HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC�O��SSIt�NERS' PRC��EEDINC-S �Vee� �f 7u�� 1,1998; I i The Grani County Carr�znissioners session iwas called to c�rder at 9:00 a.m. by LeRo� C, Allison, Chairman. �.11 c�f the G�mmissi��zers were in a�i�e�dance with t1�e Clerk ofthe Board. ; The Cc�mmissianer� read and approved ihe minutes of t�e precedi�g sessian as �vr��ten. � i� ��-��„The �ommissic�ners appraved the request by Grant Cc�unty Menial �ealth far salary in�reases far the CQmmunity �iying A�des. f��; �� Th� Com�issioners a�proved tl�e r�cammendation l�y 7��.De11 �ada3 Fair and Facility Manager ihat the bid l�y Western Equipmen� Distributic�n for �I�e mulch�ng lawn mower be accepted. ' � ��..����- The Cc�z�missioners approved �he salary incz�ease of 3une �:.inkead of �he Juvenile Prabatic�n Department �0 9� perc�ni Qf th� salary for the posztian af �Ia1f-Tzme D�teniic�n Mo�itor. � . i ����� The Cc�mmissioners appraved ihe salary increase of Jun� �%nke�d of the �uvenile �'�obatian I�epaz�.me�i to 9Q perc�nt �f �lae salary as a Cfl� MQnitc�r effecti�e June 1,1998. � t�� �..��T�e �ommissxaners received a Claim f,c�r Damages from Joseph Patr�c� Davis. T�ie matter �as referred fio the �'rose�uting Attc�rn�y �o� handla�g. ; ; l�q�-� ��'he Comm�ssioners recei�ed a Clai�n for T.�amages from Gary F. Davidso�.. The maiter was re�erred to the Prosecuii�g A�torney for �andlzng. ���.�°� Tl�e Cc�xnm�ssianers appraved ihe salary c�f L�eb Shay c�f �e Sheriffs Of�ice at $2,�54 �3�I` 1�1(3ll�� ���G�iV� JUll�' �,�.998;as R.�cc�rds Sergeant. �� �`!��� The Cc�mmzssic�ners receive� a Claim f�r JC3amages from Billie M, McQuxstan. �'he matter was referred to the' Pros�cuting Attorney far , handli�g. ; i�- ��`��The Commissioners signed a� �nter-govemmen�a.� Agreement wi�h Benton �ounty regarding Correctf ona.1 Facility use. ; �� �'�-�The Cc�z��issioners re��ived a S�.mmons and Petition �'or remc�val to i"lisirict Cour�. The matter was referred ta the Prosecut�ng Attarney for handling. , �� �i�t Th� Commissioners received a Claim f�r Damages from Gary F. Davidson. The matte� was referred % the Prosecuting Attc�z�ney fc�r Iaandling. ;� f r'��'he Coa�mi ssianers signed the Payrc�Ii Warrants List #�948b5 �ough #95367 far May, 1�98. � ���5���'The Cc�n�missioners held a Pub1�c Hearing'and a motion was m.ade by �ar�missione� Fancher, seconded by �ommissioner Snead that ResalutiQn Numbe� 98-�8-CC relati.ng to a supplementai e�;iension zn the 1998 budget af the h�venile Deparimeni #11'7, Current E�pense Fund #0�}1 in the a�nount af $18,�OU be passed. The mot�on carrled. f�`���-i`he Commissioners held a Public �-Iearing regarding the proposed ordinance ar�e�ding section 24.04.Q5t1 relating� to the design�.tion c�� the S�PA responsi�l� off'zcial. A motion �v�s made ;by Cc��nm�iss�oner Fancher, seconded by �omrnisszo�er 