HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCC014�SSI�I�TERS' PR(�C�EI�INGS V�eek of June i 5,19�38 �'he t�rani County �ommissianers session was called �o arder ai 9:40 a.m. by Cha�rm�n LeRc�y Al�sc�n, Co�nmissit�ner Snead was in aitendance with the Clerk o�'the Bc�ard. �t�m��issioner Fancher was at�ending meetings out t�f the off'ice. There were no rninutes vf the �recec�n.g wee1� since t�.�re was �o quon�r� present. �����T�e Commisszc�n�rs signed the 1��8 Coneert Mana.gement Agreeme�.t with LTniversal Concerts,Inc. ����-���The Co�nmissianers received a. l'�otice of Right io Claim Lie� from Rainbow Electric,�c. rega�ci.i.ng the Grant Couniy Satellite Jus�ce Center. ������7The Camm%ssioners receiv�d an executed copy o£ the inier-local Coope�-ative .Agreement Amendment with the Port o� Moses Lake. f��'���Th� Commissioners h�Id a can�nuaiion r�f Public H�aring and a mo�on was made by Commissiane� S�ead, seconded by Cc�mmzssioner A11isc�n thai Resolution Number 98-�Q-C� relating tQ a supplemental extenslon in t�e 1998 budget af �he �t�opera��ve Extension Depariment #T�2, Current Expense Fund #0�1 in the �.maunt �f $8,� 0� be passed. The matic�n ca:ried. i���.�T�e Commzssic�ners r�ceived a Summons and Cflmp�aint frc�m Crittenden Conversi4n. The matter was �eferred to #.he �'rosecuting Attarney ft�r handling. �`�9�`� The Commissianers were noiified by the Auditor that the follov�ing Special Purpc�s� Districts ha�e failed �o fIe annual statem�nts w�th the Auditor's Office for three co:�secutive years: Grani County Cemetery District #5 Grant County Fire District #6 Grant County �eed D�strict # 1 Grant County Park & Recreation Dzs�rict �#1 Grant County Park & Recreaiic�n Dis�ri�t #2 Crescent Bar S�wer Disi�`zct 1�`���The Comnmissioners apprflved the r�quesi by Dave 1`+Telsc�n to hire Marty Greenly as a tempc�rary employee for ihe Cu�rreni Planning Office at the rate of $8.�4 per hour. %� `���The �om�nissianers approv�d the request by Dave Nelson ta �ncxease ihe �alary of Lzsa Ohls of the cunent �Ianning Deparhneni ia �6.SC} per hQur effecizve June 15,1�98. ��-`�`5�,.3The Commisszaners appraved the starting salary of Lori k:inzel of t�e Auditars C?f�ice at � 1,754.1 �0 per month effective June 1 S,1 �98. /�; �y�The Commissioners approved the salary increase vf G�z�rectic�ns {�fficer l��e +�af�an to 100 percent c�f cflntr�I salary. r,� r�� The Commissio�ers sei a Public 1Vleeting for 1�une 3Q,1998 at 3:OQ p.m. r�garding the Pla.t Alteration Req�.esf of Jc�bn IV�. Kr�nholm, ia cc�mbine 2 lots appra�i.mately 17,43� in tota.l area intc� o�e lot i� the Plat of Desert Aire Diu�sian 1 in a paz�ion �f the 5outhwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 223, Township 14 No�rth, Range 2a East VV�illa�ette Mer�dian. l�q��� The �ammissione�s appraved the request by Dave Nelson tc+ reinstate Ra�na Spence as a%mporary employee for the BuildinglFire Marshals C)ffice ai the rate af $7.00 pen c��ur e�feci�ve �une 15,19�8. �� ��� ��'h� Co�amissic�ners appraved the request by Dave Nelson to ha�e Karen Reachard as a t�mporary emplc�yee e�f'ective June 1,19�8 in the Current Planning Department at ihe raie of �5.�0 per hour. ��- ��� �%The �c�mmissiane�rs apprc�ved ihe starting salary of Patricia J�. Nan-u.hn of the Auditors t3f�ice effective Ju�e 8,1998 ai the rate of $7.OQ per hour. ,� ,.