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We�k of 3une 29,1998
The Grant County Co�nmissioners session was �alled to order at 9:OQ
a.m, on June 29,1.998 by Chairman �,eRay Allison. AZ1 of the
Commissione�s were in atiendance with the Clerk Qf the Baard.
The Cammissaoners read and approved the minutes of the preceding
session as wntten.
�,��`�i� The Commissioners approved out t�f Staie trave� for porathy Baroch,
a member of the Grant County Drug Prevention Council to attend the
�Tational Prevention I�Tetwork Research Co�ference in Texas.
�,� 9�"�� The C0111i111SS1Uil�TS approved the request by the Grant County
Tourism Commission to b�gin the pr�cess of initxating ihe 2 percent
Hotel/Motel Ta.� in �rant County.
�.���r� The CommissiQners ap�roved the request by the Crant County Fair
Board it�r an additional $50,�00 to camplete the Capital Construction Praject
at the Fairgraunds.
�,� ��<�i The Comm�ssioners were noti�ed by the �rant County �air Manager
of their pians for any emergency occurrzng during the fa�.
/� Q��o The Commissioners approved the starting salary of John '�Xlallace, and
Daniel Holland af the She�ff's Dep�rtment a� 80 percent of control salary
for a Correciions {��cer.
�, �,��� � The �ommissioners notified the Washingtan Ru.ral Caunties
Insurance PaQ1 that �rant County wauld be joining effective September
f� ���:�The �ommissianexs approved the request by the Tuvenile Probation
L}epartment to replace worn computer equipment in the amount of
�:� ���„3 The Commissic�ners received a signed copy of ihe �na1 agreemeni
with Froulx Cearns Engineering,inc. to work on Grant �ounty
Comprehensive Plan.
,������The �ommissioners opened the bzds an t�ze printzng o� �ounty Legal
l�Totices. A moiion Vvas made by Commissioner Snead, s�conded by
Cammissioner Fancher that the bid be awarded to the low bzdder, tbe
Ct�lumbia Basin �Ierald wiih a, bid af $3.47 pe� cvlumn znch.
t��� �,� The Commissianers held a Public M�eting an th� Cochran//J�ett Farms
Zone Change request from Publi� Fac�lities tQ �ecreation Commercial,
Qpen-spa�e Recrea�ion and Agriculture requested by .�eff a�d Ter�ry
Cachran. The praposal is located in portions c�f �ec�ion 27 and 33,
Township 17 North, Range 23 East W�Iamette IVleridian. After due
c�nsideration a mQtzc�n was made by Commissioner Snead, sec�nded b�
Commissic�ner Fancher tc� uphald the Planning Commissivn approval with
findings of fact number 1 t�rough � frc�m the �larming Commi�s�on.
Com�ni ssione� Fancher requested that the Iand use categories be made a part
af the resoiution. The maiion caxried.
As there was no fizrther busiz2ess to come befare the B�ard the sessic►n
was ca�tinued until June 30,1998.
Juue 30,1�98
The sessian was con�inued at 9:00 a.m. with all c�f the Commissianers
in atiendance vv�th the Clerk flf th� Board.
The Cammisszoners met with the �'�.blic �Vor�s Director regarding
10:�0 a.m. bid opening-Aucizoneering Services, Desert Aire Association-
Requ�s� Int�z�sectian Delay, Pinto Ridge-Coulee �ity, Resolution-6i �ear
�'rc�gram Hearing, and IUCxA Impacis.
J?j�s� �The Cammissioners held a bid opening c�n auctioneering searv�ices. A
matzan was made by Comm�ssioner Snead, secanded by �ommissioner
Fancher that the bids be referred to th� Public Wc�rks TJepartment far thezr
review and recommendatic�n. The �notzfln carried.
i����. �
A mc�t�on was made by �vmmzssi�ner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner
�nead that Resolutic�n Number 98-81-CC nomznating Scatt Clark, �i11ie
Summary, June Stickler, JQhn Glass, Kevin Barry, Charize Blanchard, Phil
Riche, �aul Diaz, Frederic� Slaugh, Jim Weitzel, and Gerald James to
positions an the Urban and Rura1 Residential Grc�und �Uaier Adv�sory
Cammittee be passed. The mc�tian carried.
f� c� ;�-� A motion was made by Commission�r Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolutian Number 98-S2-CC se#ting a Public
Hearing for July 21,1��5 at 10:�0 a,m. in the matt�r of adopting �.
compxehen�ive si� year transportatiQn i.rr�provement program for the 1999-
2�04 years be passed. The maiiQn carried.
