HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-087-CCGRANT COUNTY OFFICE OF BOARD OF COUI�I�T.Y COMMISSIONERS POS7 OFF'IGE �OX 97 EPHRATA, WASHINGTON sae2s 15091 754-2b11 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . GRANT COUNTY', WASHINCTON IN"THE MATT�R OF ALTERING LOT 82 � � RESOLiJTTON NO. _ 98-87-CC AND LOT 83, D�SERTAIRE DNISION 1 � ; LOCATED 1N A PORTTON OF THE � RESOLUTION APPROVING � SOUTHWEST QUARTE� O�' THE SOUTHWEST � A PLAT ALTERATION QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP .14N, � � ' RANGE 23, EWM, GRANT COUNTY, � John M. I�ronliolm WASHTNCiTON. ' WHEREAS, the Board of Gounty Cox�missioners of Grant County have been advised by tlie Grant County Planning Commission that an open recoxd public hearirig was coriductecl on June 3, 1998 on the.mat�er of combining Lot 82 and Lot'83, Desert Aire Divisiori �. The subject site comprises in a portion af the Sputhwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of,Sectiori 23, Towns�iip 14 north, Rarige 23 East Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington; WHEREAS, the Grant County Planni�g Commission made a recommendati�on to approve tliis.piroposed plat alteration; ` WH�ItEAS, the Grant, County Board of Coriimissioners held a closed record public nneeting ori June 30, 1998; WHER�AS, tkie Board of County Commissioners have made a decision to uphold the recorrimendation to approve tlie proposed plat alteratiori request; WHEREAS, the B'oard of County Coinmissioners have found that the proposal, is consistent with the Gxant Coui�ty Comprehensive P1ari; � WHEREAS; the Board of County Commissionez's have found tl�at the publie use and - interest .will apparently be served by the ,plat alteration; , WHEI2EAS; the Board of Coun�y Commissioners have found that the pxoposal will not adVarsely effect tha health,'safety; and general welfare of the pu.blic it� the vicinity of the proposal; WHEREAS, the Board of County Comm�ssioiiers hava fotxnd �hat the propos�l does not fall within an identified Critical Area as defined by the Grant County Resouroe Lands, and Critical Areas Development Ordi.nance; ' Page � of 2 TIM SNEAp � � C3ISTRICT 1 -' ' 10999 STRATFORD RD,' ' ' . . � MOSES LAKE, �WA 98837- ' . PHONE 765-9548 H�LEN FANCHER DISTRICT 3 � 10218RD.SNW QUINCY. WA�98848 PHONE 787�4731 . LEROY ALLISON ' DISTRICT 2 � ' 20268 RD. 1 S.E'. WARP�N, WA 988b7 ' PHdNE 3492513 1N TH� MATTER OF ALTERING LOT 82 AND LOT 83, DESERT AIRE DIVISION 1 LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 14N, RANGE 23, EWM, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, a plat alteration of combining Lot 82 and Lot 83, Desert Aire Division 1, into one (1) lot. The subject site comprises in a portion of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 14 north, Range 23 East Wilamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington (currently known as Assessor's Parcel # 02-0107-000 and 02-0108-000). Done this � day of July, 1998. , '� Chairma , eRoy Allison Commissioner, Helen Fancher ��� �� Commission r, Ti Snead ATTEST: � Cl r f the Board Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington Page 2 of 2