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Resolution 98-150-CC
� �. �' " i i° !, � i . •.. . . - . � �. �, . �t�SOLUTI�N NiIMI3I;lt 98-150-CC � � A RESOLUTION authc�ri�ing an appropriation and eapenc�itt�rc� c�� ft��rc3:� � far ihe fo�.lc�wing ciepartment j�unci: �.r.�.�...��e�se Fund ��001,� � Courthouse Facilities Dept.�'Fll2 ,togetktei' with � k�ud�;et t.here-- I fare, pursuant to RCW 3f.40.1�0. W�EREAS, it has b�en brntA�ht ta th�� attention c�f tt7c� I�c>FLrci of County Commissic�ners Qf Grant Cc�unty that em�srgency c.c��r�itic�n:; rec��ire ihat an apprc�priati��n and expenditure c�� funds i�c= 4�.ut:h- orized fs�r the above-mentioned departmeni jiund, togett�ei• witi� a b�zdget therefor; and WHEREAS, pursuani tc� RCW 3£.4Q.140, Resolutzcan No. 9g-134-CC was duly adogted on 9/14198 ,anei publishec� in th� �1�� �� �_r�. � cI �n 9,I21&28/98 dec,larin�; an emergency and stating the� facts constituting thc� emer�c�ncy zii�c� _. th� estimated amount of funds required ttr meet it, toge�.h:Lr with �x notic� c�� pub�.ic hearin�, and said p�zblic hearin� was helc� t��erc1c�ai where inter�sted person�= were al2owed to appear �tnd t�e ii��i��d; NC3�, T�EREFORE, Bi: IT RES{}LVED BY T��E BOA�iD t3F Ct�iiI�T�Y t'()kiR�IS-- SiaNERS ��' GRANT COUNTY, STAT� 4F WAS�iINGT(�N, that an s��¢7i•ca���•i�itic�rz and expenditure of funds is her�by authc�ri�ed f�r the fc�2lr�w�.n� ��'P��`���'�� � �u�� �(:urrent Exuense �und ��001, Courthouse Facili�ies Dept . ��112 in the tota], sum of $-snn?SUZ accarding to th.� attaci�ed buciget . I This resolution is in �tlhe best interests o� gc�od gc}vc�rnr�ie�t �- and shail take'effect immedzately upon its pa.ssage, �otaE 36�tS � t�h ��14Y 8?�___ SP�,��ber , i9 -...�$_. TTEST; G#otit o# !he 800rd � I 1 � • ....,_ � _ _..».... Chairmon . Commiasians� . r---'^_'�._..�• , � /9� t wf . con,mt:aio„or �ons�i4utEng t#t� boesrd t�f County CQmmissioc�ers �f Gfant County, Wpshington _ _ �soLUrzo�v wor�s�ET � cuxzz:��rr ���rrs� �u� # oaz COURTHC�USE FACTLITrES DEPT. 112 R3 CUItR�;NT EXPENSE FUNU # 001 � C(?URTHOUSE FACZI.ITIES DEPT. 112 ATTAC�-TMENT TO RESOLUTIC71�; 98-150-CC APPRCDPRIATI4NS� PROJECT 261-GRANT CQ. CUNSOLIDATED SERVICES BUILDING SALAR.IES AND WAGES SI8.30.11.00 CAPITAI., C?LiTLA� BLTLL�INGS 594.3$_62.00 �PROVEiV1ENTS 594.18.62.10 FINANCING SOURCES 39,040 400,000 61,000 soa,o�a TI�TERFU"ND LQAN PR�CEEDS 390A0,82 $504,004 EXPLANATION TC3INCREASB AFPRC}PRIATIUNS FOR THE PURCHASE AS�73 REMQD�L 4F THE STAAT F�.TRNITURE BUILDI'Vi'G TCJ BE THE GR.ANT CCt. CONSOLIDATED SBRVICES BUTILDIiti�G.