� �'���The Comn�ssioners apprc�ved the an�2ua� salary c�f �34,9a0 fQr the District Cc�urt Chief Deputy �lerk. .�� ��-'°7� The Cflmmissioners approved the salary inc�ease of Caro�e Highiand of ihe Prosecuting Att�rney's (�f�ce io L)eputy V as af 3une 1,� 998. ��`� `� � t The Commi s�ianers apprc�ved the request by the P�osecuting A�torney to p�ace �arolyn Jc�nes-Fai,� on the county insu�-ance program effective in June if �he me�is the 8� hour requirement, zf noi �he would be eligible in ��Y- t�q�`��.The �omm�ssiorzers appro�ed the rec�uest l�y the Juvenile Pr4bat�o� Department f�r a budget exfens�c�� rn the amaunt o� $6,t}�0. ��.3 �'��3 The C�mmission�rs received a signed copy of �c�ntract #12976 bei�veen �Vashington State University and Grant �ounty Cooper�.tive Extensic�n. �� 9`��� The Commi ssianers appr�ved the requesi by the 3uvenile Pr�baiic�n Department to make a$540.0� donation tQ the Ephrata Senio� Center for the use of their faci�ity over the past twelve monihs. They alsa approved a Ren�al/Lease Ag�-eement wiih th� Ephrata Senior ��nter �a co�r.��cz�.�e t�e use of th��r facii�ty ta cQnduct Ephrata Accountabili�y Baard hea�ngs. �� `i ��' � The C€�mmissic�ners rec�ived a signed copy c�f the GVUNiA agr�ement v�ith Adams County, and Franklin County regardu�g EPA-�Z.GUCPAI projects. r�-��� � The Commissian�rs szgned the Vegeiation Removal Agreement u�ith T c� S Excava�ian,Inc. r�garding the Hi-U Mote1 prap�rty. �t.3 ��� 7 Th� Cotmmissianers approved the Request for T�ansfex of Funds in the CQurthouse 1Vlaintenance I7epartme�.t in �he amc�unt of �14,50�. �'.�`���� The Cc�mmissic�ners xeceive� a signed copy of ihe �nter-gavern�mental Agreement between Grant Caunty and Benion Couniy regarding Correcti4nai Facility use. t� ��� � T�ae Cc�m�nissivners recezved a Noti�e c�f Claim frc�m ilie Estate of James �arringtc�n, The matter was re�erred tc� the Prtasecuting Attc�rney far handling, �,� ;� ��d A mot�on was made by Cammissioner Snead, secanded by �c�mmissioner Allison that Resc�lutio� Number 98-71-CC appravzng a zone ��ange from Commercgal Freeway Service ta General Commerc�.�.I requested b� E�ck and Je�ni�£er Erickson in a pflrtion af Seciion 32, Tawnship 19 Nc�zzth, Rang� 24 East W.M. be passed. The ma�ic�n carried. ,���-��� A motion was made by �omrnzsszoner Snead, secanded by Commissioner Allison that �Z.esc�iutian Number �8-72-CC apprvving a Plat Alteration requested by Charl�s T. Pa.�n� a�terir�g Lot 20 and a pozt�on of Lot 21, Block 12 in the Plat o�' Grant tJrchards Iocated in a portian of Seetian 2s1, Township 22 I`1., Range 2'1 E.�V.M. be passed. The mc�tian carried. 1����`� The CQmm7issianers held a cc�ntinuation of the Public Meeting on the Plat Alfera�ic�n Requ�si by Greg and Marla Huff td re-plat Lot 412 of the Larsc�n Subdivisian, Iocate�l in a po�ic�n af the Northeast 114 of Seciian 5, Tflv�aship 19 North, Range 28 Easi, W.M. intt� three 1Q�s �vith dedicaied cammon area cQnfa..ining a 4-ca.r garag�. A mQtion u�as made by C�mmissic�ner Snead secanded by Con��mi ssioner Allisan to uphald the Plaz�aing Cc�mmzssion appraval with tlae Plan���ng I7epari:me�t cc�nditians �umber 1 through 9, and findings r�f fact fr�m the Planning Commissian. The motian Garried. � P j��',.