HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� ���MISS��INERS' P'�ClCEEI�ING� `4��ek of Augus� 2�,1998 The Gran� Couniy Cozm:�is�ioners session was +�aiied to �arder a# 9:00 a.m. b� Chaxarman I��It�y Al�is�n. .A�i �f the �ommiss�QIlers were in a�end�nce with the Cle�k of the �aard. The Commissioners read ared appraved the mi��tes af the p�eceding sessic�n as warit#e�. %��� �; The Cvmmissic�ners ap�rvved the starting salary of lDelila E, Lvbie of �the ,Juvenite Departmen� a� �5.15 per hour, e�fective Augus� �,1998. ����� �.�' �'he �omm�issic�ners held a]Public 1V�eet�ng regarding the pro��sed ��end�ae�t to the G�ra�t Cou�ty Zoning Ordin��ce �elating #o permitted uses, acidin� a def��%on far "�7tilii� Faciii�ies", and other matters ��rop��ly relati�g ih�eretc�. T�ere was n€r ap�osi�vn to ��e prnpased ameadm�nt. A mohon �as made by Com�issivner Snead, seco�ded by Commissic�ner Fanch�r tv uphoid the Planning Commissivn rec�mmendat�vn to app�rov�. Th�e motion carri�d. ;� 9� �� 'I'he Commissi�n�rs h��d a F�blic M�e�.ng reg�rding ih�e prvpvsec� �'lai .�iteratic�n x�quested by Jeffrey and De�a�is Daye�t. The subject parcei is described as Lot 45, in a P`ortion of th� Sau�hwest Qu�r�er o� Sec�vn 11, T�wnship 19 North, l�.a�nge 2S East, �'.�I. i� �he Park �rchard Tra�ts, A m�t�c�n was made by �o�missi4n��r Sne�d, s��onded by �omm�ssioner �llison to approve ih� I�Iat Alie�atian witl� find�ngs of fact and conditions as proposed by th� Piann��g Commissaon, The motic�n car�ied. �� `���,� The Ct��m�ssianers were noii�ed b� ihe Grani C�unty PAI�.� €hai Alm� �arcia and Fatt� Jc�hnsv� r�s%gned effective Augusi 31,19"9��. �� �'�� � Chair�an A.�lison w�a� �.uihc�rized t� �ign ihe Statez�ent �f �'ro�f c�f Loss due tc� a fre, fmr the 1956 C.t�T T�a�cavator lY�o�e� 9�i3, Scheduled Item 55 frvm ihe ia�d�l[I. ���t �� ihe ��mmissian+ers approved t�ut of State taravei fvr ()s�ax C}�h�a of the Grant C�unty PA�i�, and a gr+o�� of youih and chapervn�� to travel tv Partland, �3reg�� for meni�rimg r�sp�z�sib%�t�es, ����,�� Tl�e Co�m�issioners signed the Req�est fa� Tramsfer t�f Funds in the Juvenile �epartment fr�m �'aiaries and '�Vages to Cap�t�I t}uilay i� the am€�unt �f �4,705. ����c�� A mvt��n was made by �c�m�iss��ne� �nead, seco�d�d by C��m�ssi�ner Fancher to d�sig�a�te �hair�an A�lison �� ae� for th� �o�nt� on ana�ters periaining to the tiV�shi�gion IZural �'o���ies Insurance P'a�I. The a�oti�� car�ied. ��`��� � The Comm�ssic�ners re��ived th� Ce�ti�cate o� Insu�anc� �`rarn ���tral Pre-M� Pr�s��ess ��. �� th� ����i C�un% ,�usti�� C����� ��b. As t�er� was mo �urther business �a come before the �3v�rc� the sessian was camtinued uni�� August 25. Aug�st 25,1995 �'he sess�on �vas eontta��nued at 9.D�1 a.m. wi�i� +Chairrnan AIlis�n and +C�mm�ss�oner Sn�a�i in attendance wiih the �lerk of �h� �oard. Commissioner Fancher was attendling mee�ngs out of taw�. �� � ia�."- The Com�nission�rs signed a coz�traci wi�h Nt�arth �entra� Construct�+o�, �nc. fvr �he R��d�lph R�ad projec�. ��`��� �� mot�on was made by C�mmissianer Snead sec��c�ed by Cam�►iss��ner Allison that ResvlutiQn I�+Tumber 98-11�-�� ho�c►ring the Co�u�rbia Basin �iver Dvgs Bail Teaffi for winnzng the �998 Sez��or BBbe Ru�h Warld �hampi�nsl�ip b� passed. 