HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� coM��sszo►�r�s� ��o���z���v�s �v��� ��J�� za,��4g Th� Gz�an� Cc�unty Commissioners sessi�n was called io c�rder at �:00 a.m. on July 20,1998 by Chairman LeRoy Alliso�. A1l of the Cammissic�ners were in attendance wiih t�e Clerk oft1�� Board. The �t�mmissioners rea.d and approved the minutes of th� preceding sesslc�n as wntten. ;.�-,�- ���� Tl�� Cc�mmissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds in the Caoperaiive Extension budget zn the amaunt of $ I 1,20{i. ����"g � The Com�nission��s approved the requ�st by the �ounty '�reasurer for a budgei �ncz��ase af $3,0�0 and a salary �ncrease for Carri� Boyd io $f .�� per haur effective Ju1y 1,19�8. ��`i�"��c...The Commissianers appc��ated Linda B�isel ta a posiiion an the Grant Cc�unty Prevent�on and R��c�vezy Cenier Ad�risc�ry Board. ���� �� The Com.missioners received a cla.im for damages fram Terence F. Traversan o� the Estate of Lorene Braugher. The ma�ter vvas referred to the Prt�secuiing Attorn�y fQr handling. As there was na further business to came befare ihe Board the sessic�n vcras c4ntinued unt�l July 21,1998. Ju1y 21,1998 Th� session was cc�ntinued at �.40 a.m. with all �f the �om�missioners in at�endance �vith the �lerl� of the B�a�d. The CommissiQners met with the Public Works Director regarding 10:00 a.m. public �earing on the 6 year road prc�gram, ResQlutzon-Hearzz:c�g Surplus Equipment, Bid Au�horization-R.an�fllph, 22��, Tyndall c� `T T�E, PQri c�f Ephraia-Raad ImprQvement Estimates. _����� The Co:mmissiflners szgned the Authar%zatic�n �o Ca11 for Bids an CRP 95-4&5-9�-6 & 7, 98-3, 4n Randolph Rd. ���-��"A motion �vas made by C�m��issic�nex Fancher, seconded by CC}I11.123.ISSi(3T1�I Snead that Resolutian l�Tumber 98-97-C� set�ing a Public Hearing �`or August 4,19�8 on the inteniion to dispase Qf County oujned e�uipment declared surplus be passed. The ma�ion ca.rried. ���.����The �ommisszc�ners held a Public Hea.ring and a motion was made by Commissi�ne�r Fancher, secanded by Commiss�oner Snead that Resolutzon Numbe� 98-98-CC in the ma�ter of adapting a comprehensive six yea�r transparta�ion imprQvement prr�grazn be p�ssed. The mQtia� carried. 1��� y� The Commissioners appraved a r�quest by the Grant Gouniy Fair fc�r �unds zn the amc�unt of $83,598.49 to be iransferred to �eir'�udget. � u� ��� The Commissian�rs approv�d the starting salary of Rr�sita �Casiilla of �he Grant �c�unty 1'ARC effeciive June 24,1998. r�.��%The Commissioners approved the starting saiary of Damzen Koap�r af the Depa.7tmeni af Community Developmeni. i��� The Commissioners approved the requ�st by ihe Juvenile Probatit�n Department for fun:ds ta purchas� a new copier. ��� �� [ As of this dat� the Baard by a ma�ority vote does apprQve for paymen� thase vouchers znclu�ed in the Iist fil.ed zn the Auditors C�ce 7I20/98 in the iotal amou�� of $812,6I4.6�. As there vvas nQ fi�rther business to came be�c�re the Board the sessia�a -�vas adjou�ned until Ju1y 27,1998. ATTE�T: � q�{ a a{�" Cleik O� ; e Bt�arC1.� s � BOAR1� C�F Ct�UNTY C{���NIISSI�NERS GR�T Ct�Li��l'T'Y, WAS�IINGTC�I'�T � C:i ° � Chazrman