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Resolution 98-106-CC
�� � � . � � : .. •i; �'� ` �. �'r._ �tESt�LUTION N�1MI3ER 98-106-CC A RESO�U�'�Q�i a�thorizing an a�pre�pri�.t aon and �x�a�n�i�.ur� of �u�<�� fc�r t�2e �ct���w�ng ciepartaner�t f iiind: Current Expense Fund ��001 O�eratin�..Transfers Out ��142 , togE.�the�' with a t7l.td�;c�t t�ae�'�- f�r� , p�tr��ant te� R.CtN 36 . 40 , l�(3. �EI�EAS, i.t has k�F�en k�a�ta�ht to thf� attenti�n c�f ihe I3v��z•d of Ce�anty Cc�mmissio�.ers o� Grar��t Cc�un�ty thai �merg��cy c:onditians rer;,�ire that an appropriatican a�d expendi.ttzre �f fund's �>�} auth- orized. �'or the above-mentxonE�d department/fund, �ogeth�z• wiil� a b�dget therefc�r� and WHE�i�AS, �aurs�zant to RC�1 36.40.140, Resolution N�. 9g-94-CC �as d�Iy adopted ora .�,t�� 13rh�1998 ,and puhli�hE1d in th� Dailv Herald �� 7 jI7&2419$ det',l�.rzn�; an emergency arad st�.ting the� facts constituting the c:mergc�ncy �it�d ._ the est�.m�.ted amount of ��n�s requixed tcr meet it, ic�g�ther �vath ��. n��ice c�f pub� ic heari.n�, and said y�ub3ic i�eap in� wa� held tt�erc�on w�ere ia�terested persons wer� �llowed ta app��,r and �ae ti�;ard; I�(��, �'�iER��{��tE, BE I� R�St3I.,tiE� �iY T�-iE BOARi7 tJF C�IJNTi' CC71�MiS- SIONER.� O�' GRAaNT CO�INTY, S�'ATfi Q� 1�AS�II�IG'�ON, that an cipprc��riatic}s1 and ��p�ndiiu�e o� �'unds �.s h�reby a�aiY�criz�d it�r t�e �ollc3wir�� c�epaa't�uei7�' � f tii�d : G�rrent Expense Fund��001 0�� �ransfers Out i�142 an the t���l s�.�n o� $ 2,803 accorciing to t�Ze at�ached b�adge't . TYais reso7.ution is in the best irzteresis of good ���t,rernment . and shail ta�� effec� imm�a�aate3�y u�on i�ts passa.�e. ���sF i�s5 �8�.1� ��� � �.�.�3� . �� �$ . ,� � � �s�: � . � ar4c of Ph� diaord � ��%�.�� .. � ' � �. . � i.. �se��8ilaetit� th� �asrd �� �o�acr�� Camsnissior��r� o�t"rr�nt �ours�y� ��a��ar��9o�a 0 v RES�LU`�`I9�N i��RKS�TEET RZ CURkENT EX�'ENSE FUND # (l03 C}PEI2ATING T'1[ZhNS�'ERS-OUT-L}EPT. 142 R.3 CURRENT EY1'ENSB Fi.JND # 4til C1P�RATING TIZANSFERS-C7UT-DEPT, I42 ATTACHIHi�tENT TO RESOLUTION 9$-106-CC �. APPktC3PRIATIOI�iS; OPERATII`1G 3'�ANSFERS-OUT E:1�IERGBN�Y SERVI�ES 597.01.00.0(} � �,84i3 �'I�TA1�T-CIlrTG SOiURC�S BEGINivII`�G UhTRESERVED FL)NI) BAZ.,ANCE 28$ � 2,803 EXPLANATIO� O � TQ FNCREAS� A�P�Z.t�PRXTATIONS FOR TFt�NSFERS Ti� TI�E EMERGENCZ' SERVICES FI7ND # 102 FOR AIRCRAF":[' WAT�R DR(7PS FOR 1 IRE FIGHTING . �