Week of May 4,1998
The Grant County Commissioners session was cailed to order at
9:OQ a.rn. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Comm�ssioners were in
attendance wiih the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding
session as written.
The Commissioners received the signed Spirituous Liquor
Agreement between Grant County and llniversal Concerts, Inc. for the
Gorge Amphitheater.
The Commissioners received the revised Policy #1.I.B. of the Final
Adopted Policies of the Grant County Pla�ned Growth Committee.
The Commissioners signed the Payroll Warrants Lis# #94194 #hraugh
#94699 for the month of April.
Chairman AHison was author�zed to sign the �l1lastewater Project
Letier of Intent between ihe �ort of Moses Lake and Grant County.
The Commissioners receivee! a Notice of Bond and Retainage frorn
Mathews Construction regarding Minimum Securi#y Jail.
The Cammissioners apaproved the salary c�i Ruih Herron of the
�►udi�ors Office at $1,559.20 effective May 1,1998.
Chairman Allison was authorized to sign the Notice of Separation or
Work Interr�aption of Kevin Bailey of the Juvenile Department effective April
The Commissioners approved the request b�► the Juvenile Probation
Deparfinent for a budget extension of $18,000 in capital Outlay for the
purchase of computer equipment.
The Commissioners signed a Merriorandum of Un+�erstanding
regarding IlVater Inventory Resource Area for watershed planning activities
with Lincoln, Steven, �4dams and Grant County.
The Comrnissioners signed the Columbia Basin Ground Water
Management Area lnterlocal AgreementlContract with Franklin county.
Chairrnan Allison was authorized to sign the Contract beiween
Washington State University and Grant County.
The Commissioners held a bid opening for a mulching mower for the
fairgrounds. A motion was made by Cornmissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead to refer the bids to the Fair Board for review and
recornmendations. The motion carried.
The Commissioners held a Public Meeting regarding the Vollema
Zone Change Request frorn Agriculture to Suburban Two on approxima#ely
98.48 acres of property in the South halfi of the Southeast quarter of the
Northw�st quarter less the East 20' and ihe East half of the Southv�rest
quarter less the East 20' of Seciion 6, Township '19 North, Range 28 East
Willamette Meridian. A motion was made by Corr�missioner Snead,
seconded by Commissioner Fancher to uphold the Planning Commission
recommendations for approval with findings of fact number 1,2,3,4,5,fi and
7 proposed by the Planning Commission. The motion carried.
Cvmmissioner Fanch�r included the siatement #hat the pro�erty has a Dt)E
permitt�ed well.
�'he Com�raiss6oners held a Pubtic l�eeting regarding the Farid
Altayar Zvne Chang� Request �rorn Agriculture to Generai Comr�rtercia� vn a
7.05 acre parcel, laca�ed En Tax parcels # 39-1"I26-�00 and 3'f-112G-OU't,
described as Loi 4 of the Franz Short Plat, located �n a�ortion of ihe South
Haif of the Northwest Quarier of Section 32, Township '19 filorfh, Range 29
East, W.M. A rr�o#ion was made by �ommissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead ta approve the zone change with findirtgs #'! �hrough
G fra�m the PHanning Commission. The motian carried.
As there was no further busEness to come before the Board the
session was continued until May 5,1998>
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The session was coniinued at 9:tJi� a.m. writh aii of the
C�mmissianers �n atiendance with the Clerk af the Board.
T'he Commissioners met wiih the Rub16c Woo�ks �irector ret�arding
GQntract Eziension-Janitaria( Senrices, Buitding Gamplex Prabiems (Shop
Heatingj, Tr�ns-AidiGouniy issues, Turkey Bridge, Van-1Niison Creek
SCEiCiQL DtS'�i6C�, Supplementat Agreement-`'12' SEJSiiU Re-constructQon.
The Commissir�ners signed a Contract Extension for Janitorial
Services far �he Pub�ic Ws�rks Department with R� R Janitoria! Senrice.
The Commissianers no#i�ed the Districi Court that their request
regard�ng insurance bene�ts for [�arta Cagte before her 6 months of
employment must be deraied,
A motic�n w�s made tay Comrnissia�ter Fancher, seconded bp
Cammissioner Snead that Resoiution Number 98-57-CC in ihe rraatter of
reappointing B�Ii Mi1Cer, Mik� Con�ey and l�lark Hedman to positions on �he
Hanfc�rd Reach C�tizens Advisory Pane1 be passed. The mv�ian carried.
A motion was macf� by Camrr�issioner Fancher, sec�nded #�y
Gomrr�i�sianer Snead #hat Resalution Number 98-58-CC reiating tv the
establishment of a revolving fund accflun� far #he firan� Mental Healthcare
ta be calted the Grand Caulee Revcrlving Fund be pass�d. The motior�
The Commissioners rece�ved a signed copy of the Golumbia Basin
Ground Water Management Area #nterlocal AgreementlContract betvveen
Franklin County and Gran# Couniy.
The �ommissioners heid a car�tinuatian of the Public Hearing on the
ln�erim Q�cial Cantrol in #he �4gricutiuraC Zone amending ihe Grant County
zoning ordinance reiaiing to the definition of farm permitted uses and
restric#ions, After some discussian the Board directed staff to make the
amendments as direcied and pravide an amended ordinance #'or adoption.
The Commissioners held a Public Hearing concemir�g a proposed
ardinance regarding Interim Official Gontrols retating to Reasonable Use
Excep�ion durrng the time period required fo prepare and adopt an updated
Comprehensive Plan. Aft�r discussion ihe Board directed staff ta make
amendmen�ts as directed and p�ovide an amended ordinance for adoptivn.
As of this daie the Board by a majority vote does approve f�r
payment those vouehers filed in the Auditors C)ff'ice 4130i98 in the total
amount of $� U5,�49�69.
Th� Commissioners received a copy of the c�ties of Mos�s L.ake and
Ephrata Petrtior� for Revi�w before ihe Growth lUlanagem�nt Nearings
�oard fc�r East�rn itVashir�gton.
Th� Commissic►ners received a futly executed I�lemarandur� of
Uncierstandang betw��n Adams, F�anktin and Grant Cour�ty retative to
prc�vidinc� leadership f4r ihe Mid-Columb�a Basin 1t�atershed Gauncil.
ihe Cs�mmissioners gave n€�#ification of the formation of a
department to be catied the �Community Develo�ment Department, which is
a conse�Iidation ofi the Building, Fire and Current P'�anning Departments.
The C�mmissic�ners received the resigna#ion of Larry Angelt from th�
position of Di�ector of the Current Planning �eparEment and fr8m
emplaymenf wiih C�rant County e�fiecti�r+� S a.m., Friday lllffay 8,1998.
The Cr�mmissioners received notifi�:aiion from Jeffers, Danielsc►n,
�onn and Aylward regarding the l�loses Laice lrrigatic�n anci Rehabilitation
Distric� Assessments. The matter �vas referred tc� the Prt�secuting Attarney
for handiing.
The Commissioners me� with the Siate �oard of Health and vthers
regar�ing �he Marine View �Vater Sys%m,
,A,s tl�ere was no further k�usEness tc� cor�e before the Bcrarci the
sessivn was adjourned until May 1't,1998,
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