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Resolution 98-104-CC
'.� � , � � 7; .. �I.. �� Y� X S+ � �. *� �\ .. :� , t . � `... I��S�LUTIJN N�1M�3E��, 98-104-CC � R�S4L�TTIaId authorizing an apprc�priation and ex�endit�irf} of furaci:; for the foll€�wiz�g �tepartment jf�nd: Emer�enc��rVices Fund�k102 De�,t.��144 ,�o�;ether with a btid�;�t tiiE�r�- fare, pursuan� to RCW 36.4t1.1.40. �aTHEREAS, �t has be�n �rought tc� th� atter�tion c�f t:t�E> Iic>�tr•c� oi �oun�y Ca�snissioners c�� Grant Co�nty that emergency condi.tic�ns requi�� ihat ara appropriatz�n and exper.d�.�ure c�f funds kac� aizt:h- orazed �ar the abov� -meniic�ned c�egartment/fund, togethea• t�ith a budget t?�erefor; and �o'H��.EAS, �ursuant to RCW 36.4�.14Q, Resolution No.98�3-CC �as dt�ly adog'tec� on ,���y 13,1998 ,and pu3��isheci in the n�iZ3r RP,-�1d °� ZL�,7&24,[98 decl�ring an e�nergency and stating ti��� f�cts constitu�ing th€� em�rgency ae�d,^ the estimated amount of funcls �equ�.red to meet it, togethc�x with <t nc�tice of ��.b3i� hearing, and said p�zb�.ic hearing was held th�rEyc�n where izaterested persons wer�= allo�ed �o appear and be li�ard; NO�, TZ�E�iEFORE, B� IT RE�C�Lt�ED �iY �'HE Bi�A�D aF C�tTN'PY C'OhiMIS- SIONERS �F GRANT �OUNTY, STAT�, OF WASiiINC�ON, that an <ip��rc���riati«al and ex�endiiu�e o� fur�c�s is hereby a.�thcr�zed �c�r �%e follow� n� tiepartmetlt f f=.zX1d; FmPrgency Services Fund��y02,Dept.��I44 in th� total sum oi $ 5,266 accorc�ing �� t�� att�che€�. �udget, Thi� re�oluti�rn is in the best �nterests o� gQ�c� �c�v�rnment •�nd sha�.i t�k� effect immed�ately �pon i�s �assuge. t�c�ea� 7'�s�S�____2g_ �,�� �_._ Ju1Y 3� �g. hTfifST� � af bha �oord � Chairrno:� �,"-_'__„%��y!�r.!//�'� �e�� Ccsmmisainn�s P Cammdsafonaz �easts�ilu�aaa th� ��sd Q$ ��un#�r Co€ne�dssion�r� o��rs�:r# Cous�ty, e�fashan�ton � � � RES{.��,�JTIt?N Wt?RKSH�ET EMERGENCY SERVICES Fi.TNI) # 142 DEPARTN�ENT � 144 ENIERGEAxCY SERVICES FUNI7 # 102 DBPART�iEI��T � 144 �. ATTACHMENT TO RESQLU2IC?1'� 98-104—CC A.P�'R�QPRIA'I"7d�i1TS: SMALL TOt3LS & MINOR EQUII'MENT PROFESSI�NAL SERVICES iN`I'ERFUNT) RENTALS & LEASES �zN�scl�v� sou�a�Es FEDERAL CML DEFEN�EtDISASTER ASSIS"I'. C3PERATI1�iG TRANSFER-TN cvz�.�rrr ��. �u�z� o�a, EXPLANATI�N „�33.83.Si.t}0 397.00Al $ 3,�26 $ 2,840 � z,oao � s,z�� $ 2,463 $ 2,803 � 5,266 T� iNCREASE r�PPR4PRIATi�NS FUR. FIRE FIGHTING EFFC}�2TS ,EC�UIPMENT �'EEDS A.NZ? INCREASE I�'�T INTERFiJNL} REItITAI, C4STS P{JR 1498.