Week of August 31,19��
The Grant Couniy Commissioners session was called to order
ai 9:00 a.m. by Chairr�lan LeRoy Allison. All of the
Commissioners were in attendance.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the
preceding session as written.
��� °� F� The Commissioners approved the salary of Jessica Ramos of
the Cooperative Extension Department at $8.00 per hour effective
August 24,1998.
��q�J�, The Commissioners signed the Payroll Warrants list #9b926
through #97459 for the month af August.
����i�' The Commissioners signed the Notice �f Public Hearing for
Grant County P.A.R.C.Fund # 115, Department # 157 in the amount
of $28,397. The Hearing will be held Septe�nber 22,1998 at 1:30
t��-� f� A motion was made b� Commissioner �ancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead thai Resolution Numbe�- 98-122-�C setting a
Public Hearing for September 14,1998 at 1:00 p.m. relating to the
facts requiring an appropriation and expendiiure of iunds for the
Current Expense Fund #001, Various Depar�tments in the amount
of $218,622 be passed. T'he motion carried.
�,� �-�7 �� A motion was made by Commissioner ]Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that I�esolution Number 98-123-CC setting a
Public Hearing for September 14,199� at 1:00 p.m. relating to the
facts requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the
Emergency Services Fund # 102, Department # 144 in the amount
of $1,090 be passed. The motion carried.
t�.� �`7�� A motion was made by Commissioner �ancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-124-�C setting a
Public Hearing for September 14,1998 at �:00 p.m. relating to the
facts requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the
Law I.ibrary Fund # 110, Department # 152 in the amount of $2,001
be passed. The motion carried.
������ A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Numbe� 98-125-CC seiting a
Public Hearing fa� September 14,1998 at 1:�� p.m. relating to �he
facts requiring an appropriation and expendiiure of funds for the
Grant County P.A.R.C. Fund # 115, Department # 1 S'7 in the
amount of $1,446 be passed. The motion carried.
� 3� ��� motion vvas rnade by Commissione� Snead, seconded by
Comrr�issioner Fancher that Resolution Numlber 98-126-CC setting
a Public Hearing for September 14,1998 at 1:00 p.m. relating to the
facts requiring an appropriation and expend�ture of funds for the
Fair Fund # 116, Department # 158 in the amount of $9,260 be
passed. The motion carried.
;�� 7�� A motion was made by Commissione� Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Fancher that Resolu�iion Number 98-127-CC setting
a Public Hearing for September 14,1998 at 1:00 p.m. relating io the
facts requiring an appropriaiion and expend�ture of fi�nds for the
All Terrain Vehicle Fund # 119, Department # 161 in the amount of
$1,199 be passed. The motion carried.
g�� 1�� �A motion was made by Cor�lmissioner Snead, seconded by
Camrr�issioner Fancher that Resolution Number 98-128-CC setting
a Public Hearing for September 14,1998 at 1:00 p.m. relating to the
facts requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the
Prosecutor's Crime Victim Compensation F�nd # 120, Department
# 162 in the amount of $1,199 be passed. The motian carried.
� J���sA motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 98-129-CC setting
a Public Hearing for September 14,1998 at 1:�0 p.m. relating to the
facis requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the
Insurance Fund #503, Department #18� in the amount of $325,813
be passed. The motion carried.
�� y��.� A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-130-CC in the
matter of altering Lot 45 of the Park Orchard Tracts located in a
portion of Section 11, Township 19 N. Range 28 E.W.M.
requested by Jeff and Delaris Dayett be passed. The motion
i� �����A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 98-131-CC in the
matter of changing the zoning from Residential one to Residential
two in a portion of Section 3, Township 18 N., Range 28 E.,W.M.
requested by Ivor Goodrich be passed. The n�otion carried.
As there was no fu�ther business to come before the Board
the session was continued until September 1,1998.
September 1,1995
`I'he session was continued at 9:00 a.m. �vith all of the
Commissioners in attendance.
The Commissioners met with the Public Wo�ks Director regarding
Road establishn�ent resolution-Valley Road E�tension, Auction-
Minimum Bids, Auctioneer Charges, S��id Waste Advisory
Committee-Me�nbers,l�isposal Option Study, Sage Hill
Homeowners-Road Request, Diamond Point-Road Width
Deviation request, Herbicide Application Contract-Steve Adams,
Insurance, Sagebrush Fla.ts.
;��� ��� A motion was made by Commissioner �'ar�cher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that I�esolution Number 98-132-CC setting a
PubliG Hearing for September 29,1998 at 10:30 a.m. in the ma�ter
of establishing a certain County IZ.oad as par� of the County Road
System be passed. The motion carried.
�' �`�7�q Chairman Allison was authorized ta sign the Praposed
Central Washington Rural Ernpowerment Zorne Participating Entity
��3 ��;� The Commissioners signed the Columbia Basin Ground
Water Management �rea Interlocal Agre�rnent/Contract with
Franklin Conservation District.
: 3� �3 g The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund
Voucher Approval #8-1 t�rough #8-2 in the total amount of
;����As of this date the Board by a majority uote does approve for
payment those vouchers filed in the Auditors Off ce 8/31/98 in the
total amount of $319,3 �7.24.
��� � 3 3A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead to approve the requested Plat change on
Diamond Point Plat, reducir�g the road width requirement frorn 34
ft. io 30 ft. The rnotion carried.
���i� � A motion was made by Commissioner �ancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead to e�end the road�vay weed spraying
contract with Basin �'ree for one year. The motion carried.
As there was no further business tQ come befo�e the Bc��rd
the sessic�n was adjourned uniil �ep%mber �,19�8.
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