HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-025-CCBCJARd aF C{JUNTY CUMMISSIQNERS Grant Ccsunty, V�1`ashi�tgtor� A Res�c�Iution adopt�ng Gl�A Wark PtanlGritical Paih sche�ute, expressing a� in#ent iv apprc�ve Supp[�men�al budget to cc�mpi�te �lements 4f RESt3�UTl�}N NQ. �8- 2� -CC apprvved GMA work plan and designating review and consideraiion of additionat interim rr�easures BE [T iRESC}LVED Bl� THE Bt�ARD CiF CQMM[SSI{7NERS O� G�ANT COUNTY, dt�ASH[NGTG►N, as follo�vs: VItHEREAS, Grant Ccrunty ("the Co�nty'=} is mandat�d #o pian under th� �r�wth Management Aci („G�lA"); and WHEREAS, on ar about Sepi�mber �,�t991, the �ounty and ail citEes within t�rant Caunty formed t�e Granf Gounty Planned Growth Cammifitee {.•GCPGC"}, through which ait members agreed �c� wcrrk #a adopt Caur�ty-VYid� Planning Pc�i�cies ("CWRP�"} as required by the GMAa and UtIHEREAS, the CW'PPs far Grant Caunty were adopted on May 6,1953, requiring �he c�ties and the CQunty to �ak� certait� steps ica imptemert� th+� GMA inciuding adc�ptit�n of [nterim Urb�n �r�wth Area� ("IUGAs'r� and prep�ra#i�� artd �dapiian of comprehensiv� pians and impler�ent�ng dev��opmeni reguiations; and '4tVHEREAS, Grant County is a party in #he case af Ep�rata et al vs Grani Ce�UntV, Eastern �ashingt�rn GrowiF� Managemeni Nearings Board, Case Nii. 96-9- U�U8; and VttHEREAS, ihe Baa�ci of Gc�unty Comm�ss�vners having adoptec� Resoiut�vn Na. 96-1t�8-CC, on August 6,�996� approving Gran# Ccrunty's pian fc�r c4ntinued cvmpiiance with the Growth Managemer�t Act; and WNEREAS, the Easter°r� Washingtvn Growth Nfanagem�nt Hearing� Board ir� �ase No. 3S-�i-0008 having entered � Final C�ecis�on and flrderda#�d September23, 'C996, adopting tFte County's pla� fc�r cc�ntir�ued compi�anc� with ti�e Grov�rth 1Nac�agement Act, and approving Lle�ember 31,1997 as the date for adop�ion af the County's �€�mprehensive Pt�n; arad WHEREAS, that for unfores�en circumstances the Caunty has n+�t advpted i#s C�mprehensive P[an by C?ecember 3�1, 1897; and 1tUHEREAS, �he Easterrt Washington Grawth Iltla�agement Nearirtgs Board in Case No. 96-1t}C�t)8, having furth�r granied the County"s i�otion to Amend its Eir�ai E}ecision aa�d tJrder ta esiabiish a new date for �dopt�an of the County's Grawth Management Act Ct�mprehensive Pian, artd itV`HEREAS, the Baard of Cc�u�ty Cs�mrni�sit�ners having b�en pr�sen�ed by its Department af Long-Range Pianni�g with a G�lA work plan, criticai p�i� schedule, �nd prop4sed budget �a comple#e prepar�tion of the Coun#y`s GMA Comprehensive Plan; and WHERE/�S, ihe Baard of Couniy Gommissinners having determin�d �that the preposed GlU1A wark plan, criticai path sch�duie, and budget recvmmended by the Department of Lor�g-Range Rlanrting presea�ts a r�asonabie methed and strate9Y fo cornpte�e preparaiio� ofthe Goun#y's GMA Co�aprehensive Plan fvra reasonabie expenditure af publicfunds with�n a reasonable amount af iime taking int� accouni the financial resaurces of Grani Ca�anty, including the present staffing rsi th� Department of Long-Range Planning, and the s��ffing realities o� o#her involved �oun#y departments, and �HEREAS, ihe GI�iA work plan, criiic�l pa�h scheduie and proposed budget presented by th� aepartmeni �f Lang-Rar�ge PIannang contains adequat� assurances for appropriate public participativra i�t ihe GMA planning process; and WHEREAS, the Board of Co�nty �ommissioners having d�termined �hat ihe Department o# long-Range Plac�ning does not have su�cien� staff and resources, and additi�nai s#aff ar�d resources cann�t b� retair�ed withir� a reasanabie amoun� of t6me to meet the directtves of the GMA for cvmpt��ion of the Couniy's Comprehensive Plan, as weIl as ihe directives and arders of the Easte�-n 