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The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:30 a.m. with Commissioners Carter and Stevens in
attendance. Commissioner Swartz was out until 10:00 a.m. and excused.
8:30 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Elected Official Roundtable Meeting
9:00 a.m.—9:20 a.m. J Strickler,ASC Update and Misc BOCC Action
A motlon was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve items 2
through 5 on the agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
1. Possible vouchers for Interfund Communications, insurance, legal services,grant administration,
2. Reimbursement No. 5 to the Department of Commerce on CDBG General Purpose Grant No. 15-
62210-022, Royal Water District Rehabilitation Project,for the period June 25 through July 29,
2016, in the amount of$5,318.87. (Approved)
3. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission State and Local Government Information (EEO-4)
form for Board of County Commissioners'Administrative Services Coordinator administration
records and transmittal to the state: Department of Commerce Community Development Block
Grants (CDBG) Public Services Grant No. 16-62210-005,term of July 1, 2016 through June 31,
2017. (Approved)
4. Amendment B to Washington State Department of Commerce Consolidated Homeless Grant No.
16-46108-10 with Grant County and administered through the Grant County Housing Authority.
The revision de-obligates$6,639.48 from FY 2016 HEN funds. (Approved)
5. Grant County, by and through its Department of Public Defense, application to the Washington
State Office of Public Defense for 2016 RCW 10.101 funds for the improvement of the quality of
public defense services forjuveniles and adul�Cs. (Approved)
10:00 a.m.—10:15 a,m. Commissioners Office Safety Meeting
10:30 a.m.— 10:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period (No public in attendance)
11:00 a.m.— 11:50 a.m. Budget and Finance Update
1:00 p.m.—1:30 p.m. C Carter at Safety Committee 9/11 Breakfast Discussion (Sun Lakes
Conference Room)
1:30 p.m.—2:20 p.m. Grant Integrated Services Update
2:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. Department Head Review
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of August 22, 2016
3:00 p.m.—3:50 p.m, Grant County Weed District No, 1 Update
Items discussed were: Resignation of Randy Weitzel effective June 30, 2016; budget;
Assessment rates; Department of Retirement Systems questions regarding Weitzel and
retirement contributions.
5:30 p.m.—6:30 p.m. R Stevens at Washington Rural Counties Insurance Pool (WRCIP) Board
Retreat (Clear Risl<.Solutions, Ephrata)
The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Health District Voucher listing in the amount of
The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant Public Works County Payroll Salary Fund for the
August 19, 2016 payroll.
The Commissioners approved and signed the Grant County Payroll Authorization form for the August 19,
2016 payroll.
As of this date,the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the
auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the
auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of$949,365.85, as recorded on a listing
and made available to the Board.
The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Billy Bangs (Billy Bangs Short Plat) File P16-
0265/Preliminary P 16-0218; Herlin and Telitha Villalta (Villalta Short Plat) File#P16-0247/Preliminary
P16-0203;and the Craig Palmer and Martel Palmer(Palmer Short Plat#3) File#P 16-0155/Preliminary
P 15-0048, Final Plat Submission and Reviews.
The session was continued at 9:30 a.m. wi�h Commissioners Carter and Swartz in attendance
(Commissioner Swartz arrived late). Commissioner Stevens was out at a WRCIP Board Retreat and
9:00 a.m,—9:50 a.m. K Eslinger, Human Resources Update
Discussion of Risk/Safety/Security Process—08/24; Health Insurance Committee Special Meeting
-08/25; Contract Negotiations: Sheriff Support 2016:Proposal Pending;Teamster GrIS 2016 (initiai):
Drafting CBA;PERC 127508-M-15 - Deputy Sheriff Mediation:Finai�zing cBa;PERC 127886-M-16-
Corrections Mediation:o9/2s;Association Mediation (PERC 127-990-M-16; PERC 127991-M-16;
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of August 22, 2016
PERC 127988-M-16; PERC 127989-M-16:unscheduled;Other Actions: District Court Grievance:os/a6-
z�;Holiday Pay Grievances:Step 3;PERC 128207- Unit Clarification:Pending;Arbitration -Threat of
Retaliation;Arbitration- Modification of Payroll Records; Labor Disclosure for Corrections
Mediation; Health Insurance Committee (HIC) Recommendation; Semi-Monthly Payroll
Question; Grant Integrated Services; Fairgrounds; Discussion on Scheduling Conference Rooms;
and Mandatory Departmental Voicemail Boxes.
Personnel Action Requests for the salary, wage and/or position changes for Reyna Gonzales,
Bruce Moore, and Sue Sherwood, Grant Integrated Services—Grant Mental Heal�Chcare,
10:00 a.m,— 10:50 a.m. T Gaines, Central Services Update
Items discussed were:
• Technology Services: Training Updates
• Facilities and Maintenance/Central Services:Youth Services; Fairgrounds; 3rd Floor; Projects
Cash Flow; FTR in New District Court; and District Court Move.
• Interfund Communications: New Employee Search;Temp Hire; and Personnel Issues.
11:00 a.m.—11:20 a.m, W Swanson,Juvenile Court and Youth Services Update(Cancelled)
12:00 p.m,—1:00 p.m. Commissioners at PUD Commissioner Lunch (Tequilas Restaurant,
1:30 p.m.—2:20 p.m. J Tincher, Public Works Update
A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve items 1 and
2, 5 through 9 on the agenda as presented. Items 3 and 4 were added in error.The motion passed with
2 Commissioners in attendance.
1. Request to County Road Department for Reimbursement of Work: Town of Wilson Creek is
requesting Grant County to overlay Railroad Ave. between 4th &7tn (provided by Transportation
Irnprovement Board Project 2E-867(004)-1) not to exceed a maximum of$118,530.00.
