Week of Ju1y 6,1998
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00
a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Comm�ssioners were in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding
session as written.
`� `� � 4� B The Commissioners a.pproved the salary increase of Dianne T.
Atkinson �f the Assessors Office to $1973 per month effec�ive July 1,1998.
���� � The Commissioners approved the request by the Sheriff's Office to a
budget extension of $5,000 which represents a grant from the Washington
State Traffic Safety Commission for traffic enforcement � and around the
Gorge during concerts.
i����. -
A motlon �uas made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissloner
Snead that Resolu�ion Number 98-86-CC declaring a disaster area regarding
a wildland grass fire be passed. The motion carried.
�� ��-�� The Commissioners approved a request by the Department of
Emergency Management for a budget extension in the amount of $5,266.
������ motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-87-CC in the matter of
altering Lot 82 and 83, Plat of Desert Aire Division l, loca�ed in a portion of
the Souihwest Quarter of the Sauthwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 14
N., Range 23, EWM, requested by John M. Kronholm be passed. The
motion carried.
� v�� �� The Commissioners approved the starting salary �f Matthew T.
Morton of the Current Plaz�ning Department at $2,3 �7.20 per month
beginning July 1,1998.
f� I� �� The Com�nissioners approved the starting salary of Becky Purcell of
the Current Planning Departme�t at $1573.60 per momth effective July
������ The Commissioners received the resignation of Tim Lambro of the
Current Planning Department effective July 17,1998.
f� �,� �y�Chairman Allison was authorized to sign the Inte�local Agreement
providing for improving the civic and social needs of cl�ildren within the
community of Ephrata.
��. ��� �The Commissioners were notified by the Fair Association president of
the �esu.lts �f their recent directors elections.
�`� ��.�° The Cc�mmissian�rs held a Fublic Meeiing regarding the zone c�ange
request from Cammerczal Recrea�ian to Residential t�n appr�xima�ely 21,83
acres requ�sted by Ross Davidson, Desert Aire Associates, zn a pc�rtivn of
�ecti.on 2�, Ta�%vnship 20 N�rth, Range 27 East Will�mette Meridian. A
motian was made by Commissi�ner Snead, secanded by Commissioner
Fancher tc� uphold tl�e P�anning �ommission ap�roval of the request using
findings 1 ihrough 7 from the P�anning Commission. The mc�tion carrieci.
As there was no further business t� cc�me before the B�ard the s�ssiQn
�vas ccrntznued until July 7,1998.
Ju1y 7,1998
The session tivas continued at 9.�0 a.m. �vith Chairman All�son and
Commissiflner Snead i�a attendance with t1�.e Gler� of the Board.
Commissioner Fancher was out af town.
The Cc�mmissi�ners mei with the Public �Varks Il�irectc�r regardi.�.g
1�:00 a.m. Franc��ise Kearing�Quincy Sewer Line}, Awa�rd
Recamznendation-Auctioneerir�g Services, Ccrni�ra�t Exec��ion-Pinto �idge,
Draf� letter.
;.:����.� �. The Commis�ioners signed a c�n#�act wi�h �Iorth Ce�t�a1 Consix uction
an the Panto Ridg� Rd., CRP 97-1 � project.
���..��� TI�e Com�nissioners approved ihe recQmmendation of the Public
'V�Torks Department to award the Auctio�eering Se�vices bid ta Bu�rnham
Sa1es & Auctic�n Ca. with a bid of 5.25 Percent.
�.� ��� � The Comm�ssianers re�eiv�d a draft of �he 199� % 2004 Six Year
Transportati�n T�npr�vement F'ragram.
/'� ���- �=A motian was made by Cc�mmissioner Sn�ad, secanded by
Comm�ssianer Allisc�n tlaat Resaiut�on �uanber 98-88-CC approving a zone
change fro�. C�mmercaal Recreation to Residen�ial I in a gortic�n of Seciic�ns
22 and 23, Townsbip 14 N., Rang� 23 E.W.1VY., z-eq�.�ested by Ross
Da�vidso�/Desert Aire Associates be passed. The matit�n carried.
i�`���� The CQmmissioners held a Public Hearing regar�ing t�e Ciiy af
�)uan:cY apPlicatzon far franchise. A 171fl�i4lT W�S iTi�t�� �7� C(311TIii1.lSSlf}11�Z
Snead, seconded by Cammissic�ner Allison thai an C)rd�r �ranting Franchise
t4 the Czty of Quincy to canstruct, operate and maintain a Primary Ef�lueni
Pipeline along Cc�unty R�ad R N.W. a�d Gounty Road 9 betwee� the City af
Quin�y's p�mary and secondary treatznent plants b� passed. The mat�o�
r���� � A Public Hearing was held and a mo�ion was made by Commissinner
Snead, �econded by �ommissic�ner .A�lisan t�at Resoluiic�� l�I�mber �8-89-
CC relanng io a supplemental extension i� �e 1998 budge� c�f the Juvez�zle
Depar�ment #117, Curz-e�i ��ense Fund #fl01 in the amount of $6,000 be
passed. The motion carried.
�-� ��.� �A �ot��n was made by CQmmissioner Sne�.d, sec�nded by
Cammiss�Qner Allisan that R�solutian �Tumber 98-90-CC in the matier of
changixtg the zoning from Public Facilitzes tc� Recrea�on Comn�ercial, 4pen
Space R.e�reation, and Agriculture in pt�rtions of Sections 27 and 33,
Townsh�p 17 N., Range 23 E.W,M. requested by Jeff and Terry Cochran
a.k.a. 3et� �'arms be passed. The motion carried.
�,� ���� The Commissioners approved some adjustmenis t� ihe employment af
Billie Su�rall af the Z,ong Range Planning Departm�nt.
1� 9�� � As of tbis date the Board 1�y a�ajoriiy vaie does appro�e for payment
thase v�uchers included in the lisi �led in the Auditars Office 7/6f98 in the
total amount of $298,988.38.
i„� �� r� � The �ommissic��ers �.pprov�d the salary increas� �f Peter Comenza of
th� Curre�t Planning Departm�ni to $3,137 per month as a PlannerfSEPA
Sp�cialist effective Tu1y 1,1998,
�� q� �.�...A �otion was �nade by Cc�mmzssioner Sn�ad, second�d by
�ommi ssioner A1lisc�n that Resolution Numl�er 98-91-CC setting a hearing
for July 2�,1�98 at 1:30 p,m. relating to the facts requi�zng an appropriatiaz�.
and expendit�re c�f �i�.nds for the Current Expense Fund #�Ol, Operating
Transfers-Qut Department #142 in the amount of $SO,OQ� be passed. The
motian carried,
�� ���, � A�a.otifln was made by �ommission�r Snead, se��nded b�
CUliilTllSSiflil�T i�I1S{711 �I1�� RE'SOiUt1011 NUl31I��X �c�-�2-C� setting a hearing
f�r 3uly 2�,1�98 at 1:30 p.m. rela.tin.g io the facts requiring an appr�priatian
and expendiiure of funds for the Cc�uniy Fair Fund �#1.1.6, L)epartment #158
in the a.mount c�f $S(1,0�� be passed. 'TI�e mQtic�n carried.
As fihere was no further business io corne before the Board the session
was adjourned until July 13y1998.
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