HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-107-CC��.� �r,; � �, �. r � � ��SOLU°I'IOI� N�?h�I3��� 9$-107--CC 0 A RESCDLUTI4�i authorizing ara app���riatic�n and ex�enditure of �u��c€:� �c�r �he �oli€sw3ng c�e�a,rtmentJfu�d; Countv Fair Eund i�116 Department ��158 , �ogeti�e� witi� � t7�id�;€�t ihere- fore, purs�a�� �c� RC�t 36.4�3.1�?�, �I�REAS, it has been k�rou�%t to t�E� attenti�n c�f t��c� Iic>�ird �i �c�unty Gc��n?issioners vf Crar�t County tha.t em��r��ncy cc�ndi.tic>n5 require t�ai an apprap�iat�an and expendi.iure c�f funds b�s auth- orize� ior '��e abov�-r��ention�d depart�n�n�/�und, tQ�;ethc�i• waii� a budget the� e�c�r ; and �H�R�A�� ,�u�st�ant to RCW 36 . 4� , I40 , Resc� l�.t i�n �do , 98- 2-CC �as d��y ac�cegt�c� on Jul� 9,1998 ,and pub�.isi�cs�a in t�r� �a;1; era�d �� 7/17&24/98 det;larzng an emergency ansi s�ating thP� facts constituting th� cm�rg��ncy ���3c1 ,_ ti�� es�imat�d �.m4urt of f�nds required tt� m�et i�, togeLher vaath a nc�tice a� ��€�lic hearin�, and said plzb�.ic hearing wa� held ther�on �h?re inieres�ed pers�ns were ailowed to �.ppear and �e l�eard; N0�1, T�IEREFCIRE, BE IT RESOLVEi3 BY TH� �30ARB OF COUNT�I f'C)�RP�iIS- SiOIdE�S OF t��Aa�T COiJ�ITY, S�`ATr� QF �NAS��ING'���, �h�t an =�p�arc���z�i� tic�ti and exp���i��s°e of furads ?s ��a�e�v a�.i�c��°iz�ei fc�� ti�� fol�n�ving dep�.itmeTE'��ft,:Fid: Caunty Fair Fund ��116,Department ��158 ira the to��.i ���n �if $ 50,000 accar€�i�g to the a��achIId •, � _ This r�so�.ut � ar� is ira t�e �es� inter�sts o� �c�c�c� gz��=ernm�r��t - and shal� ta�e ef�ect immediatelv u�c�� ?is �assa�,�. �o�a� i�?35 28th '€��� �F Jnly a i9_.�$_. f4diESP: � 3 ai 6hm �cr�rel � a CRoErrnan _�G�`��l/� �=�GA!�ri���/�� CcmrniasFoner � . Cammisaion�r Csra��4`sts���€: ��� �cssancf as# Ce�ss;�� �omrs�issiae��ra o��arcan� Ca�r�:y, �as�cn�tcar� ' RESOLUTION WORT�SHEET R2 COLTNTY FAIR FUND # 116 DEPARTMENT # 158 R3 COUNTY FAIR FL7ND # 116 DEPARTMENT # 158 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION 98-107-CC APPROPRIATIONS: SPECIAL PROJECTS -PROJECT # 707 RESTROOM FACILITIES FINANCING SOURCES OPERATING TRANSFERS-IN CURRENT EXPENSE FUND # 001 573.70.62.13 $ 50,000 397.00.01 $ 50,000 EXPLANATION TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE AMOUNT NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE RESTROOM FACILITIES. � I �oxrr��� �� ��° 3963 Airr,vay Drive • Moses I�ake, WA 98837 • 509-?65-368� � I�'AX; 509-766-e194Q June 26, 1998 �'r'rant County Commissioners G:ran� County Courthouse P.O. Box 37 Ephrata, WA. 98823 Dear LeItoy: �. � . , ����� , � �� � � ��� ' %a6.M CQA�11�r�o�,..�vtNS COUNTY, WA�6iiNGTON We request�d, and you approved, a new Capital Construction Project valued at $60,Q00 to construct a iaew restroom facility on the fairgrounds in 199$. The ariginal project estimate by Zeck �utler Architects came in at $109,000. We scaled this down in oux request and have since discovered we were too optimistic about what we could get for the original amount requested. VJe are asking for an additional $50,000 to complete the pxoject. The $15 to $1$,000 septic system requirements have played a big role in our new request. We appreciate your consideration and I hope there are additional County funds avazlable to complete tl�is project in 1998. Tim should have the architects drawings and original letter on the praject for yaur review as well. Yours Truly, LalJeli Y�ada, Mar�ager GRANT CnUNTY �AIRGT�OLrNDS cc: Gary (�ilie Lee � LY/rh �. �r �;vur�t,� �;�am,�7i�s�a, ��;, ., ..;�.�;nt C�urttY, 1Mashln�ton Appr�ve ��-� Disappr�v� �15�'. � Ulg$� � �� �?IS$, #Z �f��, ���_ - �isi. �� BJist. �3 r.�__� � �' � C��'� �c�u�r�rY o� ��,N�° 39G3 Airway Drive a Moses Lake, VVA 98837 + 509-755-3G81 • FA�: 509-766-7940 June 26, 19�$ Grant County Cammissioners Grant County Courtho��se P.O. Box 37 Ephrata, WA. 98823 Dear LeRc�y. � ������� �'� 2 9 13� wv►rw tAF CL1A�Itol i a;, �., Iti t H$ �t�t' c4ut��r, w�r��rr�Ta� We requested, an.d you approved, a new Capztal Co�struction Project vaiued at $b0,400 ta construct a new res�room facility an the fairgraunds in 1998. The original project estimate by ,Zeek Butler Architects came in at $1Q9,000. We scaled this dawn in our request and have since discovexed w� were toa optimistic aboui what w� cautd get far the ox°iginal amount requested. W� are asking fox aa� additional $50,000 to camplete the praj ect. The $1 S to $1$,000 septic system requirements have played a big role in nur new request. � We ap��reciate yaur consideration and I hope there are add�tional Count� funds available to complete this project in 1�98. Tim should have the architects drawing� and �riginal letter on the prdject for your review as well. Ynurs Truly, LaDell Yada, Manager GI2ANT CQUNTY FAIRGR4UNDS cc: Gazy Oilie Lee � LY/rh (�: I1�^ ... VI ��47i�.� L..*FJ�7�ii'��t117+��ILi� J ..;,��;n� co�nty, wash;n���� Approve ,�, " ���apprc�ve ����� � Dist. � di��. �2 � �i�t. �2___, Dia�. �� bist, �3 r