2. Resolution No. 16-067-CC Notice of Hearing: Vacating a certain county right-of-way known as
2"a Street and the Alley in a portion of Block 4,Trinidad in S 18,T 20 N, R 23 E, WM. Hearing is
set for September 13, 2016 at 2:00 pm (Approved)
3. RAP Prospectus to the WA State Dept. of Transportation showing project costs for County Road
Safety 2015 Horizontal Curve Signs Project (Item added in error)
4. RAP Prospectus to the WA State Dept. of Transportation showing project costs for County Road
Safety 2015 Rumble Strips& Flashing Signs Project(Item added in error)
5. Local Agency Supplement No. 1 to Agreement No. LA 8735 between Grant County and
Washington State Department of Transportation for County Road Safety 2015 Horizontal Curve
Signs Project with an estimated cost of$�7A8 717,000.00 (Approved as amended)
6. Local Agency Supplement No. 1 to Agreement No. LA 8737 between Grant County and
Washington State Department of Transportation for County Road Safety 2015 Rumble Strips and
Flashing Signs Project with an estimated cost of$3-�4�99160,400.00 (Approved as amended)
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Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of August 22, 2016
7. Authorization to Call for Bids: Railroad Ave, Overlay Project in Wilson Creek,WA with a bid
opening date of September 13, 2016 at 1:30 pm (Approved)
8. State of Washington—County Road Administration Board (CRAB) Rural Arterial Program Final
Prospecfius for Stratford Road (12-NE to 16-NE) (Approved)
9. State of Washington—County Road Administration Board (CRAB) Rural Arterial Program Final
Prospectus for Hiawatha Road (N. Frontage to 4-NE) (Approved)
1:30 p.m.—1:40 p.m. Bid Opening,Adams Road SW Overlay Project(SR 26 to Frenchman Hills,
CRP 15-05)
The following bids were received:
1. Granite Construction $1,296,336.40
2. Central Washington Asphalt $1,305,351.50
A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Carter,to turn over the
bids to Public Works for their review and recommendation. The motion passed with 2
Commissioners in attendance.
2:30 p.m.—2:50 p.m. G Dano, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update
3:00 p.m.—3:15 p.m. Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 5)
A motion was made by Commissioner Swartz, seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve items 1
through 5 on the agenda as presented. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance.
1. Commissioner's Office and Public Defense Vouchers. (Approved)
2. Letter to the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board regarding Local Authority
Notification. Grant County is notifying the LCB that we are no longer reviewing or signing the
Notice of Marijuana License Applications effective immediately.
3. Special Occasion liquor license for Pot Holes Ducks Unlimited.The event will be held at
0'Sullivan Sportsman Resort, Othello; November 12, 2016. (Approved)
4. Out of state travel request for Leiza Tobin to attend The Relias Learning Center Conference
which will be held in San Diego, California, September 12—15, 2016. Ms.Tobin's travel dates
will be September 9, 2016 to the conference and will take several personal days at the end of
the conference before returning on September 18, 2016. (Approved)
5. Recommendation Memorandum regarding a 2"d request to initiate the Sick Leave Donation
program for an employee of Interfund Communications (Recipient 16-10). The HR Director
recommends approval. (Approved, Cliff Harmon)
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Grant County Commissioners IVlinutes
Week of August 22, 2016
The Commissioners wrote a letter of acceptance to the Washington State Department of Natural
Resources confirming Grant County's willing receipt of the Easternmost 570 acres of the 640 acre Parcel
No. 170100000 which constitutes all, except that portion of the western boundary subject to Potholes
reservoir flooding, S 16,T 18 N, R 28 E,WM. This is being proposed under the 2017-2019 Trust Land
Transfer Program. The County intends to maintain its current use of open space for outdoor recreation
as an ATV Park.
The session was continued at 9:30 a.m. with Commissioners Carter and Swartz in attendance.
Commissioner Stevens was out at a WRCIP Board Retreat and excused.
9:30 a.m.—9:50 a.m. B Hill, Public Defense Update
10:30 a.m.— 10:50 a.m. T Jones, Sheriff's Office Update (Cancelled)
11;00 a.m,— 11:20 a.m, I<Allen, Clerk's Office Update
3:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m. C Carter at Aging and Adult Care of Central Washington Exit Meeting
3:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m. C Swartz at Port of Moses Lake Meeting (Port Office)
2:00 p.m.—4:00 p,m. R Stevens at Columbia Basin Job Corps Commencement Day (Job Corps,
Moses Lake)
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' Grant County Commissioners Minutes
Week of August 22, 2016
No meetings held
The Commissioners authorized the Deputy Clerk of the Board to stamp their signature of approval to the
recommendation of the Public Works Director to award the Adams Road SW Overlay project(CRP 15-02)
to Granite Construction Company in the amount of$1,296,336.40,
Signed this�� day of����—' 2016.
�G ant o nty, W hingto
Cindy Carte Chair �
, � ����
Carolann Swartz,Vice- hair
Attest: � �r�mm_
� � Richard Stevens, Member
r �,�i.._� . , �����
arbara J. Vasquez, CMC
Clerk of the Board