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Resolution 98-151-CC
d� � � :1�. .�� . ' `!; . '� •�'� " a :; f t ! #'r I2ESOI�UTION Ni1MI3ER 98-151-CC A RESOLUTION auth«rizing an ap�ropriation and expE�nditure of func�:� for the following department/fund: Tourism Fund ��114, Department ��156 , togethe� svith a bitd�;et there- fore, pursuant to FtCW 3G.40.I�0. WHEREAS, it has bee� bro���;�at to thf� attentic�n of thE� I3c><�r•d of County Cotnmissi�ners nf Grant County t�iat emergency c:<>ndi t ic�ns require that �.n appropriation and expenditure of funds k3c= auth- orizecz for the above-n3entioned department/fund, toget�iez� uli#.ta a �udget therefar; and WHEREAS, pursuant tQ �CW 36.40.140, Resolution No. qg_���_ �' was duly adopted on 9/15/98 ,and publisheci in th� 'I Dai� Herald on 9/21&28/98 deelaring an � emergency and stating the- �acts eonsiituting th� emergc�nc:y �ind „, the �sti►nateci amount of funds required to meet it, tog�ther with <i notice of pub3ic hearing, and. said public heaa•ing w�s hc�lci thercori where interested persons were allowed to appear and be i�e�zrd; NO�t, THEREF�RE, II�: IT RESQLVED BY T��E BOAf�D OF C�UNTY ('OhiMIS- SIONERS OF GRANT COIJNTY, STATI. C}F WAS�iINGTOI�, thai an apprc���ri���.i<>Y1 and expenditure oi iun�s is hereby authorized for the following depariment jfund:_ To,irism F nd �%114. De�,artment ��156 in the total sum of $ 15�OOD according to th� attached budget. This resolutian is in the best interests of gooc� gav��rnment . and shali iake effect immediately upon its passage. DOt�if TPt15 29th � DA� t� September , t9 g$ \v • ATiFSi: laric cf shs daard � r+ ' -'-.._-... � —.o..e.... thaErmon Ccmmisalonar � ` v � � � n t Commlasionar i iona9i4ut€:eg �hs �oard af Coun�y CommissRone�rs o$ Gran4 Coun4y, Wash�ng4o� _ � RESOLUTIC3N WORKSHEET R2 T(JUR.ISM FUND # 114 � DEP�RTMEi`T'I' # 156 R3 T{JttJRISM �'UND # I I4 DEFARTMENT # 156 ATTACHMEi�IT TO RESOLUTI4N 9$-151-CC APPR{)I'RIATIONS. o�zc� � a�ERa�rz�� su���z�s ss�.�o.��.00 Mzsc��,r,�o�s PRINTII�iG A�'�D BNDING 55730.49.13 OTHER NIISCELLANEOUS SS'730.�9.96 ��v�vcuv� souuczc�s BEGINNING UNIi.ESERVED FUND BALAiti7GE 2$8 650 � a,000 4,350 15,Q0{1 �15,000 EXPLA.�'ATI4N 'I'O �CREASE APPRQPRIATIOi�tS Ft)R THE C4ST OF PRIN'I'lI�TG THE L04PTOUR BROUCHU� SUPPURT FOR STAFFTi�G AT THE DRY �ALi,S �tTERI'RE'F'iVE CEN`TER A.�D COST C3F MOR� CDUNTY PINS. a��S � l .' R. r3 f •� �> ; ..'r. a• � �"1' k Y � u` L I J �-�.::� �: :�., � # :. ' # 't i' � ': "� �> . R ' i �i. ' � � '�� � ;�`' ������` ��' �Jntiu :3"r iiJ�riMi-�.;Stvrz!=�v r�,��i G�i.i�tT,!"d�MHrti6�rJ�4 " .�.� ` ` ;y ° `.: �'. 3 ; ' � . �t' �. < : ' � , t. '� �'.: � "" f: '� ' � � � `_ . •i� i i. �.. , � -,� ,� ;�, �. - "i- !: ..} -� '� a{'. ;:1 'i "S�. , �. :. � � _ �:� i • � ` ai ; � �+�' . . � : :�. , .c. . � � �,R` ' �. -.,. � . . ,��� � f �' ... .�: � e - � - - �. 't` � _ ' � R� . - - �� - K - is • . �t • • '. . / 1 t • • . �' �l����@�s . �'� '� ��� �% � �� .,_ ,,�- � /�'- -vf`." � �� ��� ��" ����� ����� '����� ��� �����n ����� �� ��� ����� _ .... .�'./i t✓Vk.ii iij� `.1 r'ii i(,r'3.7{r.ii.v. _ _.::.:?� C{?C1;?tst, V�aSf3t�atC}% A�prc�ve ' ��s��prt�ve Dist. ����� Cist. �i Dsst. ;�2 �ist, --r�2 Gist. ;,' 3%��� �ist. ; � ...;.: �#, i:. .wi .,a': • '� ♦ - .t -:t: •��. ; 4.- :i, �m