Week of April 20,1998
The Grant County Commissioners sessimn was called to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All �f the Commissior�ers were
in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners read arad approved the rrr�inutes of the
preceding session as written.
Chairman Allison was authorized to sigr� approval of the liquor
license application af Frontier Corner.
The Comrnissioners approved the reque�t by the Sheriffs Office
to purchase a boat motor in the arrflount of $fi,000.
The Commissioners approved the recorrurnendation of the Grant
Count� Fair to accept the bid of Carefree Fiomes of IVloses Lake in the
arnount of $55,646.22 for the manufactured h�me to be locafed at the
ihe Commissioners approved the increase in salary of Eddie
Hernandez of the District Court Office to $2,'!78 per month effective
January 1,1998.
Chairman Allison was authorized to sign �he Notice of Separation
or Work In�errup$ion of Marian Franck of ihe Prosecuting Attorney's
The Commissioners were notified #hat Sharon M.H. Shibata of the
�lerks Office hacl tendered her resignation eff�ctive April 14,1998.
The �ommissioners approved the st�rting salary of Muriel
Jorgensen of the District Court Office at $6.00 per hour effective April
The Commissioners approved the sa8ary increase of Lora
Fronsman and Sue Ramaker beginning Niarch 1998 instead of
The Commissioners approved the salao°y increase of �ar-la L,
Gonzales of the Clerks 4ffice to $1900 per mon$h effective April 1,�199�,
and of M. Gretchen Butterly of the Cterks Offuce to $1900 per month
effective May 1,1998a
The Cornmissioners approved the request by the Long Range
Planning Department #o correct the starting date for Billie Sumrall to
February 12 rather than February 17.
The Commissioners approved the star�ing s�lary of Shea K.
Larkin of #he Clerks Office at �1887.20 per month effective Apri[
The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Steve Scott
of the Prosecuting Attorney's Office at 100 percent of the Deputy
Prosecutor V salary.
The Commissioners approved the saiary �of Darla Cagle and Ethel
Dull of the District Court Office at 100 percent �f Deputy Clerk II salary.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Corrections
Officer Thomas Bonnington to 90 percent of control salary.
A motion
April 19-25 as
motion carried.
was made by Corr�missioner Fancher, seconded by
Snead that Resolutoon Number 98-42-CC recognizing
Citizen's County Government Week be passed. The
The Commissioners spent the afternoon meeting with
representatives of the cities regarding misderrueanant fees.
As there was no further busir�ess to corme before the Board the
session was continued until April 21,1998.
April 21,1998
ihe session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the
Commissioners in attenslance with the C[erk of the Board.
The Commissioners metwith the Public Vt�orks Director regarding
Cost Share Projects, '3' SE-Drainage?, Fran�hise Concerns-'7' NE,
Turkey Road Bridge No. 153, and Landfill Consultant.
The Commissioners were notified fhat �an Pitman �f the Grant
County PARC would have a job des�ription change to Youth Speciatist
effective April 1,1998 at the salary of $2,396.3�.
The Gommissioners approved the s�lary increase o�F Keri
Sonnabend of the Juvenile Probation Departr�ent to $2,111 effective
April 1,1998.
The Commissioners approve¢I the salauy increase of Lorraine
Vinson of the Juvenile Probation Department to $982.35 per month.
The Commissioners signed a Spirituous Liquor Agreement with
Universal Concerts,lnc. and Ogden Entertairument Services for the
Chairman Allison was authorized to sign the amendment to the
current E9�1'I implementation contract EM997036-B, which will now be
known as EIVI997036-C.
The Commissioners approved the request by the Prosecuting
Attorney to purchase six �17°' monitors and upgrade the 486 computer
to Pentium in the total amount of $3,954.
The Commissioners approved the specia0 occasion liquor license
of the Desert Aire Mens Club Golf Tournamen$ May 2 and 3,1998.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for
payment those vouchers included in the list fil�d in the Auditors Office
4/20198 in the total amount af $fi67,918.57.
The Commissioners held a Public Meetio�g on the Zone Change
request by Jennifer Carlile from Light Industria� to General Commercial
on a 9Q° by 200' parcel located in the Southerr� 90 feet of Lots 2 and 3,
Block 4, Moses Lake Industrial �lat locate�! in a portion of the
Southeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 1� North, Range 28 East
Willamette Meridian. A motion was made b�+ Commissioner Snead,
seconded by Gommissioner Fancher to uphold the Planning
Commission approval of the zone change wi�h all 7 findings of fact
proposed by the Planning �ommissian to be adopted. The motion
As there was no further busir�ess to corme before the Board the
session was adjourned until April 27,1998.
Clerk of the Board