5nead ihat I2esolu�on �umber 98-69-CC designating f.he Di�ector af the Grant County TJepar�ment of Community Dev��opment, ar �is designee as the SEPA responszble Qf�cial be passed. The �aotiQn car�zed. r� �`�`���`The �c�mmiss�flners held �. Fublic Meeiing regarding the Erick and Je�ifer Ericksan zQne change request, from Co;'mrnercial Free�vay Serv�ce io Genera� �o�.mercial on a l.4 acre parcel o� ground in a portion Qf the Southwest c�ua��r c�f Sectic�� 32, Tc�wnship 119 North, Range 24 �Easi, �Villamette Meridian, on Baseiine I�.Qad west! of anc� adjacemt to Lad Irrigatic�n near �he Tawn of George. �. mc�fion �vas made by Con�€missia�er Fan�her, seconded by Con��nissioner Snead to uphold �he Pl��i�g Commission recammendaiion with the Plannzng Co�nission finclings c�f fact. The znfltion car3ried. ������The Commiss�oners held a Public Mee�ing regaxding the Plat Altera�io�a Request t�f Char�es T. �'ayne, to subdivide an appra�mately 6. i� ac�e parcel into two lots, cor�sisting af I�at 20 and a Por�ion of Lot 21, B1ock 12, Grant Qrchaxds in a portion af the Southv�est Quart�r of Seciic�n 21, Tawnship 22 No�-th, Range 27 East �illameite' Mericlian. A motian v�ras made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded b� Commissifln�r Sne�.cl to uphold the P��.�ning �ommission and grani the� Plat Alteration, using the san3e findings of �act as t�e Plalli�ing Commgssicin, referencing S.B.B of the C}rdinance, and also require canditians 1 through 9, xecQmmended by the Planning Com�nission. T�e motion carried. ' As there was no further b�siness to come befare the Board the session was continued until �une 2,1998. ' 3une 2,1998 Th� Grant County �ommissioners session ;w�s cflntinued at 9:Oi� a.m. wzth Chairman Allison and Commiss�aner Snead in ai�endance with the Clerk of the Board. Cr�mmi.ssioner Fancher v�as attending a meeting in Moses Lake. The Cammissic�ners met wi-th ih� Fubl�c Wflrl�s Dire�tor regarding Bid Authazi�aiio�z-1998 Auctioneering Serv7ice Go�#ract, Bid Autharization- Pinto Ridge Rc�ad, CRP 9'7-10, 1998 Br�idge RepQzt, Solid Waste Consultant Agreen�ent, Fuel Tax Esizmate-1994, WA Staie Transpartatir�n Co�mission Agenda, I3aver StreeilDay Sia� Access. ; ; i����i The Comza�issioners signed the Authorizatii�n tc, Cal1 �or Bids on Pinto Ridge Road Prc�jeci, brd opening to be Juz�� 23,1��98 at 10:04 a.m. � � � � o � '�, � � � a `�' o ax o �°' � � .� °' c/� �,� ..� �., � .� � � � � �oo �� � � o •�3� o � � �` �,, � � O C� tl� �'� �� ca oo �° � �o � GQ V�, � �� � � � � � � � �o � �� � � �� '�' �, s, � � •�n '� i �, s�� ¢` � � '�` � � � ,� �' °� °� .�= � � °' � .� ss�` O `" � o, o a` � � � ca ..� ca �' o �_ O .� � Q'^ �' � � "`�� o � � ° o � �,� , � � w �? � „ Ga o � ..�, , o �, � O � � � � �+ � `�+ i �, � �,� ''' ,,,, �,, ,,, � � � ° ' �o, � ",�, ca � o _ o � � �a � � � � � � � � � � �� o "�` � � �°' �-' o t,.? 