HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-028-CC: ��! . . • 1 ".! # ' ii� � ; .�� . �. s , RESOLUTION NUMBER. 98-28-CC A RESOL�7TIQN rela,ting �o tY�e facts rec�uiring an apprc�p�iation and expen�iiture a� ��.nds for the �ollo�ing department/fu�d: �r,�-�rtyg �Pi �„res Fund ��1Q9, De�az'tment ��'151 � togethe�°�vith a budget therefor; declaring an emergency; and ' setting a public hear�ng date; a1i pursu�.�at ta RCW 36.40.14Q. i�HEREAS, �t has been bxought to the �.ttention a� the }3oard o�' Count� �otnmiss�oners o� Grant County that an apprapriation ax�d exp�ndi�tz�� a� funds shauld be authorized fcar the above- mentianed department/�uncl, toge�her a�i.th a bu�ige� there�or, in the estimat�d aanount .o� $ � �� ; and i WI3EFiEAS, expenditure o� �uch funds was not included in the current budget of Grant County, howeve�°, e�nergent conditions �czw require tha� s�zch �unds be expended; and ' I�HEHEAS, it app�ars that �.z� emergency exists and that t�e ea�p�nditus�e of such funds could no� have beea� reasc�nab3y #'ore�een at the time of making said c�unty budg€��t; N0�1, TFiEREF(JRE, BE IT RESOLVED B� THE BOARD OF COUNTY CC7M- , ����SIt3P�ERS OF GRANT CO�TNTY, STATE CiF W�SHINGTON, that the afore= me�tioned iacts �on�titute an emergency and that an appropriation and expe�diture o� f�znds shou�d be authc�rized for the �ollowing dep�.rtme2lt / �ttilti : ,� �ate Drug. Seizures �'und ��109 ,Department ��151 , tog�ther with a budget ther��'or, BE IT FURTA�R RESOLVED tha� noiice of a public hea.ring upon such expenditure shail be given, said hearing to be held an l�Qril 13,i998 in the Gra�t County CognmissionersT O��ace, Grant County Ct�ur-thouse, �ph�cata� Washingtcan, at ��� hour of 1-30 p.m. DOtvF iEttS 24�t�? DAY QF March _ 14 9$ � _ A�Esr: ',.�,l, f �� � � � oi th� �d / R-2 � :.... . .. . ........ .x _.e... �... Chniranan 3, — � � � � Com�erissioner ___. � ' cQ���sSea�.p �o��f¢�raiing t�se ��rd o$ Caaae�t�r �or�missaoners t�$ Gr�rst 4:cavn�yy. Wa�hBa��fcsr