HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCcoM�ss�c��ERs' P�QC�EDINGS 4�'�ek of September 21,1.998 The �rant �auniy Commzssio�ers session was called tc� order at 9:00 a.m. by �hairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Co�x�issi€�ners were in att�ndance with �he Clerk af the Board. The Commissi�ne�s read a�d approved the minutes of the preceding sesszon as wriiten, �-�� 7�.� The Commission�rs approved �he starting s�.lary af Andrea �. �ubb�.ge of t�e �7�strzct Caurt O�'ice at �6.Oa per hour effective Sepiember 15,T998. �,� �"��'� The Conamissianers receiv�d a cc�py t�f the zns�rance policy of �hase E�c�nomi�s. �� j i���The C�mmisszoners approved the salary flf Dol�res Kinajosa of �he District Court t�f�'ic� as a Spanish Interpreter ai $2�.00 per hQur on an as needed basis. ��'�`� a�;� `�"he Cc�mmissic�ners apgroved the starting salary o� Vera Bunal�ova of �e District Court C3�ce at $6.0� per hQur effective Sepiember 14,1 �98. ���'� �` � The Cornmissioners approved out of state t�avel for Gail Davis and Suzi Fade o� the Grant �ou�ty Developmental ��sab��iiies Depa��ment �Q attend the (Jregon. Rehabilitation �anference. ��� ��� �hairman A11zsa� was auihQrized ta sign ap�roval af �e special occasion Liquc�r License c�f The �.c�w Fou�dation. g��`��� The CQmmissioners recei�ed a Su��nons and Camp�aint from the �ity c�f M�ses Lake. The matt�r was refe�red tc� the Prosecut�ng Atic�rney for handling. ;����� The Commzssic�ners appr�ved ih� salary increase of Lorraane E. �inson of the Juvenile Department ia $2,183 per monfih. f����� The �a�missioners approved the salary increase of Ka�y �. Calley c�f�he Suvenile Departrnent tc� $�,964.�0 pe� mc�nth. ,� ,� q�y�- Chairman A1�isan was a�thorized to sign app�c�va.� of the sp�cial s�c�asion L�quor License c�f L�ucks Unlin�ii�d, i,� ���� ��airman All�son was authorized tc� sign #:he Notice �f Separaiion c�f Ten� Yeager, Lisa �Iensleigh, Jeny I-�amley, and Dorothy Alvarado c�f tl�e Frosecutcrrs Of� �e effective August 31,1 g98. �� ��'��L The GQmmissioners received a Su�nmans and Complaznt frc�n� ,�oseph Pa�r�ck I3avis. The matter was referred tc� the Prosecuting Attorney for handling. ���'��� The �ammassioners received a Summons and �omplaint from �he Estate of James �ar�i�gtan, e� al. The matter was referred to the Prasecuting AttQrney for handling. ���� �� Th� Comm�i ssioners received a S�zmmo� s and �omplaint frc�m Cheryl Jacobs. The matter was referred tc� the Prosecuting A.ttc�rney �or liandling. �� ���;� The Commissroners approved out c�f Staie ��vel for Sher�ff' Brll i�iester ia ai�end the Western State Sherzff s Associatio�: m�e�ing. 1� ��',�'-,�� The Cammissi�ners appoz�ted the fol�owing persc��s to posit�ons on the Lc�dging Tax Advisory Camm�ttee: 1VIe1 Parkex �at-en Wagn�r Terese Schrom Maxilyn M�seberg �,� ��� j Chairn�an A�Izson was authorized ��a sign the Exemption �rQm ShQ�e�ine Management Act Subs�ac�tial DevelQpment Perr.c�i Requ�ements fo� John Kramp, 1`� ;�� A Public Heaaring was held and a mc��iQ� was made by Com�aission�r Fancher, seconded by Ct��nmissian�r Snead that Resolutian Number }8-143- CC �.uihc�rrizzing an app�opria��on a�td expenditure of funds for the PrQsecuior's Crime V�ciim Compensation �und #102, Department #162 �n the amount of $1,5�2 be passed. The motion carried. t���� i A mc�tic�n was m�.de by CQrnmissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissloner Snead to defend and inden�aify t�tta Mill�r, with cflnditzc�ns in the Cheryl Jacobs Summc�ns and �c��np�a�nt matter. The mc�t�on ca�ried. As ihere was nc� fi.zrther bus�i.ness t�a come before the Board the session was cc�nt�nued unti.l September 2�,1998. S�ptember 22,19�8 The session was contanued afi 9:Q0 a.m. wiih all of ihe Cam�nissiQners in ��tendance wi�th the Clerk of f.