HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC�,% �C314�IV�IS�IUT�ER�' FRC�CEEDL�IGS Wee� of C}ctob�r 5,1998 The Gran� County C€�mmissioners session �vas called to order ai 9:OQ a.m, by �hairman �eRoy Allisan. All of the C��unissioners we�re in attenda�ce vvith the Clerk of �h� Baard. The Co�r�nissioners read �nd �.p�roved the minutes of the prec�d�� s�ssian as wriiten. ?�� ��- � fihe Cammissioners appraved the sa�ary ir��reas� of �ar� Stone of the Assessors {��ce t4 $2,353 per rrr�an�h, ef�'ectiv� October l.,1.9�8. ��� :���, The ��mmissic�ners appro�ed the star�ing salary c�f Judy �imarcl-Baker of t�e Juvenile T.�epart�nent at $l.,�f4.70 per mQn�h effect�ve September 29,19�8. ����'.�..� The �ommissioners appro�ed the siart�ng sala�y �f K�theri�e L. Nelsan of ih� Juvenile I�epa�tment at �1,�88.8�1 per m�nth effec�ive Sep�ember 29,19�8. ;��'���!`I'�� Cor�missioners approved the salary increase o�' A�ast�.s�ya I)eLeon of t�e D�strict �ouri �epa�ment to $1,587 per m.��ih ef�`eciive Sep�ember 1,1998. i�� �`;�� The Co��missione�s app�oved �he salar� �n�re�e of Cheryl .A, (Ann��) �ara.�ay af the Prosecuting A�tflrney's D�p�-tn�.e�t at SO percent of a Lega1 Secretary I, effec�iv� C)ctober 1,�.9�8. ��q��°�Th� C��llnissioners approved �he proposed revzs�ons in �the iUrant �ounty Develvpmental I�isabiliti�s Personne� Po��cy Manual. i,.����� The �ommissioners approved the request �or g�anting auth��rity �o Chrzstal ��#azte, Direc�or flf Financia� �ervices at G�ani Cour�ty Menia.l Healt� to sign Advance Travel Reques�s for that affice. � .� ����Th� �Qmmissioners appraved the Req�.est �c�r `I'ransfer of F�nds �n the Juvenile L3epa��tm�nt #�11'7, �peratin� Fund �QOI in ihe amau..��t of $1,6Q{�. � � `� � � � �. m��ion �vas mad� by �ommissioner Srzead, seconded by Cor�missianer Fa�cher that R�SO�U�1011 Number �$-153-�� apprc�ving a Prelim�nary Plat for Sand Castle Estat�s I� be passed. The mation carried. ��� fi�� c� .A z�aot�on was made by Cornmissic►ner Fancher, seconded by C�mmiss�o�er Snead t�at Resolution Numbe� 98-154-�C rela�ing to ihe �ransfer af funds within ihe 1998 budget of the Museum �epa�ment �119 and t�ie Capiial �uilay I�epartment #I41, C�rrent �x�emse �'und in ihe amount af $� 5,23� be passed. The motie�n c�.rried. ���= � The Cc�mmissioners he�d a Public Hearing on the ex�e�sion t�i� o►rdinance Number 98-37-�C relating to a ne� "�a�n" defini�ian and r�lated matte�s during the tirrle perir�d required t� prepare and �.dopt an updated �omprehenszve Pian. A m€�tion was �nade by Conunissianer Fancher, seconded by Commis�ianer Snead to �ontinue the ordinance. The mc��ion carrzed. ��� �,�a- The Commissioners he�d a Pubiic JE�earing a� the extension o� �rdi��.nce Number 98-38-CC r�iat�ng to Reas�nable Use �xc�pilon and related matters during the �ime per�c�d r�quzred io prepare and adopt an updat�d �orr�prehensive P1an. A motion was made by Commiss�oner Fancher, seconded b� Commissioner �ne�d to �ontinue the ordinance. The m�tian ca�ied. �.s there was no further business to cQme befc�re the Board the session u�as continued until +�ctober 6,1998. 4ctob�r 6,1998 The s�ssion was con�inued at 9:00 a.m, �zih all of ihe �s�mmiss�oners in attendance wiih ihe �lerk ofthe Bo�.rd. The �o��znissianers met �ith tbae Publ�c W�rks I�irec�Qr regardir�g Land Tran�fer-�i�y of Moses Lake, Household Hazardous Waste-Results, �ersonnel, Frar�chise ��ar�ng (Pc�rt of Moses LaJ�e). ��q��.� The �ommiss�oners held a Paz�blic �Iearing �e�arding the application for f�ranchise by tl�e Por� of Moses Lake to co�struct, �peraie and maintain �. wastewate� pipeline alc�ng Randol�h Roa�. from a p�int north of Graham Road to a point approxirrr�aiely 1,000 feet northwest of the intersection of Randoiph R�ad and Walker Road. A motion was made by Commissioner Sne�d, seconded by Commissioner Fancher to approve the Franchise. The motion carried. �.J���� The Commissioners approved the request by the Juvenile Probatlon Departrnent of capital outlay funds in the amount of $2,650 for the purchase of one cornputer and monitor and one videocassette recorde� and accessories. I����'� The Commissioners approved the request by the Juvenile Probation Department far a budget e�ension in the arnount of $23,696.50 fron� funds available as a result of HB39�0 legislation. ����� � 1� motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Nun�ber 98-155-CC providing for 111tje111111f1Ca$lOri of Judge Pro Tems and �ounty Attorneys against certain costs stemming fro�n disciplinary proceedings be passed. The motion carried. ;���d 7 A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-156-CC relating to the establishment of a petty cash/revolving fund for the Sheriff I�epartment # 114, be passed. The motion carried. ������ � 1� �notion was made by Cornmissioner Snea�i, seconded by Commissioner A1lison that �Zesolution Number 98-157-CC regarding Interim Official Controls relating to Reasonable Use Exceptions be passed. The motion carried. ����� � The Comn�issioners signed the warrants list #97634 through #98291 for the September payroll. ��� ��a� motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Cornmissioner Allison that Resolution Number 98-158-CC renewing interim official controls in the Agric�ltural Zone, renewing an amendment to the Grant County Zoning Ordinance relating to the definition of "Farm", permitted uses, restrictions and oiher ma�ters properly relating thereto be passed. The motion carried. ����� �.�s c��tl�is date the �oard by �. maj�rity �oie daes �ppro�e for payn�eni those vouchers inc�uded i� the Iist �'�led i� the ��dit�rs U�ce 1�/5/9S � the t�ta1 arn�unt �f $393,7�9.43. As i�ere �as no fuz�her business to come beft�r� �he �o�.rd ihe sessi�� was adjo�med unt�l (Jctober 12,1998. B(J�;RL� (7F C�UNT� CC�1��VI�" �IOI��R� ATTEST: �R.AN`T COLTI�ITY, WA`��][�NisT(�N � -' � �'•.� > . a . � .�.s �� _ ..� � t.v _1��.. � ��_ ,. ,�. jS i►! �1 , , {+� ,,,,,. ,,'�'" r �