HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� +Ct)MMISSIONE�ZS' PRCi�EIED►IN�S Week of July 13,1998 The �rant �ounty Cc►mmissioners sessic�n was called to c�rder at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRay A.11ison. A11 c�f ihe Cc�mmissioners tivere in attendance with the Clerk of t1�e �oarde The CammissiQners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as wri.tten. f��� �~� The Commissioners appointed Scott Roek to a posi�on on ihe �rant County Board of Adjustment. j�� ��� Chaz�-�czan Allisc�n was authorized to sign the Notice of Separaiian or Work Interrup�ion c�f Michelle Larson c�f the Auditars �ce. 1��� ��, The Commissioners signed the Request for Transfer of Funds in the Mental Health Fund in the a.mount of $38,000. E� ��� �`� The Commissioners a�proved the salary increase c�f Deputy Mark �iallas of �he Sheriff's �iff'xce ta 90 percent of contrc�l salary effect�ve July I,1998. �_3 ���� T�e Commissioners appr�ved the salary increase of �eputy Scott Granger of �ae Sheriff's (Jff"�ce to 90 percent of control salary ��fective July 1,199�. l�`���� The Commissioners appraved a request by Vern Cum�aings, Maintenance Superintende�t for a$6.55 per haur Pro-Pay policy for the Maintenance IT positions. E�����I'he Commissioners appointed the fc�ll€�wi�g pec�ple tt� se�rve c�n the Fair Board: Mary Harrington Bill West Sab Berry C?llie Click 3aan Prchal Robert Buys Smokey Kisler ;' �� � d� The Commissic�ners approved the request to have JoA�ne Francis work one day per week in the Commissio�ers C1f�ce Qn Bou�.dary Review Board and Disability Baard matters. �����',�, The Commissioners set a Public Meeting for July 2'7,1998 at 1:30 p.m. on the Prelim�nary Plats c�f Cox's First Addition and Cax's Second AdditiQn, a 11 lot and an 24 lot subdivision located in. a portiom of Sections 15 and.1�, Township 14 N., Range 23 E.W.M. �� �'��� The Conunissianers set a�'ublic ZVIeeting far Tu1y 27,1998 at 2:Ot} p.m. on the Plat Alteration Request to subdivide an appro�i�naiely 2.98 acre parcel i�atc� twc� Iots apprc��mately 1.5 acres iz� size requested by S.L. Matthe�vs. The alterat�on is laca,ted on Lot 11 of P"enn Meadaws �ocaied in a. pflrtic�n of Secizon 1, `�ownshi� 19 North, Range 28 Easi Willamette 1Vleridian. r 3��7�A mc�iion was made by �ors�missionez- Fanche�, seconded b� Commission�x Snead thai Reso�uti�n Number 9�-93-CC se�ing a public hearing for July 28,199� at 1:3� p.m. relating ta the facts requiring an appropria�ion and expenditure �f funds fflr the Emergency Services Fund #1{l�, Department #144 in the amc�unt af $5,26� be passed. 'I'he motlan carried. i`.��� ��'A a�o�ion was made by Comm�ssioner �ancher, seconded by Cammissioner Snead thai Resaluiivn Number 98-94-C� set�zng a public hearing fc�r J�ly 28,199$ ai 1:3f� p.m. relating ta the facts requiring an apprc�priatic�n and expendziure 4f funds f�r t�e �ur�ent Expense Fund #O�al, t�perating Transfers-{�ut D�partment #142 in the amaunt of $2,8�3 be passed. The motian �arried. .' ��,�?'� The Commissianers signed a Notice of Public K�aring far Ju1y 28,1998 ai 1:30 p.m. regarda.�ag a supplemental budget for the �heriff's Department #114, �urrent Expezzse Fund #001, frc�m �.uzantzc�paied stafie funds in th� amount of $3�,000. ��q� �� The Commissianers signed a Notice of P`ublic :El�aring for Ju1y 28,1998 at 1:30 p.m. regartling a supplemental. budget for ihe Sheriff's Depa��ment #� 1 I4, Gurrent exp�nse �'un� �QO 1 from unanilcipated �iate funds in ihe amount Qf $5,040. ���� f�The Commissioners received a Claim f�r Damages from Jay J. Pz�ader and Tamaiha Brader. The ma�ter was referred to ihe Prosecu�ing Attflrney's O�ce �'or handling. ���� ��' The Gc�mmissianers signed a Persc��a1 Services Contract for �ecretari.a� services for the Board c�f Adjustm�ntlPlannvzg Commissic�� wiih Karen Reachard. a°� ����Th� Commi.�si�nexs received a Claim fQr Damages frcrm Marietta M. Mi1ler. The maiier was referred to �e Prosecuting Attom�y's C}ffice for handling. ��, ���',� A�'ublic Hearing w�s held and a mation v�ras made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Gommissioner Fancher that Rest�lution Number 9�-95- C� authc�rizing an appropriaiio� and e�enditure of funds for the Law and JUS�IG� FU1�C� �%�I, Departmeni ##lb3 an the amQunt af $22,514 be passed. The matian carried. j� ���� A Public Hearing vvas held and a�notion �vas znad� by Cammissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher ihat Resolution Number 9$-��- CC authorizing an appropriatz�n and expenditure o�` funds for �he Cu�areni Expense Fund #001, District Caurt I3epartment #I�2 in the amount c�f �22,514 be passed. T�e matzc�n car�ied. �� ��� Chairman All�sc�n was autl�c�rized to sign the CDBG Public Service Gra.�t Applicati.on in the amouur�t of $ l. 58,944, and the CDB{� Suppl�ment in the amaunt af $12,31 �. As there was nc� fur�ther business to come before the �oard the session was conii�.ued until July 14,1995. Ju1y 14,I��8 The Grant County CQmmissianers session was cc��tinued ai 9:00 a.m. w-�th all of the Co�nmissic�ners in attendance witl� th� Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners met with the Public Works I��rector regarding Reimbursable t�or1�-�aulee City, Coniract Execut��n-Auctioneez�ng Services, �JW-Pinto Ridge, B�d Authorizaiion-`U' SE, R.t�ad `24' S1� Closure-Mattawa, Part �f Epbrata. ;����� The �ammissioz�ers signed the Auction S�zvices CQ�.t�a�t with E�n�r L. B�rnham. ����"��"The Cammissioners sig�ed �he Autho�iza�ic�� to Call for Bid� c�n U- SE Rd. Re�urfacing, �RP 98-2. Bid flpeniug to be August 4,�.998 at 10:{l0 a.m. i����'� The Cc�mmissiQners sigz�ed ihe Public Works Ciaims Fund Vou�cher Approv�.1 #6-1 thrc�ugh #6-2Q'7 in the tc�ial amount t�f $I,S�2,190.59. �� ��"��� The Commissic�ners apprc�ved out of s�a.te �ravei for )Da�id Nelson tc� atte�zd the Interna�onal C4nference of Building C�fficials. �,,�9���'' The �ammissianers approved the Engineer's recom-�r�en�aizan f�r reimbursable work far the Town t�f �oulee Ci�y. %��"�� AAs r�f�his date the Board by a m�.jority voi� dfles appr�ve for payment t�zc�se vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditor� C��ce 7i13198 �n the total amount af $5'77,561.66, As there was no fiarthe�r business to come before the Board the session was adjou�ned. BOAR.D C1F CO�TY C�h�iV.C�[SSI(�NERS ATTEST: GR.AI�TT �E�TJNT�, WASI�INGTON � --- C1er the Boa Chairma _..-�--,. ..._.__------- � � � ; ��