'Vt�eek +�f Ju�y 27,1.99�8
The Grant Coux�iy Cc�n�missior�ers session u�as ca�led to Qrder at 9:00
a.m. by Gha%rman LeRoy C. Alliso�.. A1I of the Commissi�ners u�ere in
aiiendance w�.th ihe C1erI� of the Board.
The Commissic�ners read and apprc�ved �e minutes of �he prec�ding
session as written.
������Th� �ommissioners approved the starting s�.lary of Ashley Pon4zzo
of the Dzsirict Couzz t Deparbment at $6.00 per ho�a.r.- effective Ju1y I 4, � 998.
���`I r��The Cammisszoners apprQved th� starting salary t�f Wiliiam
Mac+�mber of the Sheriff's Qf�ice ai $2,088.90 per mo�th e�'ective Ju1y
�,�����Th� Cammzssic�ners received a signed c�py of the 1998 Agreement
with the Town of Marlin fQr Sheri�''s Services.
j����Th� �ommisszoners were noti�ed by the Public Wo�ks D�rect�r thai
Bridger #153, Tu�-key Road was built in accardance wit� the plans and
S�i�Ci�l��tlOilS, and that all materials ine�rporated into tlze projeci me�
COili1'�C� Sp�Ci�iC�.�It�I1S.
�����,Ch�irman A1lisan was authorized to sign the First Amendment to
�DBG C�ntraci Number F-98-74098-�44, which is a supplemental
amendment ta a.ssist migrant farmwarkers in the Matta�a az-ea w�th
emergency housing and ather emergency needs,
f���� � Tlae Cc�mmissioners received a copy c�f File �umb�r 98-7-BRB frorr�
�� (srant C�unty Boundary Review Baard informzng them of th� denial Qf
the an�exatian request in ihe mat�er o� the Pacwest Annexation reguest from
t��e City of M4ses Lake.
��j���S` The �flmmissianers approved the staz-ting sala.ry af 3esse J. Allen of
the Sh�riff's O�ce ai �1,857 per mc�nth e�'ective Juiy 20,1998.
�� ��, �� The Commissioners re��ived a�orrected claim regarding the �state of
Loren� J. Bougher. The ma�te� vvas referred ia the Prosecuting Attorney for
�,� ��� c� The Comm�ssi�ners received ihe No�ce of Separatlon ar Wc�rk
Interz�.piiQn flf Brenda. F. Larsen of the Juvenile I)epa��tment which was
effec�€ve 3uly 24,1998.
�,��� �► The Cc�m�nis�ioIlers a.pprc�ved the request by the Sheriff's Department
for the purchase of 3 Motorola GP3�0 partable radios far th� cost of $2,361.
�� l�%� The Cflmmissioners appz�o-ved the salaries for new evaluations of
Sherif�'s Civil Glerk, Anin�al Coni�ol fl�icer, and R.ecord's Clerk, a.nd the
Auditc�r's License �eputy. .
��`� ���' The Cammissi�nexs appraved the st��rting salary of Brenda Larsen of
ihe Long Range Planning Departmen� at $1,77�.30 per manth �ff�ctiv� 3uly
i���,� i� A mot�on was made by �ommissioner Snead, secor�ded by
Comm�issic�ner Fancher that ResolutiQn Number 95-99-CC in ihe ma�t�r of
unredeemed wa�rranis be passed. The motian carried.
1..��1�i� A moiit�n was made by Cc�mmissic�ner Snead., secanded by
Commissiflner Fa�cher that Resolu�an I�Tu�ber 98-1�0-C� seitzng a public
hearing for Augusi i 7,1998 at 1:30 relating t� ihe facts requ�ring �n
appropariation and expenditure of funds far the Current ��pense Fund #OQ1,
Treasurers Department #106 in the amo�nt of $3,Ofl0 be passed. The mo�on
���� �� A Public Meeting was held regarding the request b� Vern L. C�x foz a
five year e�ension of time fc�r the completion of the Prelim�inary Plais c�f
�ox's Fzrst Ar�ditian and Co�'s SecQnd AdditiQn, a 11 lot and an 24 1ot
subdz�zszan It�cated in a portian af Sect�on� 15 a�ad 1�, Tawnship 14 N.,
Range 23 E.W,M. A moiian was �nade by Cammissioner Fancher, seconded
by Cammissic�ner Snead tc� appr�ve the S year �me extens�on. The mation
i�`��� � A Pubiic Mee��g �as held regarding #he request by S.L. Matihe�s
for a Plat Alterati�n to subdivide an appro�mately 2.98 acre parcel intc� twc�
lc�is appro�ima�ely 1.5 acres in size on Lot 11 of Penn MeadQws located in a
parti�n of Sectian 1, Tc��hip 19 Narth, �a�g� 28 East VViIlam:etie
Meridian. A mot�c�n was made by Cc�mmissioner Fanch�r, seconded by
Cammzssioner Sn�ad to upho�d the Pla�ning Cammissian approval vviih
findings and conditions fro�zz the Planning Depaz�ment. Th� motian ca�ied.