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' ��� �.�The Co�amiss�aners rece��ed a Clazm for ��mages from Jaseph �a�r�c� ��.�is. �'he rr��aii�r was ref�rred tQ �he Pa�t�sec�t�ng A.ttc�rney for ha�dl�ng. 1�9���Tl�e Commissianers rece�ved a Cla�m far Dan�ages ��m Crary �. I�avidson. '�'1�� �zai�er was r��erred �o the Prc�sec�at�ng Attamey far hazadli�zg. t�3�.�� T�ae Cc�rr���sio�ers approv�d the sa�ary of �3eb S�iay €�� ihe S�er��s �f�ce at $2,3�4 per ac�ontb� e�ect��e J�ne 1,199� as Re�ords S�rg�a�t. j� �'��� "�h� Co�nmissianers received �. C�aixn for L�?amages from �Billi� �. Mc�Qu�st�n. �`l�.e �ai�er w�s ref�rred io the Prmse��.ti�g Atiorn�y �'or �Zandling. f� ��,��The Ct�r�issic�ners si,gned an Inter-go�ernm��ta1 .Agreement wi�h Benio�. �ou�ty r�garding Correctio�a� �ac�fity use. �,� �'����'h� �c�m�iss��ners re�e�ved a S�.unmons and Pet�t�o� fc�� re�oval tc� �3istrici Cou�rtt. The ma�er was ref��ared tc� �e Pra�ecu�i�g A��Qrr�e� �'e�� �ar�dling. ' �.�9�1�'he C��n�issione�s receiv�d a Cla�m for Daz�ages �c��� Gary �". I7avid�on. TI�e �atter was referz-�d io �he ��o��cuii�.g ��iQ�ey f��- �and���.g. I.� `���.�;T'h� �e���n4ssi���rs s��ned t�e �ayr�all �a�rr�.�ais Li�t #94465 �c�ugh #953b7 �c�r 1�1�.y, 1998. ��q��� Th� Cammissioners he�d a�'�blic �fear��g, and a�o�i�� was made by �omrr�issioner Fancber, se�onded by Commissioner Sne�d $hat Resal��ia� Nur�ber 98-6�-CC �elating to a suppler�a.ez�ta� ext�n�ion in the i998 budget c�f t�e Juve�ile �e�a�me�t #117, ��.rrent Expens� �'und #001 i� t�i� a�ou�� c�f $I$,040 b� passed. The ��ti€��. ���ried. f,�9`�s�I'�e Commissioners �eld a 1'�blic H�as--i�� r�g�rd�g �I�e �r+�pased ordin�.nce amend��g section 24.04.050 relati�a�, to the design�t�an of the SE�'A �esponsible c�fficial. A nmQt�on was made' by Co�missioner Fancher, se�onded b� �c�n�miss��ner Snead that ResQlut�on N�nber 9�-6�-�C desigz�ating the �i�ector of t�e G�ant Cau�ty ��pa��n�nt of Cc��mu�ity De�eiopm��t, or his desigr�ee as �e SEPA respans�ble Q�fc�al be pass�d. �'he motio�a carried. �� r� `�`�`��"�'he ��mm�sslaz�ers held a Publi� Meeting regarding the Er�ck and �enn�fe� �rickson zone c�ang� req�est, �r�m Cc��imerci�.1 Freeway Service to t�en�ral Coznmerci�I on a 1.4 acre parcel of �, graund in a por�ion of t�Ze Southwest qua�ter of Sec�ion 32, Township 19 Narth, Range 24 East, Willam�tte tvleridian, oz� �aseline Road ,west o� and adjacent to Lad Irrigatic�� r�ear the Town of C�eorge. A motion was made by Co�missioner �'�nc%er, secc�nded by Co��issi��er Snead � to uphold the P�anni�g Comm�ssion rec�mm�ndaiion with the �'lanning CQ�nrniss�c�n �ndia�gs of fa��. '�`�� mo�io� c�rra�ed. ����'��The Co�miss�c�ners held a 1'ublic 1Vleeting regarding the Plat ,�1ier�tion �eq�zest of �harles T. Pa�n�, to s�bc�"vid� an appr�ximately 6.16 acre pareel ir�to �c� lc��s, CU22S1S�3�i� C}� Li}t �O �C� �. pC3TCiC3Il Q� ��� Z I, Blc�c� 12, i�ran� C��chards in ��artio�z c�f tne So���v�st �uarter of Sectic�n 21, To��s��ip 22 1�Iflrth, �2a�ge 27 Easi �i�Iar��eiiei N��r�di��. A�no�as�� ��s ��.de by �omaa�issioner �ancher, �econded by �orr�r�issi�ner S�ead to uphold the P'l�nr�ing Coynm�ssion and gramt the I'lat A��eration, i�sing ihe same �ndi�gs of fact as ihe �"l�n�ing Cam�nission, referenci�g 5.