�e Baard. The Commis�ioners mtit �vith th� Public Wor�s Director regarding Bid ALxthorization-Fuel Ta:nk Replacement, Bridge Na. 12�,'18` NF, Co�iract Extenszon-I-�erbicide Applicatians, Disposal Fees-Biue Bui�ding, C�rent Expens� Loan. ��� �y'v� As of this date t1�e Board by a majority �rote dves appr€�ve far payment �hose vouchers inciuded i�z the list �1ed in ihe Auditc�rs C}�ce 912119$ in ihe taial amount of $941,723.45. Tlie Commissic�ners signed t�e Azatht�rizaiian to Ca.11 fo� Bids on Bridge #120, 18-NE �d. Bid openin.g io be t�ctober 13,1998 ai IQ:�O a.m. ��� �� � The Commissioners signed the Auihorization to Call for Bids on the Public Works Fuel Station Installations. Bid opening to be October 13,1998 at 10:30 a.m. ��`�;�' �' The Commissioners signed Supplemental Agreement No. 1 for Herbicide Application Contract wiih Basin Tree Service and Pest Control, Inc. ��7 �� � The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Michael A. Lidbetter of the Juvenile Departrnent at $5.15 per hour effective Septembe� 22,1998. ��� �` �� Chairr�lan Allison was a�thorized to sign the Exemption from Shoreline Management Act Substantial Development �'ermit Requirepnents for Burlington Northern-Sa.nte Fe Railroad. ���e �� � Chairman Allison v�as authorized to sign the Exe�nption for Shoreline Ma�agement Act Substantial I�evelopment Permit l�equirements for Ed Altman Jr. ,J� 9�� � Chairman Allison was authorized to sign the Exemption for Shoreline Management Act Substantial I�evelopment Permit Requirements for the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. ���'t� � j The Commissioners app�oved the starting salary of Anastasiya DeLeon of the District Co�rt Off'ice at 90 percent of the Deputy Clerk I salary. ������ The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Cecilia Garza of the Grant County P.A.R.C. at $1,370.88 per month effective September 8,1998. j��,��; The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Marion Meek of the Grant County P.A.R.C. at $1,648.40 per monih effective September 15,1998. ��� ��� The Commissioners appraved the starting salary of Sonia McKee of the Grant County P.A.R.C. at $1,370.�5 per month effective Septe�ber 9,1998. � z��� �� The ComJnissioners approved a new position in the Cooperative Extension Department of an On-Farm Testing Prograxn Aide. � zJ�J� t� A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by �ommissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-144-CC amending the Residential, Suburban, Planned Unit Development and Open Space Recreational Sections of the Grant County Zoning Orclinance to provide for Rural and Residential Development densities outside of established interim urban growth areas on an interim basis be passed. The motion carried. ���o���d �y er ��c Cga$Qpti�g ��`�ex�.m �,i.ssl�� e by C°� ��x 9g�1`�� � �otic�n ����� �'ad �n b� .�ass�d. `�- , A�otion e d t�ati R��°�a� Zo $Qagd,��� g�SS1�11 � � � � � � -�iss1a�e� a �:�n th� A�lc'�l o Gfl,�� .�j�f �x� �,h� ���` . tx �h�x .��s:�ess t �ffl��a�. �°'� � .���g. �o � gS �,as 2 � ���5-�p�E �� th��� u�til �e�tex�-be� T.� Cp pl� was adjo+a�n � �.� �,�T�' � �S�CST ���� �°�� ATT�`5'� � `" Cha�a ���� C1er � � �'�� $� � �} '# . �