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Th� Grant County Ce�rnanissi�ners s�ss'rc�n v�ras called to order �t
9:�Q a.m. by Chairma� LeRoy Aliison. All Qf the Cammissie�ners were
in afii�r�darice.
Th� �amrnissianers read and approved the minutes of i�e
pre�edmg s�ssia►n as written,
The Cor�missioners apprc�v�d th� use vf �the �ourfhoe�se iawr�
area fesr �he Sage-n-Sun festiv��.
Chairr�an �,Ilisc�n was �uthorized io sign the No�tice Qf Sepa�ativn
o� Wt�rk fnterruption of Elizabeih R. Pal�ch�k of the Auditors C3ffice.
The Camrv�issioners approved the request by Judge Sperlir�e for
�asts ft�r Adv�nced Cvnstitut6c�r�al Crim�nal Law educatioe�ai course in
th�: �moun� of $1,39'[.42.
'Th� �c�rnrnissia►n�rs approved �ne reque�t by the Grant Transii
Authariiy �or perrnossivn to insta�i bus shelters on th� C4unty 1�ight �of
As �her� rn��s rao further busi�ess to cmm� be�c�re the �caa�d �he
�essic►r� r�as cc�n�inued �un�il Apri1 28,1998.
. • ..•
� . .
ihe se�si�� was �vntinued at 9:00 a.�n. with alt of th�
Cc�mmissie�r�er� in attendance.
Th� Commissioners met wifih �he Public 1i�'orks Directc�r r�egarding
'1�� NEI'F' NE In#ers�c�ion v�rith S1� 283, �iA Letter, 1�.3Q Li�y� D�►ve�l,
Cost Share.
Th� �c�mmissioners signed ih� Pubiic 11lTorks Claams Fc�nd
Vc�uc�ers �pproval #3-'I �hr+�ugh #4,3 in the t�iai armo�sn�t c+f
A matior� vvas ma�ie b}� Cc��nr�issioner Fancher, seco�ded by
G+amrr�issi�ner Sn�ad ihat Res��utian Nurnber 9$-43-CC i�t the rnatter
of init�at`rng �c�u�ty �;aad Projeci designated as CF�P l�o. 95-8 be
passeci. The motiar� carr6�d.
A matic�n was made by Cc�mmissioner Far�ch�r, secc�nded by
Cc�mmis�ion�r Sn�ad that R�s+�tutian N�amber 9�-44-CC in the mat�er
of initia�t6ng C�un�yy �ioad Proj�c�t de�ignated as CRP �I�. 98-9 be
p��sed. Th� mcr�ion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-45-CC in the matter of
initiating County Road Project designated as CRP No. 98-�10 be passed.
ihe motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 98-4G-CC in the matter of
initiating �ounty Road Projec# designated as CRP No. 98-'I �1 be passed.
The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by
Comrr�issioner Fancher that Resolution Number 98-47-CC in the matter of
initiating County Road Project designated as CRP No. 98-'12 be passed.
The motion carried.
l� r�no�ion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconde�f by
Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 98-48-CC in the rnatter of
initiating County Road Project designated as CRP No. 98-13 be passed.
The motion carried.
A motion was made by Comrr�issioner Snead, seconded by
Comr�issioner Fancher that Resolution Number 98-49-CC in the matter of
initiating County Road Project designated as CRP No. 98-14 be passed.
The motion carried.
A rr�otion vvas made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-50-CC in the matt�r of
initiating County Road Project designated as CRP tVo. 98-15 be passed.
The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Corr�missioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-5'I-CC in the matter of
initiating County Road Project designafed as CRP No. 98-16 be passeci.
The motion carried.
A Public H�aring was held and a motion was rnade by
Cor�rnissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that
Resolution Number 98-52-CC relating to a supplemental extension in the
1998 budget of the Juvenile Department #1'17, Current Expense Fund
#001 in the amount of $7,000 be passed. The motion carried.
A Public Hear�ng was held and a motion was made by
Comrnissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that
Resolution Number 98-53-CC authorizing an appropriation and
expenditure of funds for the Juvenile Facilities Construction Fund #302,
Department #001 in the amount of $30,000 be passed. The motion
A Public Hearing r�vas held and a motion was made by
Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that
Resolution Number 98-54-CC author�zing an appropriation and
expenditure of funds for the Law ancl Justice Fund #121, Departmeni #'163
in #he amount of $30,Q00 be passed. Th� motion carried.
A motian was made by CamEnissianer Fancher, seconded by
Comrmissioner Snead �hat Resc�lution Nu�m�er 98-5�-CC approving a
zc�ne change fr�m �ight Endustrial to �eneral Cc�mmercial in a par�tion
�� �e�tic�n 13, iownsnip 'I9 N,, Range 28 E>,1t�.M, requested by Jennifer
Ca�-lile be passed. The motia� carried.
A motion was made by Cc�mmissioner Fanch�r, sec�anded by
Gommissioner Snead �hat Resoiuiion 1Vumber 98-��-CC relating t4 �h�
transferof funds in the �f998 budgetc�fth� Gurreni Expense Fund #Q�'1,
Prosecutir�g A�forney and Capital Quttay Depar�ments in the amount of
$3,5'Ifi b� passed, The motion carried.
As cxf �his da�e the Baacd b� a majority vote does approve for
payment thvse vc�uchers included in ihe lis# fited in the Auditors O�ce
41271�8 in the iotaf amount o� $�9�,t339.03.
The CQmmissianers hetd a Pub1`rc Hearir�g on the lnierim C�ffificiat
Cnnfirots C?rdinance regarding the de�nitit�n of a Farm. l� mo#ion v�ras
r�ac�e by Gora�rr�issioner Sne�d, secc►nded by Cvrnrmissioner Fanch�r ta
cQntir�ue the mai�ee� until i�lay v,'l998 at 'f :{�{� p�m. The mvtic�n carriet�.
As there was no further bus�ness to cc►me befare the Board the
sessian wa� adjaurned until Nlay 4,1998.
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Clerk �i � �te Board
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