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Resolution 98-115-CC
� � �� ��� ���� � � �a��,�T��D°�c�tT�l,�af���il��`nY�� RE��7LUTZaI�I N�IN�I3E�Z 98-115-CC t � A RES��LITIQI� au�horizing an appropriai.ic�n and �x�en�lit�zre� af fu�3c�:� ia� ths fc�lltswit2g c�ep�.rtinent/�untx: �urrent Ex�aense Fund ��001, Lon�, Ran�e Plannin� Dept.��135 ,togEt�t�r wa.th � bttdg�t tYlE?Z°P.— �Q%'E'. , �33.1�°�1��.11'� "�Q $3.�� `°J�'?.'��. 1��, ��,���.�A�p ].$ �la.S �JE?E'1? �7Y°t�iA�;�l$ "tQ ��lE' �.t'�.@I2�:lOtT C7� f,�lE' Iic><LT't� a� Cc�un'�y Com�rnissi�ners o� Grant Cc�ur�ty that emergency �c�ndi cic>ns ?-ec�uir� t�aa� ar app=c�p�iatic�n and ex�enaitur� o� �ur�d�s k�Es ��ii:h-- orized for tl�e abav�-m���ionE?d de�a�°�r:�n���'u�d, toge'th�s• wz#�� a bu�get t�ier�f�ar; anc� �ER�A�, pursuant to RC�d 36.40. 140, Re�alution Ncr. was duly adc�pted an�����t 3.1998 ,and pu�alish�1e� in the Da-i.ly x�ra.ld °� BL.��,.�3/98 declarin�; an emerge�acy �nd stating th�� �acts cons�ituti�ag the emergc�nc.y �ind _� the estim�.te� amoun�t of funds r�quir�� ts� r��et it , �c�g�:��?er with a ���ice €�� p�a�lie k�ea�°i��, at�d sair� ���bli� hearin� �as hc�Icl therc�c�ri �here i�.��r°es�ed g�erso�s �€;r�� �.11owecl �o a�rp��.r a�ad �e r��ard; N�?�, "������ORE, BE Z�' R�S�I,,VEI� �Y TH� L3f�A�D £3� C�3LIN'�Y ('OM�IIS- SIGI�r,�� fl�' f'xR��T C�UN'�Y, S��1TF OF �AS��IN��'C►1y, �h��t �zn r�p��F-c�g�riati«n and expe�a�it��e �� �'unds i� hereby a�th��°i�e� fc�r the �ollr�win� ��F��'���'����'-���� Current Expense Fund ��OOI,Zong Range Pianning Dept.��135 in t�ae to�a� suzn caf $ 196,190 accordi.ng to t�xe attack�ed budget . This resolution is �n t�e best anteres�s of �ood gc�v�rnm�nt • and sfaa7.l take e�fect immediately upan i�s gaas�age. c������t� � 7 . ta�Y� �GC���a� , �9 '�� , Ft.TTES�: � � � Chatrman � �� ric of the 0+��rd �.��-�;a��«��� Cpmmisaioner ��� � � Cammission�r �esns8�taaW6ra #h�6oacd Qf�cseantp+�ssar�assissa�a:�a�s ���.sant Craaazst�, e0��asi�6ng4�re .�.e- � .._»..-,z..�_a«...«.,� „ R.�SOLUTIOI�'WORK5H�ET � R2 CZ.7R.RENT E�I'ENSE FLTND#001 � LONG RA..NGE PL�INNING DEPT. 135 R3 CI}R.R.ENT EXPEN�E�L7ND#001 I�C1NG�'.11NGE PI..A.i'�TN�NG DEPT. 135 ATTAC�JC!1�N'T TO RESC}LU"TION 9$-115—CC AI'PRCiPRIATi{?NS: PROFBSSIDNAL SERVICES CCINSULTING FEES-PCI 55$.b0.41.58 $ 196,19b F�YANCING SOURCES BEGIt�tN�IN.C`�r UIVRESERVEII FU�Nll BAIrANCB 288 $196,190 EXPLANATItJN T4INCREASE AFPROPRIATIONS�'OR CONSULTTNG FEE�FC3R THE DEVELOPMENT C1F T�IE GRANT CQTJNTY�OMP PLAN�OR 1998 � � � _��T�.�..�..._�...w...,.�:H_--=___.�-�---�-�--_> Tt�: Peggy�rig� F�`omo Da�rid Nelsc�n ��te: 0'�l30/98 Re: Comp-Plan Budget Estimated Budg�t for de�e�c��sing Grant,Co�ty Comp I��a�for =99,8. � Ca�s�t�.ra��'��s P��. �see�ttac�snent) gr"���{} � �f�'� I�'�i � G��su��� e s t��. , - $ (3� ,.;�;, : .>:_;:. ': � �'.: se�I��. �fl�as �a�' gs,ro i ren ,�fre hr�zent �tc.,� � 2iJ c� � � f . . ;�;;:. � 1 , • ' ri� en��� �,,�'' . � " _ `2; 0� : �.��� .,�..� ;�52' 9�; � �f ///j�'/'/'jJ'/ �' - L"S.L A 7.7� � 9 , "`/.�-�L/ G li' L �c��tiiis helps if I ca�be of�urt�e�assista��e piease let me 1�.���ur. - - _- — - _ _ _ _- - - .