HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-132-CCBaARD C}F CaUNTY CC}MMISSIC�NERS Grant Counfiy, Washington !N THE MATTER UF ESTABLiSHING A CERTAIN CQUNTY R4AD AS PART gF THE C011NTY Rt�AD SYSTEM �'E'SU�U�lOti �itJ. 98-132—CC hCC}TICE CiF NEARING ��'�c c°U�,a � � �� 'r�esF Df X45NiNG�9� WHERE�S, in accordance witll RCW 3G.8�.,414, the BaardofCaunty Commissioners declares its intention tra est�blish a certaizi county road and declares that i� is a public necessity, and WHEREAS, the Soard of County Commissioners orders the County Road Engineer ta rrzake an examination and survey tl7ereof ancl report tl�e results of his exa�ination �nd provide surveys, maps, ax�d otixer reiatec� c�at� relatecl ta �I�e location an� esta�lishment of that certain caunty road �o the Board of County Commissioner� at �lle time and �laee designated below, and W'HEREAS, tha� certain county roac� is com7nc�nly knaw� as Valley Road and is approximately centered alang the east 3ine o£the NW 1/4 of Sectian 29, Township 19 North, R,ange 28 East W.M,, lyiaag b�tween Teal Road and tl�e bacly af water known as Moses Lake, a�.d NQW, THEREFt�I-�.E, BE IT RES�LV�D that a public ��earing on the Caunty Road Engineer's repart and other reiated matters fil�all l�e 1�eld in ihe Hearing Room af tl}e Board af County Commissioners of Grant County, Waslzir�gtori, Iacat.ed in the County Courthause, Ephrata, Washingtan at 1(}:3Q A.M., Tuesday, Segterr�ber �9, i998, and aIl persans interested may appear and be heard at this he�ring u�on tlYe re��ort and recommendat��n of the �;autzty Road Engineer either to proceed or naL to proceed witl� establisl�ing tlie road, and BE IT FURTHER R�SC?LVED tl�e Caunty Ra�d Engineer is directed to publish a naLice ofthis cause one each week for twa conseeutive we��ks in the afficial caunty newspap�r axzd to post no�ice of this cause for at least twenty d�ys at each terzrrin.i c�f tli� praposed ro�d. DC�NE THIS �- D1aY C�F �eptember __-- ____ i � ATTEST: r:iez•� orzt,� soa��t Canstituting the Board af County Commissioners af Gxant County, Washingtan