HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-130-CCso.�v o� c�►u�rT� cozvrnasszo��s GRAtVT COUNTY, WASHIl�TrGTl3N lN'I'lIEE MATTER OF ALTERINC'r LC3T 45 RESOLUTIfJN NO. 98—I�0—CC OF � PARK C�RCHt�n.D TRACTS � LOCATED Il� A PORTiON OF � SECTI4N 12, Tt�WNSH�' Ig N, �A.NGE 28EWM j RESOLUTION APPRC?VING GItANT COUN'TST, WASHiNGTON ( A PLAT ALTERATION � ( TE�`� �1ND DEL{7RIS L}AI'�'1 T �T£iEREAS, the Board of County Con��nisszoners of Grant Couuiy have been advised by the Grant Cauniy Pl�.n�ia�g Commzssion that an open record p�blic hearmg was conducted orz August 5, 1998 on t�e matter of altering Lat 45 of ihe Park orcl�ard Traets Iacated in a portion of Section 11, Township 19 North, Range 28 Bast, �iV.M., Grant Caunty, Washington, and; WFiEREAS, tlae Grant Co�nty Planning Commission made a unanimous recomme�dation ta approve the plat alteratza� with seven ('7) condi#ions, the atteration of Lot 45 an existing lat approx. nine aczes inta {2) separate lots, ane being 5.6 and #,�e other being 3.4 acres in size; WHEREAS, the Grant Cot�tzty Board of Camnaissioners held a closed record public meet�g on August 24, 19�$ and; WHEREAS, the Board of Gaunty Co�missioners have made a decisian to nphald the recommenda�zon to appzove the proposed plat altezation request with t�e conditians as stipulated by tbe Plalzr���.g Coinm.i.ssian; WHFREAS, the Board of County Con�nissia�ers have found tlaat the proposal is cansisteut with the Crrant Cauniy Comprehensive Plan; yVHEREAS, the Board of County Cam:rr�issianers have fotznd that the public use and zntezest �vi13 apparently be sezved by #�e plat alieratiou; WffEREAS, the Board of County Commissianers have found that tl�e proposal will nat adversely effect the health, safety, and general welfase af the pnbiic in the vicinity of the propasai., WH�REAS, the $aard af Couniy Ca�r�missioners have fauud that #he Plat Alteratian should be gaverned by the fallawing seven (7} conditions of approval; N{?W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESClLVED, t�ai tlze Board of Caunty Co�r�missiauers far Crrant Caunty, Washington approve by this Resalu�ian, a plat alteration of Lot 45 of the Park Clrchard Tracts located in a portian of Section 11, Townslzip 19 North, Range 2$ East, GV.M., Grant Caunty, Washingtan; The plat alteza�ion is approved subject ta the following conditions. Developnaent sball be in compliance wzth the Growth Management Act, The County-Wide Plar�xxing Palicies, The Washington State Environmeutal Policy Act, the Grant County Camprehensive Plan, ihe Grant County Zoning C7rdivance, and all applicab2e local, state, and federal regulatians, rulings ar requireme�ts. 2. Development shall comply with all appficable requireme�uts of tb:e Grant County Fire Marshai inclnding but not limited ta the U�ifarm Build3ng Cade and Uzziform Fire Code. 3. Development shall comply with all imgravements and restzictions required by the Grant Caunty Public Works Depar�ment including b�t nat limited to the follawing: 4, Deveioper shall comply witli all requirements deezned necessary by the Grant County Health District ,the Wasl�ington State Department af Healtl3, and the Washingtan State Department nf Ecology regarding damestic water sugply, sewage systems and storm water cont�ol and treatment including, but not limited to: RCW 90.48.08Q Discharge af Polluting Water Pxahzbited; WAC 173-2�1, Surface Water 5tandards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Watex QuaIity Staridards az�d WAC 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systems. 5. If any Native Americaa Grave site(s} or azchaealogicaUcultural zesources (indiau Artifacts) aze foc�ud all r,anstructian activity shall stop and the ownerldeveloper shali immediateiq natify the Calville Canfedezated Tribes and tlle Washington State Office af Archaeology and Hzsit3nc Preservatiau. 6. Development shall comply with ai1 requirements of the US Degartment af the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. 7. Any outsfianding assessments shall be equitably divided and lev%ed against the remaining lots, parceis, tracts, ar be levied equitably on the lots resulting from the alteration, Done this �� day of August, 1998 ., .� .� Chai�man, eRoy Allison �,.�•�''i,- /�,f �/�.�.1 � . - --� - � � �� ..�"...�'' Commis�ion im Snead r ATfiEST: � ��/l �� ,�G� Cl�r��fthe Baard4�� Constitating the Bo�rd of County Comanissioners of Grant County, Washington