�3.8 c�f the �rd�anee, and a�so require condiiic�ns 1 through 9, recammended by �h� �'Iar�ing �o�nmission. The mo�ion carried. � .A,.s t�ere wa� no fi��ther bus�ness io come befcsre the �3oard i�e sess�o� was co��i�ued u�til J�ne 2,1998. ' ���e 2, �.998 The Gra�� County Commissioners session, was co�iinued at 9.00 a.m. w�th Cha�rman Allison and Commissi�ner Snead in �tt��dance v�ith the Cle�-k of the Board. �ommissione� Fan�her ��.s atte�di�g a rneeiing � 3Vlas�s Lake. � The C��nrraissioners met with �he Pub�ici �i7or�Cs �irector regarding �id Authc�riz�.tio�-1.998 Auctloneerirng Service �ontr�ct, Bid Authorizaiian- Pin�o Ridge Rc�ad, CRP �7-10, 1998 �ridge IZ�port, Soi�d Waste C�nsultant Agree�e�t, Fuei Tax Es�iznate-1.9��, �A S�a�e Traa�s�c���.tion Gc�r�z�ission Ageaada, Dc�ver St�eet/I�ay S�r Ac�ess. , ����!-�7 �'�e Ca�ranaissio�e�s signed the A�.��oxiza�ion �o �aII fc�r Bids c�n Pin�o �Zidg� gZc��d �'r�ject, b�d openi�� ia be ��rne �3,1�g8 at 1Q:00 a.rr�. r�at�°��"I`�.e C�zna��ss�o�ers sig�ed il�e A��t�c�r�za�i€�� �c� �aII ft�r �ads c�� t��e 199� �,uc�i��eeraa�� Servi�e ������t, bid �peni�� io be J��� 3�,��9� ai �tJ:Q� a.rr�, i f�y��� �'�e ��m��ssi��aers appr�ved �h� salary ���r�as� �� �3�p�iy �ea��Z S��b�rt �� ��e Shenf�'� C��ce t� lOt� ��r�e�i of Deput� Ste� �e�e� �, e�fe�ta�e l�a�r 1,� 99�. ;���r���he Co��a�ssioners appr€�ved t�� req�.aes� b� ��� Sl�eri�f's �ffic� �€� pur�hase a�nicrt�waue ove�. for t�e jail ki�c�ien �-o� i,aw and Justice ��ds �� the ��c��ni o� �99�.40. , `�4�'� � T�e P�.bl�� �a�1�� I��re�tc�r g��vid�� �he Cc�mr�issi�z��rs wit� ���PY �� ��� 199� ���ge ��pc��t. ' �� `�5���-T�� ��a���xazss���ers re��iv�d �. Clai� ' �c�r I)ar��ges �rc�m �3illie McQ��ston. Th� �atter was re�erred tc� t��e, ��ose��tyng .��orney �'or ha�a�ing. ����`>��s €�f th�� date ih� �3oard b� ��ajar�ty �rs�te da�s �pprc�ve for pa�e�t ��c�se vo�che�s ine�uded ia� ih� �is� �i1ed zn ihe Au�iic�rs �f��e 5/�9/9� i� ihe ta��1 �n�c�unt af ��0,150.��. ���-���.�4s �f�h�s date ��-�e �3c�ard b� a�raajo�ity vot� does apprc�ve for payment �.ht�s� vc�uc�ers �nc��ded in th� list ���d z�. �h� Audi��rs �ffce 6/�11.98 �n ihe t�t�l �.�.��r�t Q� �245,33�.34. � As tl�ere wa�s no f�her busir��ss tc� come before ilae �vard t�e sessioz� v��.s adjc���d ��i� J�e 8,199�. �Ti�ST: � '� .�''��` ` 1� V � �ler��t��t1�e �c��� :i�''! i i f ! : i ' . t 4 . . . �. . � �� 1 . " : . . �� - W... :- ,, , ... �.w-- . _�---_-��--_. ' � }�' � { � l y t � �