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Week ofAugust 1'7,1998
The Grant County C�mmissic��ers sessian was ca�led to order at 9:Q�
a.m. by Cha�rman LeRoy Allison. All of the Commisszoners we�re in
attendance with the Clerk ofthe Board.
The Cammissianers read and approved the minu�es of �� prec�ding
session as u7ritten.
i`����� The Cammi s�zoners signed the �mployee Status For�n Qn Laura
Berens of the Cc�operative E�ensic�n L}epartment �v�it� a salary increase t�
$1,�25.64 per manth.
!�` �� The Com�nissioners signed the Emplc�yee Stat�us Form �n �.athy V. �
�a,lley of the Juvenzle Department, as a ha1�time Detention 1Vlor�itor with a
st��rtiz�g sa�ary of$1,74�.40 per manth7 effectzve .�ugust I,1998.
������"`Chairman Allison vvas authorized. to sign the NQtice af Separatic�n or
�oxk Interruptxon af Chester L, Harvey, Jr. of tbe Juvenzle Department.
l z����� The Cc�mmissianers signed �he Employee Sta.tus Form on Emilia B.
Burgess t�f the Juv�nile Department, as a Legal Secretary u�zth a starting
salary of�1,688.80 per ma�th effec�ve August 24,1�98.
������The Commisszon�rs signed the Emplayee Status Form on Charles E.
V�iegand c�f the 3uvenile Departmen�, as a I�etention Monitc�r-Relief u�th a
starting salar� of$�.15 pen c���r effective 3uly 25,1998.
p����� The Com�nissioners approved the sta�ting salary of Michelle Slzzii�ger
Qf the Juvenile Probatian L�epa.rt:ment at 90 per�ent c�f Treatment Couu�selor
salary effective August 17,1998.
�����,� The Commissianexs approve� �e starting salary of Jennifer L.
Thorntan of the Clerks C}ff�ce at $5.25 per hour in the Diversified
Qccupatzon Program.
t�' �� �� Chairman All�son was authorized to sign the l�o�ce a� Separatian of
Shay �arrison c�f the Clerks (��ice, effective August 14,1998.
����,,�'' Th� Cc�mmissioners signed the �mplay�e Status For�n on Jean F.
Adamsan c�f the Juveniie �?epartment as a I.egal Secretary at �1,688.80 per
manth ef�ective August 3,19}8.
������-Th� �ammis�i�ners signed the Employee St�..tus Form on Armandina
Valdez of the Juvenile Departm�nt as a Detention Monitor-�alf-T�me at the
salary of�8'73.2Q per manth.
!� ���.3Chainnan Allzsc�n was authorized t� szgn the Notice of Separatio� or
�14T4rk Tntern�ptian c�f Pa�ricia J. Na�mahn Q�' the Auditors t�fiice efF'ec�ive
August 6,1998.
, '�`����' The Commissic�n�x� a�proved the request for Tr�nsfer of Funds in the
Juvenile Department#117, ()perating Fund#0�1 in the amoUr�t Qf$4,�00.
� ��!f� The Commisszoners app�aved the r�quest �y the Juvenile Department
for the tzansfer of $4,50� fram ���z� Salaries/V+�ages Account to Cap�tal
Qutlay for �he upgrade of their cc�mputer software tc� Microsoft C)f�ice "97
!���7� The Cammissianers requested the Fire Marshal ta Uft t.�ae countywide
burn ban e�f'ective i�nmediately due to the cooling of the weather.
j,����`1`� The �gmmi�sianezs approved out c�£s�.te travel for l��e Jackson of
C'rrant Mental Healthcare to attend the Annual LT.S, Psychiatrzc c� Mental
I3eaith�ongress Conference and E�ibiti�n.
��`��`�� Th� Commzssioners received a Certificate of In�urance from S.C.
�ommunicatians, Inc.
j���,�`� The Cammissi4ners received a Summans and Compla�nt from �ary F.
Davidsfln. The matter was referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling.