�����gA ma�on was made by C4T13.113iSS1C}n��' Snead, secanded by
Commisszc�n�r Fancher that Resoh��ion I`�Tumber 98-83-CC se�ting a Public
�Iearing for Ju1y 25,1�98 at 1�:�� a.m. in the matt�r Qf vacating a portion of
certa.in County road right-c�f-way be passed. The motzon carried,
�� �� �.� A mo�zc�n was made by Comn�issianer Snead, second�d b�
Commissioner Fancher that Reso�ution IrTumber 98-84-�C nominating Bi11
Wagc�ner, ViTa�rne Hampt�an and {se�-ry McFau1 tc� serve as members af the
Spra��lds and Vi�astewaier Disposal Gra�d Water Advzsozy Committee be
passed. 'Tl�.e motian carried.
�:3 `���- � A m�tion was� made by Commissianer Snead, secanded by
Cc�mmissioner Fanch.er that Resc�lutio� Number 98-85-CC nomin.ating
3ames Clark, 3erry �Iusband, Larry Wiliiamson, and Gie Perleberg to serve
as members of the Environment and Recreatifln Ground Water Advisc�ry
Committee be passed. The �aatian carried.
f�c��'��The Cflmmissioners sig�a..ed the Public Wor1�s Payroll Jourr�al for ihe
manth of June in the amount of $279,463.67.
�' ��� ��T'he Comrni ssianers signed fi.he Publac W�rks Claims �'und �4ucher
approva.� #6-1 tbrough #6-5 in the tatal amount of $61,168.�4.
j�`��= .� �As of this date the Boa�rd by a major�ty vate does approve for payment
those vc�uchers included in the list filed in the Auditars Q�ce 6/3�I98 in the
tata.l amount of $582,487.05.
�� j� �� Th� Camznissic�ners szgned th� June Payrall Warrants List #95535
through #9604'7.
�"� �� �,� The Cammissioners appr�ved the request b� the Gxani Mental �ea�ih
O�ce �or Gai1 Davis and Sharan K.��hn tc� travel tQ �}regt�n io attend the
Assaciation of Caunt�r �-Iuman Services meeting.
<�`�9��7 The Commissioners signed the I?emolit�on Agreement with J& S
Excavating,In�. far demolitic�n c�f the fQrmer H.I-TJ Mc�tel property,
purchased for the Grant County Historical Museum.
t�-��--��'he Commissioners �'�G�3V�£�. a claim f�r damages �ra� Cheryi
3acobs. Th� matter was areferred tt� the Prosecuting Attorney f�r handling.
J�� --� � The Commiss�c�ners held a Public Hearing on the propased Qrdinarnce
adop�ing city st�.ndards far c�nstru��on of new publi� facilities lacaied
within the unincorporated areas within designate� city interim urban grQv��
areas. After taking public comment a mofion was made by Commisszc�ner
Fancher, sec��ded by Ca�nmission�r Snead tc� close public comment. Th�
motz�n �arried. A motiQn was then mad� by �ommissioner Fancher,
seconded by �ommissic�ner Snead to con�i�ue t�is matter to a time
u�.certain. The mation carri�d.
��� �� The Commissioners held a public meeting regarding th� Plat
Alter�.iic�n �.equest to combine twa lois into one 1ot �n the plat of Desert Aire
requested by John M. Kronholm. In a portic�n of the Sauthv►Test quarter of the
Southwest quar�er �f Sec�io� 23, Tc�wnship 14 Nort�, Range 23 East
W�llamette Mer�dian. A mviion was made by Commissic�ner Fancher,
S�CCi1KI�C� i}y CC31Ill:iL1SS14Il�i Snead iQ uphold the Plar�ning CommissiQn
approval �f the request. The mation carried.
As there was no :�her business to came befc�re the Board th� session
was adjourned until July 6,199�.
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