�' The Commisszon�rs held a continuatzon of the Publi� Meeting a� the Plat �Iteratzon Request by Ron Gear, io replat Lot 173 �f the Larson Subdivision, l�cated in a p�rtion c�f �eciifln 5, Township 19 hTr�rth, Range 28 Ea.st W.M. inta two lc�ts. A moti�n wa� made by Commissic�ner Snead, secanded by Commissic�ner A11�son ia uphc�ld the Pianning Commission �reeoanmendatzon to appr�ve with condiiions � t�-augh 1(} and findzngs Qf fact from the Plarming Cammisszan. The motzon carried. As there was no fi.�rther l�usiness tc� come before the Bc�a�rd the sessiQn �vas cont�nued until 3u�e i6,1�98. June �.6,1998 The session was contin.ued at 9:04 a.m. with Chairman AllisQn a�:�d Commissic�ner Snead in attendance wit� the �1erk o� the Board. The Cammissianers m�t with the Public �V41or�s L3irecfior regarding Land�Il Equzpm�nt, `12' SE1SW Pr�ject, Valley Road/�!,zr�vay Dr. Landscaping, Supplemental Agreem�nts-Pr€�ject Clasure `M' SE & Dodsan Road, STP Funding Adjustment, �Ierbic�de Applicaiion +�ontract-Extensic�n P eq�est. a�3� ��,� A�n.otian was made by �ammissianer Snead, seconded by Co�m�sszc�ner .€�llisc�n ta a�api Resalu�ion Number 98-73-CC establis�ng a ladgiug tax adcrisary comm�ttee and appointing members thereto be passed. The motion carried. � 3���� A motion was made b� Commissi�ner Sn�ad, s�conded by Co�mmzssioner All�son t�at Resolui�4n Number 98-74-CC zn the matter of alterzng Lot 412 o�the Larsc�n Subdivisian Iocated in a partian of th� 1�3E �/4 of Section 5, Township 19 N., Range 2S East i�aM., requested by Csregg and Mar1a �Iuff be passed. �'he motion carr�ied. J� �'���� A motic�n -�vas made by Commissionez� �nea.d, seconded by Cammissioner Allisan that Resc�luiifl� �Tumber �8-'75-CC in the matter of altering Lot 1�3 t�� the Larson Subdzvision lc�cated i� a portion flf Section 5, Township 19 N., Range 28 Easi �,M. requested by Ron Gear be passed. The znation carried. ,�� ���``� The Commissioners signed the Public �vVorks Department �Iazms Fur�d vQucher approv�,l #S-1 through #5-i97 rn the iotal amount c�f $1,I39,226.57. !� ����' The CommissiQners approved the salary of Bruce Gribble af the 3uvenile Prt�ba�ian Department as Detention Supervisc�r at $2,�23.8f� per manth effective 3une 29,1�95. �� �-��'�'The Cammissian�rs approved ihe starti�►g salary of Barbara Spence of tbe 3uvenzl� Probat�c�n Deparbment at 80 perceni ofthe salary for Treatmeni Counselor positians ei�ective June 15, I 998. p��`���'The Commissioners apprc�ved the starting salary of Rabin Baxt�r Qf the Juvenile Probatic�n �epazt�ment at 90 percent of the saiary for T�eatment Counselor pasi�io�s effec�i.ve June 25,1998. ,�� i��� As o�'this date ihe Baard by a maj�rity vc�te does approve for payment thase vouchers inc�uded in the lzst �Ied in the Auditors t�f�'ice 6/8/98 in the total �.�no�nt of $205,159,�7. /� ����- A� of this date the Board by a majority vote does appro�e for payment �laose vouchexs included in the list ftled in the Auditors C}f��e �ill S/98 in the totai amount r�f $477,1.74.91. As there was na fia�rther l�usiness to come b�fore the Board the �esszc�n �vas adjourned until June 22,1998. ATTEST: l�' ' Clerk tl]� $0 .��`lt +� ! 1 ! . *• � , � . . _�� �.fl'1�� ,,.. _,,,...,,,,... . ,. �,�' � � : , � =-_ - !' •-- --