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Week of A,pri1 �13,�! 998
The +Grant Caunty Gommissioners session was ca1{ed ta c�rder at
9,00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Ailison. Commissioner Snead was ir�
attendance w�ih the �lerk of the Board. Commissioner Fancher was
attending meetings �n Western �Vashi�gtan.
The Commissioners read and approved the rninutes of the
preceding sessi�n as written.
The C�mrrsissioners approved the salary af Eth�! Dult of ihe
District caurt at 'ii�ti percen# of a� Deputy Clerk Two Le�rei A.
The Cammissioners approved the star�ing salary af Rachei E.
�ranson of the Ass�ssars t�i�ce at 8� per�ent of Data Entry it Deputy.
The Car�nmissioners approved the siar�Eing salary of Pamela A.
Kursave of the Cl�rks Office at 84 percent of a Deput� C1erk 1, e�ff'ective
April 6,1998.
The Commissior�ers approved the request by Robert Schiffner tc�
carry over one day of annuat leave fram �1997,
Th� �ar�nmissioners approved the saiary of Me['rssa Sieplhensan
as a par�t iime �lerk in the District Cour� �Jffice at $6,00 per hour.
Th� �ommissioners appraved the saiary of Noemi Garcia
Am�zcua mf the Grant Caunty PARC a� 90 percent of bas� saiary
effective April ZQ,1 g�8.
The Commissioners approved the �equest by ih� Assessor's
t�ffice fc�r �he purchase of compuier equipment in the amoun� of
$10,�10 plus tax and shi�ping.
The Commissioners were na�ifiecl that C3ann Harris c�f the Clerk's
�}ffice had withdrawn Ihis request €or leave without pay an April 93 and
The �c�mmissioners approved the reques# by the Juvenile
Probation Department for a budge� extension in the amount of $30,t3t�t}
�ta cc�ver the retainage arnount on the constru�tic�n project.
The Cammrssianers appraved the request by the Tourism
Commass�c�ner for authorization io �x�cute an agreement with
lnterspace Airport Advertising fo� a wati�mounted tourism inft�rmation
disp[ay and brochure rack at the ne�v terminai building at the Gran#
GAunty Internationat Airpor�.
A ra�otion was ma�le by Cca�n�nissioner Snead, secanded by
Commiss�oner Aiiison ihat Resoiution Number 98-39-CC setting a
public hearing �or Aprii 28,1998 at 1:00 p,m. retating to the fac�s
requiring an a�ppropriation and expendi�ure of funds far the Law and
Justic� Fund #12�1, Depar�meni #'1�3 in the arnount af $30,000 be
passed. The mation carri�d.
a motion was made by Camr�issioner Snead, secvnded by
�amr�issioner Allisan that Resaiuiie�n Number 98-40-CC seiting a
pu�lic hearin� for April 28,'l998 �i �1:00 p.m. re[ating to the facts
requiring an appropriativn and exper�diture c�f funds fc�r the Ju�enile
Facilities Cvnstructivn Fund #3�2, Depariment #001 ir� the amount c+f
$3�,��� be passed. The mvtiesn carried,
The Commissivners signed a�I�tice of Pub[�c Heari�g fc�r Apri�
28,7998 ai 1:a0 p.m. regarding �he rea�uest for a supp[emerr#a1 budge�
far the Ju�renile Depar�ment #1�7, Gurrent Expense Fund #��'� frc�m
unanticipated state/fed�ral funds in the arnouni of $7,O�Q.
The Gomrrnissioners held a Public Hearing and a moiio� was made
by Cc�mmissioner Snead, sec+�nded by G�mmissioner Allison that
Resvlutic�n Number 9�-4�-CC auth€�rizing an appropriatian �nd
expenditure raf #unds in the Staie Drug Se'rzures Fund #109, Department
#151 in the amount of $3,250 be passed. The motion carr�ed.
The Gammissianers set a Public ll�eeting for Htlay 4,1998 at 2:3�
p.m. on the Zone Change requesi fram Agriculture to Generai
Commerciai on a 7.05 acre parcei requested by Farid Aliayar, an Tax
parcels #�1-'112G-��0 and 3°{-�1�2fi-001, described as Lc�t 4�fthe Franz
Shori Ptat, located in a portiQn �af th+e Seuth Ha[�' af the Nor�hwest
Quar�er of �ection 32, Township 19 Nc�rth, Range 29 Easi,1�`,M.
As th�re was no fu�iher busir�ess ie� cvme befare the Board ih�
sessican was Gc►ntinued uniil April �4,°I998.
Apri[ '�4,'1998
The sessivn was continue�i at 9:00 a.r�. Wl'��"t CC?lfiliiSSiOCIE.'1'
Allisan and Commissir�ner Snead in �i�endance �rvith the Cler� of the
Board. �ommissioner Fanch�r� was +�ut of ivwn.
The Com�nissioners met vvith tne Public VVorks Directcar regardling
�ontract Execuiion-Accouniing Software, RAP Agreement-Cour�ty Road
'7' �IW, Cat�ieguards, Gost Share Prajects, a►nd Persannel.
The C�mmissia►ners �igned �he Ptablic 11�vrks Claims Furtd
VQu�her apprc►�ral #3-1 ihraugh #3-214 in the t�fal amount of
Ghairman Aitison was au�hvrized io sign the A��ountin�� Software
G+�ntract w�th Gas�ade Software Syst�ms,[nc.
The Cvmmissioners approved the saiaries for Eleciions
Departmen� Employees based on the new[y eva[uat�d positicrn af
�er�6fi�d Ef�c#ic�� Actministrator.
The Carnrnissivners s�gned approvai of the Fiequ�st fvr Transfer
vf Funds in the Grant Cc�unfiy �heriffs C3ffice I?epariment #�t��, Fund
#OQ'1 in the amaunt t�f $2,04�.
As vf ihis daie �he Board by a majari�y vote does �pprove for
paym+ent thc�se vouchers inclucied in tne i�st filed in the Auditors C}ffice
4113i98 in �the tatal amc��ant of $i22,023.32.
As there was r�t� furth�r bus�ness io come before the Bo�rd the
session v�ras adjourned unt�i �prji 20,'t�98.
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