1Nashington Grov+rth Management Hearir�gs �oard in case Nv, 96-4-O�Q8; an�t WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners having deiermined thai preparation of ihe Gounty's Grcawih Mianageme��,Act Comprehensive Rlan �-equires staffing r�quirements beyand ihc�se ava'rtabie in #he Department of Long-Range Pianning, or within other Cour�ty depar�ments, such that it is necessary to re#ain �sutsid� p�a��essional co�sultar�is to help prepare the GMA Compcehensive Piar�, NU1�, THEREFaDRE, BE tT RESC?I.VEQ as follows: 7'he Board of Go�unty Cora�m6ssianers hereby acivpts �he ann�xec� GNtA work pian and criti�at path schedule propos�d by the Departmen� of Long-Range Piar�ning to complete prepara#ion �€tl�e Guunty's GMA C€�mprehens�v� Pian with�n the es�imated �ime p�riods coniained therein. The Board afi County Commissioners hereby reass�tts i�s cammitment and intenfiion to continue to meet ihe inter�t 8f Resafution No. 9&-108-CC, en�i�te�i "A Resolut�an AdQpting Grant Counfiy's Pian ior �ontinuect Compliance with the Growth M�nagement Act... The B�ard of Coun�Ey Gommissioners expr�sses its ini�ni �o fund by b�adget �mendment, adop#��n of a specia! t�udget ar by �ther appropr�ate budget resc�lutions, the necessary cvst of reta�ning outside consultants to help prepare the GQunty's GMA Cc�mpref�ensive Plan genera[iy in the amounts specified in the recomrnended budgst annexed hereto cor�#ained ir� and made part of the Departrnent of Lang-Range P�anning's recommended GtU6A work ptar� at�d cri�icai path schedule and praposed budget. The Board of �aunty Commissior�ers again asserts mts cvmmitrrierat to; (9} Meet the r�quirernents of the Growth Managemerat Act; {Zj To prepare the County`s Comprehensive Plan �n a caaperativ� fast�Eon w�th a!i interested citizens, inierest groups, anc� affe�ied �ities; understanding ihat the leg��lative dec�saon as io an apprvpriate Compreh�nsive Plan re�nains tha# of the Board vf Gounty Cor�missioners, {3} #o ensure fhat �h� publi� par�icipatiun mandates and requ�rements of the GMA are hor�or�d; and �4} #o pr�pare and adopt a comprehensive plara that reflects lo�al �ircums#ances, is ftexib6+e, fos#ers economic development, promiates a variety a# rural uses and housing densriies, protects priva�e proper�y rights, and tFtat meets the unique needs of grant Gounty, arr�ang oiher gaa�s and vbject�ves. The Board of County Commiss�oners wiil review and consider each o� the foliowir�g st�ps; a. UV��hin three (3j months of acloption 4f this Resolutivn ir�terim developmer�i regutaiians for porEic�ns of �UGAs located outside of munic�pai !"r�nits; b. Within months of adoption of this Resolution interim zoning designations for the Agricultural District; c. Within rnonths of adoption of this Resolution preparatior� and adoption of a compleie redraft of the zoning code with new performance-based devefopment standards. d. Within three {3) months of adoption of this Resolution adoption of a moratorium on rezonesforresidential purposesv�ithin theAgricultural District ur�til adopiion of interim zoning for the Agricultural District, with exception for siting essential publicfacilities (RCW 36.70A.2Q0}, newfc�lly contained communities (RCW 36.70A.350), master planned communities (RCW 36.70A.360), major industrial developments (RCW 36.70A.360), vested projects, expansion of existing projects, infill situations, and siting of legitimate agricultural or other natural resource based commercial/indusirial uses within the Agricultural District as allowed by the 1997 GMA amendments, S.B.6094. Adopted this 17,day of March, 1998. BOARD OF COUNTY COMNiISSIONERS ATTEST: GRANT COU(VTi(, VVASHtNGTON � - ��, \ Cler the Boa Chairman r ��-���.� �-�_ �� , - � � � �-� �. E