/.,��'��� A Pubiic Hearing�vas held and a motic�n �vas made by Com.missi�nex
�'ancher, seconded by Cc��nissioner Snead that Resolu�ion Number 98-114-
CC authorizzng an appropnation and expenditure of funds fc�r the Current
Expense Fund #OOI, Treasu�rers Depar�ment #106 in the amount af $3,004
be passed. The m�tian ca�rried.
�,����l A�'ublic I-�earing was held and � motiQn was made by Commission�r
Fancher7 seconded by Commission�r Snead that Resolution Number 98-1 IS-
�C authori��g an apprflpriation and expenditure of funds for th� �urrent
Exp�nse Fund #401, Long Range Plaz�ning I7eparfinent ##135 in the am�unt
c�f$196,1�0 be passed. The�notion car�rie�..
������`.� T`he Camm7issianers set a Publzc Mee�ing far August 24,1998 at 2.00
p.m. ��garding the Dayett Plat Alt�ra�ion r�quest seeking to create t�vo new
lots, c�ne bei�g 5.6 acres in si.ze, and the oth�r being 3.4 acres in s�ze, frorn a
current Ia� apprc��mately R.0 acres zn size in the Par� (�rchard Tracts. The
subj�ct parcel is described as Lot 45, in a Fortion of the Southwest Quarter
of Section 1 l, Tc�wnship 19 I��arth, Range 28 East, W.M.
�.����x The CQm�issioners received a Su�nmans and Complaint for Damages
frc�m Jim Cochran, et u�, et a1. The matter was re�`erred tc� the Prc�secuting
Attorney for handling.
1..�`����The Cc�m�mi ssiQners s�gned a Quit Claim Deed to the City Qf Moses
Lake on a parcel c�f land in the Nc�rtheast 3/4 c�f Section 16, Tawnship 19
Narth, Range 28 East, �7,M.
� .�z����''The Cc�mm.zssion�rs set a Publzc Meeting far August 25,1998 at 2.Oa
p.m. regarding the Gvodrich Zane Change Request frQm Residential t�ne to
Reside�zt�al Two an a parcel appro�mately 4.5 acres in size requested by
Ivor C�Qc�drich. The 4.5 acre parcel is located in a portion of the Northw�st
Quarter of Section 3� Township IS I�lorth, Range 28 East, W.M.
��`��' �� The Commissic�ners signed a con�ract with Baszn Paving �ompany for
the resurfacing of U SE Rd.
As th�re was no fia�t�.er business to ca�e before the Baard the sessxan
was ccmtinued un�il August 18,1998.
August I 8,1�94
The session was continued at 9:40 a.m. with Chairman LeRoy Allison
and Commissianer Snead in attendance �vi� the C1erk af the �3oard.
Commissioner Fancher was at�ending meetings out c�f the a�ce.
f����7 C�airman AZ1isQn was au�arized to sign the Notice of Separatic�n or
Work Intem�ption of Lorraine L. Miller c�f the Suvenz�e Departmen�,
effective August 31,1998.
1��'�,�'� Chairman A11�sQn was autharized to sign th� Natice of Separ�.�on ar
Work Iutem�ption c�f Barbara r. Spence of the Juvenzle Departcn.ent,
�ffectiv� Augus�21,1998. �
�����,;/� As of t��is date the Boaard by a majc�rity vote dQes apprQve for payme�t
thase voucl��rs included in the list filed in the Auditors C3f�ce 8/17/�8 in �he
total amc�unt of$356,628.38.
,���,,�� The Cam�nisszaners apprcaved the salary inc�ease 4f the St�p Level III
Records �lerks in the Sherif�"s Office re�roactzve t� May 1�98.
�;��,�% The Commissi�ners apprc�ved aut of state t�avel far DeteGtive �ill
Stakelin of the Sheriff's Of�ce tc� attend Domestic Terrarism trazning in
,����� The Cammissic�ners approved �ia.e promotiQn af Sergeaz3.t Durand of
the S��rif�'s (3ffice tc� Lieutenant of the new faclli�.
As there was no further busin�ss ta com� befc�re the B�ard the session
was adjourned until August 24,1998.
� �
��erk � e Board Chairman
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