'The motion carried. l� ����� �nat�on was r�ade by Comm�ssionea S�eac�, seco�ded by �omxniss�ane� Al�ison ihat R�solu��n Numbe� 98-11'7-C� nomina�ing �2�bert Buys, Rex +�hamberlaan, �wain Far�s�er, Ed Faeld and i3o� Fivr�n io the I3air� and Feedlot Graundl Water Advisory �o��ni�t�e be passed. TJhe �oiior� carr�ed. f�����`�`I'h� �mmmissic�ners apgrov�d the requesi by the �ra�i Co�niy PARC for a budget ��te�si�n �n �he amvu�t af �28,397. �� y��� Th� �oynmYssieners signed allcawing Grani Count� PAR� t� charge �ard�. a Ie�ter �o .A4CS .l�erchamt Se�ces a.ccept paymenfi �y er�di# cards o� ����'G�'� .t� motiQn was �ade by Cam:rnissioner S:�ead, second�d b� Coz�m�issivner Allison that �tesoiuti�n Nu�bea� 98-118-CC ap�aroving the t�°ansfez� of the Cable �c�mmunications Fra�chise f�om 'I'C� Cablevisic�n to Falcvn/T�I Partnership be p�ssed. The mvtio� car�ied. i� ���� The Cvmm�ssioners held a�id Qpe��ng fc�r the J�a�r�round Restrv4m Facility. A motia�n was made by ���ce�►�ssian�r Snead, secanded �y �am�issivne�° t�.11isan �c� refer the bids �o th� Faiar and Architect f�r review and rect�mmend��ion. The mo�on carried. ��,��t�`� The Comu�issioners he�d a Fublic N�eeting �egax�ding the Ivor �c�odrich Z�ne Cha�g� Request, frana �Zesidential une (�.-A) to Resid�n�a� Tw4 {R-2) o� a parce� approximateiy 4.5 �cres in size Ic��ated in � portio� of the Northwest Quarter vf Section 3, Township �S Nor�h, Range 28 East, W.M. A m���� was made by CQmmissioner Sne�d, s�conded by C�mm�ssic�ner A.11isan to approve the r�quested zone change with findings as �prt�posed by the P��nning De�artm�ni. 'TI�e �no�iom car�-ied, ��� �i �g� T%e +Commissione�s signed the Public Works Payroll Journa� fvr the month af August in the taia� amouui c�f �284,615.�9. ������ As �f ihis dat� the Bvard by a majori�y vote d�es a�prove fvr payment those vou�hers incl�ded in t�e Ii�t %led a"n �he �.uditor� (�ffce 8124/9� i� the total amaunt of �901,342.12, C��i���,, A motian �as made b� Commissaoner Snead, s��onded by Commi�sioner Allis�n ihat R�svlut�on Num�er 98-� 19-CC �aminating Phil Andersvn fo� ap�ai�tn�ent to the Envirvnme�.i and R�ecrea�ion Ground W��er Advisory Coa�tmi�iee b� p�assed. The monvn carri�d. ���,, �� f� A mo�on. w�s made by Ca�nr��ss�oner S�ead, sec�mded by �v�n�issiune� A►.�li��n that Res�iu�ivn Number 9S-1�Q-CC re�a�ing t+a the transfe�r �f funds wi�hi� th� 199� ba�dg�t e�f the Auditars �& M Fund #124, JDepartm��t #16�i i� ihe am�unt c�f �4,�77 be �pa�sed. The �e��i�u ca�r�ied. � � � �'� �' A �ot�o� was ��c�e by �qm�issioa�er Snead, second�d �y Cc�mmissioa�e� Ailas�� that R�sc�lu�iaa� Nu�nb�� 95-�21-CC a�e�ding �he G�ant +Caumty �o�ing fJrd�narnce reiaiing to permitteci uses, adding a d��'iniii+�n far "LTtili�y F�cili�ies", ��►d �ther ma�ers prvp���y re�a�ng �I�er��t� b� �assed. T�e mo�c�� carr��d, As there was z�� furt�er b�si�ness t� come be�Q�� t�e �oa�rd the s�ss�o� �as adjc�ur�ed unti� Aug�ast 31,I�98. B(��1RIl {J�' C(}UN'T�' C4I�l[MISS�C�NERS AT7C`�S'�": G�iAli�'�' Ct)UNTY, �VAS�II�+I�Tt}l� 4 Clerk ofthe Board Cha�a . ,..��f l�1 !�11_....�.