�-ls there was n� fi�rther business ic� come befare the Board the sessioz�
was cc�nt�nued until Juiy 28.
July 28,199$
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. wiih all c�f �he �o�nn�issioners
in atiendance u��th the Cler1� af the B�ard.
The Commissianers me� with ihe Public Warks Direcior regarding
I4:00 a.m. Pubiic Hearing on a Rflad Va�a�ion, Canstruction Expendil:ures,
IttTGA's, �eed Spray Cc�ntract, and Sc��id Waste.
�� f�1 � The �ommissioners �eld a Pubiic I-�earing regaxding ihe vacatic�n of a
str�p of land 60 feet �vide, lyzn� in the Northeast t�f the Southwesi portion of
Sectian 32, Township 20 North, Range 2� East �T.M. A mation was made
by Cammisszc�ner Fancher, s�cc�nded by �ommissic�ner Snead �hai
Resolu�zan Number �8-1 U 1-CC approv�ng t;he Road Vacatifln be pass�d.
T�e ma�ic�n carried.
�:�� � i The Commissioners szgn�d a� Easement on a pa�cel c�f land Iying in
�e Northeast quarter Qf the Southwe�t quarter of Sectian 32, Tovvnship 20
Nc�rth, l�ange 28 E.W.M.
_` �`� �-�The Commissioners signed a cc�ntract with 3ames W. Potis for
lobbying representaton in ()lympia during the 1999 year.
�����--� A Public �-Iearing w�s held and a matian vvas made by Cvmmissiflner
Snead, seconded by �om�nnissioner Fa�ncher that Re�alution l�Tumber 98-102-
CC relating to a suppiemental extea�sic�n in the 1998 budg�t of the Jail
Department #115, C�rrent E�+ense Fund #001 in the amount of $34,Of�0 be
pa.ssed. '�.'he mo�ion ��.n-�ed.
;��'��.� A Publ�c Hearing uras held and a motion was made by �om�nissionez�
Snead, seconded by Cc�mmissioner Fa�cher that Resolution Numb�r 98-103-
�� relating to a supp�emenial E�ension in �he 1998 budget of the �heriff's
Department #114, Current Expense Fund #aQl in ihe ama�.mi c�� $S,O+QO be
passed, The motion carz�i�d.
�� i�,�� A Public �Iearing was held and a motion �as made by Commissioner
Snead, seconded by Commzsszo�er F�nch�r that Resolution Numb�r 98-It�4-
C� authori�ing an appropriatzon and expenditure of funds fc�r the
E�nergency Services F�nd #102, Departmeni #144 in the amou�t t�� $5,266
be passed. The motlfln ��rried.
,� ��„�� � A Public hearing was held and a. matian was made by Commissianer
Fancher, seconded by Gc�mmissianer Snead that Resc�lution Nu�mber 98-105-
CC auihnrrxzing �n appropriaiion and expenditure of funds �or ihe �urrent
Expense Fund �001, C�perating Traz�sfers �Jut #142 in the amo�nt af �50,��0
be p�,ssed. The mfltio� car�ed.
;��'i"���% A Public Hearing was held and a motian was made by Comm.%ssic�ner
Fancher, sec�nded by Cvmmiss�c�ner Snead tha� Res��ution 1�3umber 98-106-
CC ai�thorrzzing an appr�pria�ion and e�endz�ure of funds for the Cunren�
Exp�nse Fund #0��, f�perating Transfers Qut #142 in ihe amt�unt of $2,8(��
be passed. The matx�� ca�rrried.
�����-,� A Public Hearing was held and a mt�t�on v�as made by Cflmmissianer
Fancher, seco�ded by Commissic�ner Snead that Resolution l�umbe� 9�-10'7-
CG authonzing an approp�iation and e�senditure of fi2nds zn ihe Caunty Fair
Fund #1.1�, D��partment �#158 in th� amaunt af $50,�00 be passed. T�.e
motion carrzed.
��3 ��,�i The Commissianers s�gned the Public Works Payroll jnurnal for ihe
monih of 3u1y in the amc�unt o� $�84,48'7.99.
1����5� As c�f ihis dat� the Board by a majority �rote does approve far paymen�
those vouchers iz�cluded in ihe Iist �1ed in the Auditors CDf�ce '7/27198 in the
totai am�unt of $533,363.97.
�� y��'T1ze Cammissi�ners signed the Public Worl�s Claims Fund Voucher
Approval #7-I thraugh #7-2 in the tot�l a�zQunt of $23,262.'76.
As ihere �va.s nc� further business to come befc�re �he Board �e sessi�n
was adjourned until August 3,1 �98.
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