmmissioners held a bi� apening regarding Public Wc�rks Fuel
S�.ti�n Inst�.11atians. A mc�tian vvas made by Coz�mm�zssio�er Snead,
seconded by Cc�mmzssit�ner Fancher that the bzds be r�ferred �o the Pu61ic
Wor1�s Depa�ment for the�r revi�w and rec�mmendation. The mot�on
j.,�-�����The Cc�mmissic�ners a�aprove� t�ut of state tra.vel for Undersherif�
1vlicha�l �hay and Cl�ief De�uty Bryan Pratt to trave� to Cal�rado for an
z ���f�The Cc�m�nissioners app��ve� the Request for Tran�fer flf Fun�s by
the 8uzlding/F"i�e Mars�al Depa.rt�me�t zn�e amount af$1,���.
;;��`i�= The �c�mmisszoners apprc,ved the Request fo�Transfer of Fua�ds in the
B�ilding/Fire Nlarshal Department in the amount of$1,440.
�%��j�I'h� Commissioners s�gned the P�blic Wnrks �laims Fund Voucher
Approval#9-1 �hz--c3ugh#9-19� in the total am�unt of�1,�9�,82�.��.
f�����` As a�this date the Board by a majc�rity vc�te daes approve �or payment
�hase v�uchers i�cluded i_z� the list fi1�d in the Auditors �f�ce l0/12198 in
the total amount of��80,�96.56.
j� ����The �ommissianers app��ved the r�comme�datian �f the Public
Wor�s Director a.�.d a-warded the bid �ar B�dge #12(}, '18` NE Road to
Tc�mmer C�nstruc�ion Co., Inc. in the amo�nt of�1 S�.,708.38.
As t1a��e was na f�her business to com� before the Baard the se�sit�n
�vas adjourned un�l Qc�ober 19,1998.
BO.A� O� CC)L1��'I'�CC?I���SI(�NERS
(xR�NT �C��TNTY, �ASHI�It�-T�I�T
. Chair�n
Clerk e B�ard �....
� ��