HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCG4�IiMIS�IC)�tERS' PR�}CEEDlNG�
1�eek of March 23,1998
The Grant Cc�unty Commission��s sess�an was calted io €�rder at
9:�0 a.m. by Chairman LeR�y A1lisan. A11 c�f the Commissionsers were
in attendanc� with �ihe Cie�k of f�h� �vard.
The �amm�'rssioners read a�d approved the ra�inutes �� the
preceding sessicrn as wr�tten.
Th� Commissioners apprv�ed the s�►lary �ncrease of Tc�m Jc�nes
of the Sheriffs Offce to $2,9fi4 per mvnth effective February 1,1998.
The Com�missicaners rece�ved a Ciaim for Dam�ges from Michael
T, Var� Dyke, The mafii�r was r�ferred to the Prose+cuiie�g Attorney for
ihe Cc►mmissianers received a Summons and Co�npiaint frcam
Rafael Espinoza. The matter was referred io the Prosecuting �lttorney
�or handling.
ihe Comr�issioners rece�w�d a Naiice ��f Deiivery r�f �fater�als,
Suppiie� or prt�vis�ons from Airef�t�,[nc. �o be used in connection �nriih
�ran� Cou�aty Justice Center.
The Cornmissio�ers s�g�ed � Contra+ct #or �erv�ce� w�th
S,C,Cc�mmun�catians for ct�mmuni�atEc�ns and pubtic inf�r�nativn wror�k.
�► mc�tion was nraade by Commissivner Fancl�er, seconded by
Co�rtmissioner Snead that Fiesc�lutis�n Number 98-28-C� seit6ng a Public
Hearing �'or April 13,'1�98 a� �:30 p.m. rela�ing to the facis requirin� an
appropriation and expenditur�e of �ur�ds fQr the Sta�e f�rug Seizures
�und #1�9, Departrrieni #'[�1 in the amvunt ofi $�i�50. The rr�oiion
The Cc�mmis�ioners held a Pubtic Hearing regarding the ext�nsian
of the previously adapted 1n�erim Zoning Qrdinan�e for Grant County
as requir�d by ihe Growth 141tlan�gement Hearings �oard, which
mandates ihe Couniy ia cantrol sprawt. After hearing from public in
afi�endance a motimn was made by Cc�mm�ssic�ner Fancher, seccanded
by Ct�mmissi4ner Snead tc� adopt �tesolution Nu�ber 9�-29-�C
extending �he inte�°�r� zvning ordinance, The motivn carried.
The +�o�nmissic�ners held a Pub1�c Nle�ting regarding tnferim
Zoning Cvntrol �n the Ag. Zone. � rnotion was �nade by Commissioner
Fancher, seconded by Gommissior�er Snead io con�inue the Hearing to
March 24 a� '� ;�� p.m, The mQtion carried.
As there was no #urther business ta come be�ore ihe Bvard the
sessian v�as ce�n�inued untii N�arch 24,°�998.
March 24,'1998
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with a!1 of the
Commissioners in attendance with th� Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners metwith the Public Works Director regarding
Contract Execution-Fuel Purchases, �RP Resolu�ion= 7.8' NE &'V' NE,
Transmission Poles=10' NE, Port of Ephrata/Jail, Pinto Ridge,
McAndrews Ave.
The Commissioners signed a Contract with Mike M. Johnson,lnc.
for Bridge #'153, Turkey Rd.
The Commissioners signed a Gontractwith Cenex Supply for 1998
Fuel purcfaases.
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Corrimiss�oner Snead that Resolution Number 98-30-CC in the matter
of initiating County Road Project No. 98-7 on 'V' NE be passed. The
motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-31-CC in the rnatter
of initiating County Road Project No. 97-6 on '7.8' N.E. Road be passed.
The motion carried.
The Commissioners approved the request by the County Clerk to
allow Sharon M.H. Shibata to be placed on 'Leave without pay".
The Commissioners were notified that Pam J. Harris of the Clerks
Office resigned her position as a Deputy Clerk 11 effective March
The Commissioners approved the request by ihe C�uni� Clerk to
allow Donn Harris leave without pay on April 73 and 14.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for
payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office
3/23/98 in the total amount of $545,525.77.
The Comrr�issioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds
in the Long Range Planning Department#135, Fund #001 in the amount
of $200.00.
The Cammissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds
in the Long Range Planning Departme�t#135, Fund #001 in the amount
of $10,000.
The Commissioners approved the request by Barbara J. Smith of
the Clerks Office for leave without pay on March 26.
The c�ntinuatior� of a�'ublic Meeting on adapting interim aff��iat
cvntrols in the Ag. zc�ne was heid. A mc�tion was made by
Commissioner Fancher, seccanded by Commissioner Sne�d tt�at
Resolution Number 98-32-CC adflpting interim officia� contr4ls �n the
Agriculfurai Zone be passed. The motian carried.
The Commissioners appraved the Request for Transfer o€ Funds
in the Cooperat�ve Extension Depar�tment in �he arraouni of $90�.
As there was no fu�ther busine�s to com� before the Board the
sessian was ad�flurned until March 30,1998.
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Cterk fherBo � Chairrn �
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