Wee� c�f 3une 22,1998
The Grant County Ct�mmissit�ners session was called to order at 9:Qt�
a.m. by �hairrnan LeRoy Allisan. All af the C�mmi�sia�.ers w�re i.n
attendanc� with th� Clerk of ihe Baard.
The Ca�umissianers read and approved the mi�.ute� of the preceding
sessic�� a� written.
r���`,��,� The Cc�mmissit��.ers received a 5�mmons and Land Use Pe�tian frt�m
Ahmann-Yamane, L.L.C. The matte�r was referred to the Prasecuting
Attomey far handling,
�� l��f The Can�misszc�nez-s received a Glaim £ram 3im & Elizabeth Cochran.
i'he matter was ref�rred to the Prosecc�ting Aftorn.ey for handling.
;����'�The Cc��misszoners approved the requesied c���ges �n the Building
and F�re Mars�als affice to appoini Dave Smiih as Asszstant Building
U�cia.l and Ray Audet as Deputy F�re Ma.rsh�.l. Dave Smith"s salary wi11
be increased to 2,823.34 p�r month.
�'�-����The Commzssioner� approved the salary increase for Diana Wavra c�f
ihe Juvenile Frt�batic�n Departme�t, re�c�aciive to �`ebruary 1,19�8 to $3,11 R
per mc�nth.
�� ��I�The Commiss�c�ners appainte� I�athy Farsberg to a pc�siiian a� the
Mezztal Hea�t� an� Develapmental Dzsabi�ities Advisc�zy Board.
€���-�'� The Com�isszoners apprc►ved the request by t�e Fai�grounds ta have
the Cc�mmissic�ners ass�.une tl�e respc�ns�bilit� in negaiiating the requested
pz-c�pc�sal by Inland Cel�ular Telep�hc�ne �ompany ta lease prc�pe�-ty� c�� the
Fairgrounds ft�r the purpose ��' installing a commun�cation to�ver.
���S���The C�m�missianers apprr�v�d �e requesi by �.he Tr�asurer fo�
appraval o� Janice Goeden's Ieave wiihoui pay for the amount af 12 hc�urs in
�',� ����Chairrnan Allison was autharized to sign Contract #ElVI9�72�b
be�we�n Washingtc�n State Military Depar.tment and �-rani CQunty
Em�rgency Managemeni.
��- ��� i A mc�iic�n was made by Co�missioner Snead., seconded by
�t��amissic��er Fanch�r ihat Resolution Number 98-7b-CC r�lat�zig tfl ihe
establ�s;�a�nent in the District �ourt Department #102 of a.n Employee
Posztion tc� be named Chief Depu�y Clerk be passed. Th� motzon canied.
As there was no fi�rther busi�aes� io come before the Board the sess�on
was con�inued until June 23,199$.
3une �3,1998
The sessic�n was continued ai 9;0� a.m. with alI of the Cammissioners
in attendance w�ith the Cierk of the Board.
The Commiss�aners met with �he Public Warks D�rectc�� regarding
� 0:00 a.m. bid opening �Pinto Ri.dge Rd.}, Warden City Limzt Adjustmen�,
Praject Agreements-Randaiph Rd, 22�� Av�., T�teimbursable Agreemenis-
(�TA, Purchase Request-Gc�ncrete P�sts, GI�IA L�iscussion, Draft S�x �ear
�=�`� ���- The �ommissioners signed their app�oval �f the R�quest to ihe Gra�t
�ou�iy Public Warks i7epa�fiment f�r Re�mbursable Worl� requested by �lze
Grant Tra�sit Authori�.
1� �� �3 The C�m�ssioners held a Bid (.�pening on the Pinto Ridge Raad
�i'flj�C�. A matzon was made by Cc��miss�oner Fancher, seconded by
�t�mtnissit�ner Snead that the Bids be r�ferred tQ the Pub1�c Wc�rks
Departme�i for their review and �ecammendatic�n. The mo��c�n carried.
r�� 7���Tne �on�missioners apprc�ved the �djustment in the �ity Limits c�f t1�e
�ity Qf WardeIl reflect�d in the Ciiy of �VVarden Resolution No. 3-98.
j���" T'he Coz�missit�ners signed the Natice of Public ��ar�.ng for a
s�ppleme�tal budg�t request for the �uvenzl� Department from �.�nanticipaied
stat�/fed�ral funds in the amount of $6,O�Q. The Public ��aring w�11 be held
July 7,1998 at 1:3t} p.n�.
��'��� � The Commiss�oners nQti�ed I�Iorth C�ntral Cons#n�ctic�� Co., Inc. that
ihe Pinto Ridge Road cantz-act was awar�ied tc� them as �e lc�w bidd�r in �Ghe
amc�unt c�f $634,500.b5.
,r,� ��-�, � A motzan was made b� Commissioner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner �ancher ihat �esolutic�� Number 98-77-CC regarding �he
PUI3 Privilege Tax be passed. The mfltio� carried.
,� � �'� ��The Commzssioners signed
Pu�li� Tra�spartatic�n Benefit A�rea.
a� Agreement �vith the Grant County
,'.�����A mr�tzon was made by �ommission�r Fancher, secc�nded by
�c�namissioner Snead that Resol�tion Number 98-�S-GC adc�pting Risk
Management Pre�cedur�s be passed. 'TI�� motion carried.
�` ��.�"r � As of this da,te the Board by a majarity vote dQes apprc�ve �or payment
thr�se vouchers i�cluded in the lisi �led in �e Aud�tc�rs +Qffice 6122/�8 in t�e
amount of $ l ,204,39�6,18.
�� �.s��l A motion was made by Cc�mmissioner 5nead, seconded by
Commissi�ner Fancher that Resolution Number 98-79-CC seitzzng a Public
�Iearing for Ju1y 13,�.�98 at 1:30 p.m. relating io the facts requiring an
apprapriat�c�n and e�penditure flf fifiz�ds for the Law and Justice �und #�121,
Departr�i�nt �1 f 3 in the amount of $22,514 be passed. 'i'h� m�otian carried.
``� A�u�Qtion was made by Commissic�ner Snead, secanded by Commissianer
Fancher that ResolutiQn Number 98-8a-CC se�ti.�g a. Public hearzng far 7u1y
13,1�98 at 1:3� p.m. retat�ng t� the fa�ts requiring a�n apprQpria�on and
e�penditure �f funds far the Current �xpense Fund #OQ1, Districi Court
Deparrt�mm�nt #IQ� in the amauni of �22,514 be passed. T�l� 111fl�iOI� C�I�l�CI.
���--, -� The �ommissianers approv�d out of st�.te �ravel far Sl�e�iff Bi11
Wiester to aitend the anriiva.l I`�atio�al Sheriffs Associati�n conference in
Phoenix, Arizona.
f� �,���.. The Commissianer� approved the salary increase af �eiih I-�ausion af
the Juv�nil� Probation :Department to 90 perceni.
f.���.�",��"T`he �ommissioners received the 5tatutc�r3� Warranty Deed frc�m
Max�in L. �hr�stoph far the new mus�um praperty. Fi1�d in �he Auditors
t�ff'ice under Number � �24�57.
As there was no further business ta �ame b�fore the Baard the sessic�n
was ad�c�urned un�� Jun� 29,1998,
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